How to Get Out of Jail for Free in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Be a free man once again

Dragon's Dogma 2 Escape Jail for Free Featured

Whenever you’re caught doing something slightly illegal such as trespassing, you’ll be sent to jail in Dragon’s Dogma 2. If you happen to find yourself here, you have a few options to make for your swift escape when no one’s looking.

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How to Flee From Jail for Free in Dragon’s Dogma 2

When you’re thrown in jail, you lose access to every item you have. They will be automatically returned to you later, so don’t worry about them. Focus on escaping first. If you speak with the guards, you can bribe them by giving half of your current money, but we don’t want that. The thrill of being an escapee is cooler, so here’s how to get a taste of it.

Finding a Key in a Jar

The huge jar stands out inside your tiny prison cell. Break it while the guards aren’t nearby, and you may have a chance to find the key to your cell! How did it get there? No idea, but I’ll take it. With the key in your hands, you can open your cell and escape while no one’s looking.

Guards will constantly patrol the prison area, so you gotta make sure they’re on a break before attempting to break free, or you’ll be handled back to your cell once again, making all of your effort for naught. It can take a while until the guards go off-duty, so be patient.

Avoid breaking the jars when the guards are looking or they’ll scold you for that and remain ever more vigilant. If they’re on the opposite side of your cell, it should be safe to start breaking the pots.

Breaking the Walls Around You

If you notice some weaker walls in your cell, you can punch them down just as you can do with jars. Just as with the jars, you shouldn’t try to break them while the guards are watching. But once they turn their eyes, start punching these weaker walls until you can make new ways for yourself.

The walls can be positioned directly behind your cell, and you can make a run for your freedom throughout the hidden passages. There may be small enemies such as bats that can be knocked out with a few punches, but since you’re completely weakened, be careful not to faint against them.

Walls may open the way for another cell altogether instead of releasing you. These other cells may contain jars (which have a chance of giving you a key, of course) and even more breakable walls that may lead to an actual exit. In summary, your way out is to punch everything fragile until you’re free.

Using a Pre-owned Key

While this is technically not for free, it does come in handy when everything else fails. If you happen to obtain a Makeshift Gaol Key from vendors (they can randomly have a few of them in their inventory) or buy one of them through the game’s MTX, you can use it to immediately escape your cell as it isn’t removed from your inventory when you’re locked.

They work in a similar to the keys you can find hidden in jars, so you still need to sneak your way out, though. This method is probably the simplest but still requires having the luck to find the keys beforehand (or open up your wallet for it).

Regardless of the method used, your items will be immediately restored as soon as you escape, so grab something to eat (as you’re probably in bad shape from being caught), equip your gear back, and meet your pawns to continue your Arisen journey.

About the Author

Patrick Souza

Patrick has been working for Prima since 2022 and joined as a Staff Writer in 2023. He's been interested in gaming journalism since college, and that was the path he took once he had his degree in hands. Diligently ignores his ever-growing backlog to keep raiding in Final Fantasy XIV, exploring in Genshin Impact or replaying some of his favorite RPGs from time to time. Loves tackling hard challenges in games, but his cats are still the hardest bosses he could ask for.