How to Beat Offense Moon in Lethal Company

Well, this Moon is indeed Offense-oriented.

How to Beat Offense Moon Lethal Company
Screenshot by Prima Games

Offense is the first intermediate-difficulty Moon in Lethal Company, after the first three (introductory) moons to land on. Things get slightly problematic here, so here’s how you can beat the Offense Moon in Lethal Company. Get ready for some violence and fear.

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How to Get Into Facility on Offense Moon in Lethal Company

When you land on Offense, you may feel that you are actually on Assurance. This is because Offense was once merged with Assurance. Despite Offense being quite a big Moon, the navigation is rather simple. But mind the clock because it will take longer to return to your ship than on some other maps.

How to Reach Main Facility Entrance on Offense Moon in Lethal Company

Reaching the Main Facility is quite easy. Walk out of the ship, turn 180 degrees, go past the ship, and turn right. From there, keep left (hug the mountains), and quickly enough, you will run into a scaffolding. Go between the mountain and the scaffolding, climb up (under that makeshift bridge you will see), and you will see the ladders and the main door. Screenshots are below for clarification.

How to Reach Fire Exit Entrance on Offense Moon in Lethal Company

Reaching the Fire Exit from the ground is difficult, even if you have the extension ladder. Your best chance is to jump out of the ship as it’s landing and land on the pipe above the ship. Practice it alone a few times. It’s not difficult; just make sure you exit the ship door as soon as it opens and gently jump on the rail to gain a few more inches. You won’t take any fall damage if you time it right. Then, go forward and climb on the water tower. The Fire Exit is right behind it.

Make sure not to forget loot outside the Fire Exit, because once you jump off, you’ll probably not be able to get back anymore.

How to Survive Offense Moon in Lethal Company

Offense is, as mentioned above, of Intermediate difficulty, and the challenge is significantly bigger than in the first three moons.

The Outside

The Outside looks roughly the same as Assurance but with a different pathing toward the Facility. You will encounter the following enemies when the night falls (or the Moon is Eclipsed):

  • Eyeless Dogs (about 50%)
  • Baboon Hawks (about 30%)
  • Earth Leviathan (about 20%)
  • Forest Keeper (about 5%)

The Inside

The Inside is mostly the same as in the first three Moons, but I’d say that there are more landmines than usual, from what I’ve gathered.

I will sort the monsters within the Facility in descending order of their chances of appearance. You will notice that it’s mostly the same as in the other Moons but with different chances.

  • Thumper (about 1 in 4 chance (~25%))
  • Bunker Spider (about 1 in 5 chance (~20%))
  • Hygrodere (about 15%)
  • Snare Flea (about 13%)
  • Coil-Head (about 12%)
  • Hoarding Bug (less than 10%)
  • Spore Lizards (less than 5%)
  • Bracken (less than 2%)
  • Nutcracker (less than 1%)

Strategy for Offense Moon in Lethal Company

I can’t suggest anything out of the ordinary to you. Communicate and cooperate with your crewmates, have flashlights and other cool gadgets, grab your loot as fast as possible, and run. The knowledge about the enemies you will face should be of greater help than anything I would put in here.

If you stumble upon a Gift Box in Lethal Company, here’s what you can do with it.

About the Author

Nikola L

Nikola has been a Staff Writer at Prima Games since May 2022. He has been gaming since being able to hold an Amiga 500 joystick on his own, back in the early 90s (when gaming was really good!). Nikola has helped organize dozens of gaming events and tournaments and has been professionally attached to gaming since 2009.