How to Get the Legendary Hand Cannon Rose in Destiny 2 – Answered

This Rose has thorns. Bullet thorns.

Season of The Seraph has taken flight in Destiny 2, finally putting the lackluster Season of Plunder to rest. In celebration, Bungie has returned a familiar gun to the game: Rose, a legendary hand cannon that once belonged to the fabled Guardian Rezyl, a Guardian who fell to darkness. Rose was obtainable in the Season of Opulence, all the way back in 2019, and hasn’t been seen since.

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How to Get the Legendary Hand Cannon Rose in Destiny 2 – Answered

Fortunately, Rose may finally get its chance to bloom again. Destiny 2 has added Competitive Division to its Crucible, which is a ranked game mode that will allow players to vie for supremacy against similarly skilled players. In an effort to keep guardians revising competitive weekly, Bungie has introduced weekly participation rewards.

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Rose is the first of these participation rewards guardians can expect to obtain. To do so, you’ll need to head to the Tower and visit Shaxx. Shaxx will give you the quest Dividing the Ladder, which prompts you to complete all 7 placement matches in Competitive Division. Once you’ve completed all seven placement matches, you’ll obtain Rose, with a random roll and a perk list that reflects what Rose originally had in the Season of Opulence. You can do this quest once per character, giving you three chances to obtain a Rose roll you like.

But don’t worry if you can’t grind out those placement matches this week. Once you’ve completed the Dividing the Ladder quest, there will be Competitive Division challenges that will give you the opportunity to grind out more Rose rolls, with this challenge being open to all three of your characters. This will give you plenty of time to grab a Rose of your own. Perhaps even a bouquet of them.

Will Rose replace some of the more meta guns in Competitive Divisions? Time will tell. But it’s nice to get new content.

About the Author

Daphne Fama

A Staff Writer at Prima Games since 2022, Daphne Fama spends an inordinate amount playing games of all stripes but has a soft spot for horror, FPS, and RPGs. When she’s not gaming, she’s an author and member of the Horror Writers Association with a debut novel coming out in 2025. In a previous life, she was an attorney but found she preferred fiction to contracts and forms