The Evil Within Chapter 11: Reunion – Ruvik Boss Fight, Kidman, Joseph

Learn how to take Ruvik out the quick and easy way, then get back to Kidman and Joseph.

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When the chapter begins, players will want to head outside and start making their way in the only direction they can, passing a merry-go-round and heading further down the street. Make your way into a hole in the wall next to an open sign, then rummage through the nearby rooms until you discover the Magnum.

Continue onward until you come to an area with a batch of chain link fences and some creatures lurking about nearby. You need to make your way to the opposite side of where you entered, encountering a door that happens to be locked. This will trigger a shot cut scene, releasing several more foes and giving you the location of the Old-Fashioned Key. Fight your way over there to grab it, then make your way back and unlock the door.

Tip: If you have enough laying around, use the Flash Bolt to stun your enemies, then approach them and finish the job with a very cool looking melee kill.

Keep the forward motion until you reach a pipe that overlooks some water. You’ll see some dead bodies hanging above, and those will be what you use as bait to distract the creature that’s swimming about. Shoot the bodies with your Handgun to knock them down, then jump in and swim to safety before you end up becoming some mutant fish’s meal.

Assuming you made it out of the water safely, continue on until a cut scene slams the door you want to use shut. You’ll be attacked by several creatures at this point, one of which appears to be Ruvik. Here is where you want to use your Grenades and Explosive Bolts.

Tip: If you’re confronted with several enemies, shoot a Freeze Bolt at their feet, then quickly run up and melee them, or stand back and shoot them. This should destroy them without any trouble. In fact, it even works on Ruvik in the above mentioned (mini) boss fight.

With Ruvik down (but we assume not out), the door will open and Detective Sebastian Castellanos can pass through to the next area. Do so, visiting Nurse Tatiana for a quick save and some upgrading of your abilities and weapons. When you return to the chapter, keep moving along.

As players make their way to the next area, the camera will focus on a construction lift a short distance away. That’s your goal, but of course there are several enemies that stand in your way. First of all, look to your left, then be prepared to kill every last one of the creatures in the cage above. Grenades work well for clusters, but straight up Magnum headshots do well for the loners. When they are all down, step inside the cage yourself and climb the ladder to the next level.

Continue fighting your way through the yard until you go up some stairs and reach a hand crank. Turn it, then use the nearby railings for cover from an onslaught from your foes. Use your Sniper Rifle to kill the one with the machine gun, switching to your Shotgun when any manage to climb up your ladder. With the last of them down, make your way over to the lift and pull the lever.

This is a pretty terrifying ride, but there are some ways that you can make it easier. For starters, shoot the explosive barrels on either side of the trolley, then focus on any jerks who have a Molotov. Switch to your Shotgun for any short range foes, then to your Sniper Rifle or Magnum for those at a distance.

When the ride is over you’ll want to make your way into the nearby office building, working your way through the rooms and gathering up precious loot as you go. After emerging onto some shipping containers, Castellanos will get a look at Kidman, and must now make his way over to save her.

It’s time to jump back into the water to make your way to Julie “Kid” Kidman’s location (played by Jennifer Carpenter). You still have the post apocalyptic version of the Lock Nest Monster lurking about, so shoot the hanging bodies to distract it, then swim from makeshift island to makeshift island. When you finally reach her building, hit the group of creatures trying to get at her with a Grenade or Explosive Bolt. Picking up the stragglers should be no issue.

After a short reunion, Castellanos and Kidman will be attacked, and it’s here that players can take a break and let the AI do all the work. Not only is Kidman a great shot, but she also seems to drop these fools with a single bullet to the head. Why waste your ammunition? Just sit back and let her do some work.

When all of the evil doers are down, make your way along the only available path until you trigger a cut scene. When it ends, move forward and into the warehouse full of mannequins. There is another one of those fish hook monsters roaming around, but you can easily sneak past him and climb the ladder that divides the room.

When you’re on the other side of the room you’ll eventually come to a door that requires the Factory Keycard. You’ll find it along the same wall as the door it’s used to open, just in the opposite corner. Sneak that way, sneak killing any creatures that you come across and snagging the goods. With it in hand, turn the nearby wheel to shut off the gas that’s been filling the warehouse.

From here it should be smooth sailing. Just use the Factory Keycard to open the door, passing through to an area where Castellanos will spot Joseph. Make your way back to your old friend, triggering the chapter ending cut scene that reunites all three of the detectives.

Continue with The Evil Within – Chapter 12 – The Ride.

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