What Happens If Mission Timer Runs Out in Helldivers 2?

Don't let that timer tick away too long.

Screenshot by Prima Games

If you’re running short on time, it could be do-or-die in Helldivers 2 with its hardcore difficulty and super Patriotic themes. Each mission gives you 40 minutes to explore a planet, but what happens if that timer hits zero?

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Helldivers 2: What Happens When Mission Timer Runs Out?

Video by Prima Games

As you can see from the video above, if the timer reaches zero in Helldivers 2, things will push on as intended. However, the game will enter Expert mode, as you’ll no longer have access to your Stratagems or Reinforcements — you’ll also immediately have the Extraction Shuttle called in without any sort of prompt. You’ll need to fight your way to survival and wait for the Extraction Shuttle to drop so you can finally leave the wasteland that you’ve found yourself on — just make sure that you get out of its way before it lands.

If you die after depleting the timer in Helldivers 2, it’s game over no matter if you’re playing by yourself or with your friends. You can’t revive someone in the game, as you’ll need a Reinforcement Stratagem to bring back your fallen comrades who have met their untimely end. When the timer reaches 0, it’s everyone for themselves. Just make sure you don’t accidentally kill your Squadmates, since Helldivers 2 has non-toggleable Friendly Fire at all times. It would just be awful to accidentally headshot your teammate at the last second.

With that said, Helldivers 2 is very generous with its timer. You should have ample time to complete your mission and reach the extraction point. You’ll only ever brush up against the last few seconds of the timer if you’re running around the entirety of the map looking for optional secondary objectives and outposts. So unless you want the thrill of extreme difficulty, we recommend you don’t lollygag too long, and make it back to the extraction point before that timer hits zero.

No matter if you’re playing with friends on both PlayStation and Steam, there is plenty of excitement with Helldivers 2. If you’re hoping to explore some interesting planets while searching for Samples that can upgrade your ship and gear, or you just want to blast through hordes of nasty critters, this could be the perfect multiplayer game for you — just prepare for some hectic firefights and hilarious deaths.

Check out our section below to learn more about the game, and find out if you can customize your Helldiver to make them as unique as you’d like.

About the Author

Shaun Cichacki

As a fan of RPGs, Action & Retro titles, Shaun has been gaming since he was a young boy. With an overwhelming obsession involving Metal Gear Solid and Pizza Tower, you know you're in for a wild ride when it comes to things he's writing about.