The Evil Within: The Assignment – Chapter 2: Crossing Paths Walkthrough

Find Leslie, confront Joseph and solve all Junction Box puzzles.

Juli Kidman wakes up inside of a nasty room filled with bodies and bones. She doesn’t know where Joseph is, but he’ll have to fend for himself. She needs to search for Leslie.

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When you gain control of Juli, search the room for the three star symbol you grew familiar with in Chapter 1: The Oath. Focus the flashlight beam on it to reveal a crack in the wall. Slide through it and be sure to keep the flashlight on because it’s dark on the other side. 

Walk to the left and watch as a bunch of televisions switch on mysteriously. Listen to the dialogue about Ruben Victoriano. When they switch off, continue in this direction until you hear glass breaking.  Now crouch and duck under the opening on the right. 

Stand up and shine the flashlight on the semi-transparent monster walking away from you. Don’t do anything to it yet. Instead, pick up the axe to the right to learn about Sneak Kills. Creep behind an enemy and press A or X to deliver a one-hit kill. For some odd reason this destroys the axe, making it a one-use weapon, but no matter. Sneak up behind the creature and tap A to make it dead. 

Continue forward and through the open entryway with the red door. Once inside, grab the axe lodged in the wall.  

Turns out there’s a monster in this room. Kill it with the axe or make a stealthy escape out the same door you entered from. 

If the creature sees you, run away! There are two doors leading into and out of that room, and you can basically loop around to throw your pursuer off Juli’s trail. In other words, kill that monster as soon as possible. 

Exit this room for good and look on the opposite side of the hallway for another red door. Push it and walk into the next room. Approach the desk and pick up Entry #239. Listen to the recording.

Leave this room and look at the large metal gate blocking the path. Approach the wheel on the left and rapidly press A or X to turn it, causing the gate to lift. 

Enter and go down the ladder. Shine the light and search for a pipe next to some stairs. Crouch and go into the pipe. A monster will appear at the far end, but it quickly disappears and won’t hurt Juli. 

Drop down into the water and go right until you trigger a dramatic cut scene.

When you gain control, grab the pistol and kill (by our count) 17 monsters, the majority of which explode when they get in range; shoot these creatures before they blow up.

With those enemies destroyed, the primary antagonist will charge towards Juli. Wait until you have a clear shot and blast this creature’s face, aka the beam of light shining from its head. One blast is all it takes to make this adversary flee. 

Once Julie frees herself from the rubble, proceed forward and then turn left. Go into the tunnel and more TVs switch on. Keep moving until you see a ladder, then climb it to discover a red couch and black cat. Time to save!

After saving, look for the grate and press A or X to open it. Go into the air duct and walk straight ahead, then drop down. Round the bend to see Joseph, albeit momentarily. Keep moving until you come to a Junction Box Fuse. Walk over to the panel to the right and place one of the parts on the bottom left, which opens a door. 

Go into the room and down the ladder. Follow the path and search for that familiar three star pattern on a wall. Shine the flashlight to reveal a tunnel with a ladder on the opposite side. Climb the ladder and walk over to the box with the buttons. You must press select buttons to open the box, and the pattern is on the opposite wall in red paint. When the door to the box opens, pick up Letter Scrap 6. Now climb down the ladder, through the tunnel and make a left. Walk to the end of the tunnel and up the next ladder. 

Turn the wheel to open the gate and enter the room. There are some monsters behind a fence, but you appear to be safe for now. 

Proceed through the next door and examine the science experiments contained within each chamber. Should we take bets on whether or not these things are dead? 

Look to the left and you’ll see a small space to crawl into. Do that and you’re in a morgue; note the body drawers. Go around the corner and through the red door. Approach the Junction Box and hit the switch.

From there, go back the way you came into the science lab. Surprise! The test subjects are alive and break out of their holding containers. Exit the lab and begin turning the wheel to open the gate. Run through the door and down the ladder. Hang a left and climb the ladder that leads back to the first Junction Box. Insert the part into the space on the right and a gate will open. 

Go down the ladder and enter this next stretch of tunnel. Turn right and go up the stairs, then head right again. There are several holes on the floor and we didn’t bother walking over those.  Instead we walked on the left side and opened the red door leading to the Junction Box. 

