What Does Error LE-65 Mean in Last Epoch – Answered

Another error hits Last Epoch.

Last Epoch Acolyte Artwork
Screenshot by Prima Games

It truly is the eleventh hour for Eleventh Hour Games after continuous server issues plague the Last Epoch’s launch. It is unfortunately common for a game to have problems as it gets its footing post-launch, but Last Epoch has had more than its fair share, with LE-65 being the latest.

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Last Epoch Server Issue LE-65 Explained

Eleventh Hour Games have continued to implement fixes in an attempt to have Last Epoch run smoothly, but none have been successful thus far. The latest, the queue system, has led players to be stuck in non-moving queues of over 60,000 players, and now players are impacted by the LE-65 error.

The LE-65 error in Last Epoch means that the connection to the game server failed. When you receive this error code, you will get a message that says “Failed to connect to game server”. This error can appear any time from when you first attempt to log in, to when you load the game. So, unfortunately, you are not safe even if you manage to log in.

The LE-65 error doesn’t seem exclusive to any particular region, as players worldwide have reportedly been plagued by the error. There is now a designated post on the Last Epoch Subreddit where players can go to discuss the server issues that they are having, as a way to try to mitigate the flood of people posting about the topic.

byu/Kleeb from discussion

How to Fix Error LE-65 in Last Epoch

Truly, the only people who can fix this error are the developers themselves, but some ways can potentially give you some temporary relief from the stress of server issues. Of course, none of these will work if the Last Epoch servers are down, so it is a good idea to check that first.

Check the Status of Last Epoch’s Servers

Before anything else, you should check that Eleventh Hour Games haven’t taken the servers down and they are up and running. If they have taken any such action, they will communicate it with the player base via their social media channels, such as the Last Epoch X (Twitter) account and Discord.

Play Last Epoch Offline

It isn’t truly a solution to playing online, but if you wish to play the game despite the server issues, it is a good idea to skip the online aspect altogether. It hopefully will not be long until the developers get a handle on their issues server side, and playing online will be a smooth experience. The only downside is you won’t be able to play your offline character online at a later date.

Change Your In-Game Region

Another option if you are having issues is to change the region your game is set to. Changing the region and then closing the game to set the new region as your default has allowed people to bypass server issues in the past, such as the issue with the queues

If none of the above work, you can always give it the old-fashioned hard reboot, but most likely the issue isn’t anything that you can control at all, and you will have to wait for Eleventh Hour Games to fix their ongoing server issues that have plagued the game since the 1.0 launch. 

About the Author

Priscilla Wells

Priscilla is both the weekend editor and a freelance writer at Prima Games. She began working at Prima Games in early 2023. Prior to this, she spent nine years writing for both her own personal gaming blog, and other related websites. Priscilla has grown up playing video games, and most often plays her PS5 and Nintendo Switch consoles. You can find her playing Final Fantasy XIV, RuneScape, Pokemon GO, or lost in the latest RPG to release. She is an Australian living in the United States with her American husband, three children, and her Basset Hound. Before moving to the United States, Priscilla obtained a Bachelors of Secondary Education majoring in English and Japanese Language. This allowed her to teach English and Japanese in a high school setting. You can follow her on Twitter/X at @Cilllah