Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition Hinted At On PS4 and Xbox One

Square Enix doesn't have anything to reveal yet, but will very soon.

Tomb Raider was such a big game this year for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, bringing Lara Croft back into the spotlight in the best way possible. However, it appears that her journey may not be over just yet.

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Over the week, it was discovered this week that Amazon Italy listed a Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition for Xbox One and PlayStation 4, indicating Lara’s early shift to next-generation. After several sites reported it, a Square Enix responded to one of the sites, DualShockers, with a small confirmation.

“It’s so hard to keep a secret these days! We appreciate all of the enthusiasm, however we don’t have any details to share just yet,” said the representative. “That said, we highly recommend you keep an eye on any major gaming events happening in early December.”

By the way, the only one happening at that time is the Spike VGX Awards, airing December 7th. Could an announcement be in the works? We’ll have more details when it happens.

In the meantime, check out the original Tomb Raider now. It’s a fantastic game.

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