Switch off the box and go back through the red door. If you attempt to leave this area a hooded figure appears and seals off the exit. Now you’re stuck in here with a monster!

Give it the slip by entering the only remaining door in this area, only to discover two more monsters in the next room. Immediately crouch behind cover and use it to your advantage to avoid confrontation.

Approach and then hit the switch to open the grate, slip inside and activate the next switch to close the gate. Turn the wheel to open the door, and run like hell to the next door, avoiding monsters as you go.  

Now drop down and go up the ladder that leads to the original Junction Box puzzle. Insert all three parts to open a heavy looking metal gate. From there, drop down and head in that direction. Once inside, walk up the wooden pallets and push open the door. Walk to the left and drop down to find Joseph. Time to find another way out.

The solution is on a wall, with that familiar three star symbol. Shine the flashlight in its direction to make a door appear. Run down the hallway to discover a red leather couch and a cat. Save your game and put this area behind you.

After saving, walk up the long spiral staircase. At the top is a door on the left, but dont bother going in there yet. Instead, continue walking forward until you see three red stars on the wall. Focus the flashlight beam to discover a door. Open it and you will immediately see this same symbol (in black) on the wall in front of you. In addition, there are three red sculptures in the center of this room. Press the switch on each sculpture, then go to the one on the right (if you are facing the black stars), walk back a few paces and shine the flashlight in its direction. Ideally, the sculpture should completethe bottom star. Focus the flashlight and a secret passage will appear. Go inside and grab Entry #215. 

Go back to the platform near the spiral staircase and go through the door we previously told you to avoid. At the end, push open the next door and watch the cut scene. 

When youre in control of Juli, your current objective is to kill Joseph, who seems possessed. With axe in hand, use cover to your advantage, sneak up behind this guy and perform a melee attack. Should he grab on to you, shake the left analog stick to get him off Juli. Thankfully hes easily fooled, and you should have no trouble hiding despite it being a small room.

Unfortunately one whack with an axe isnt enough. With Joseph dazed, run through two metal doors that open on their own and pick up the axe on top of the small machine, then duck behind cover before Joseph enters this room. Use the three rows of chairs to sneak around, and with Josephs back to Juli, let him have it! 

Immediately run into the adjoining lab and hide near a machine you can interact with. Wait for Joseph to walk by and activate this machine, which will temporarily blind him. 

At this point he whips out his pistol and fires off several rounds, so you want as much distance and cover between you and him. Although he stops shooting, the shooting will resume if he sees you. 

Look for another one of those flashing machines, wait for the best moment and then switch it on to blind Joseph again. There is an axe nearby, so be sure to pick it up. Now its a matter of repeating the same process as before. Creep up behind this guy and deliver the final blow. Now its cut scene time. 

Juli wakes up in a room that looks like nothing youve seen in The Assignment. Although theres no couch to save, youve reached a checkpoint. 

Exit this room and go right to discover a shadow of what seems like a woman in a rocking chair. Get close and the shadow will point, then disappear once you round the corner. In fact, theres no one in the rocking chair. There is, however, Recording #13: Disposition on the chair, so pick that up and read/listen. 

When thats over, go back the way you came and out through the only door that opens. Now Juli is outside. Walk down the stairs on the right and then left to enter what appears to be a plaza. Follow the path left and walk through a hung piece of cloth. Approach the statue and Juli will see Leslie, who immediately high tails it through an archway. 

The scenery changes somewhat. A door now fills the archway that Leslie ran through, and the statue is gone. There is, however, a Search Light shining in its direction. Walk over to the other one and press A or X to focus its beam in the same direction. Then approach the third, only to discover the actual light isnt there.

Return to the plaza, passing through that piece of cloth and follow the path all the way around. Youll discover the final Search Light at the end on the left. Pick it up and go back to where the statue used to be. Place the remaining Search Light on its pedestal and twist it in the right direction. 

Focus your own flashlight beam in the direction of the statue and it will magically reappear. This causes the archway door to open. Move in that direction to drop down into a cave. Although you remain in control of Juli, a cut scene will play.

When the cinematic concludes, you should be in front of a jail cell. Turn right and crouch under the tiny archway to gain access to the next area. Youll see a red leather couch directly ahead, and now is a great time to save. Before doing this, look at the small table next to the couch and collect Entry #201.

When the game puts you in control of Juli, head back out through that little archway and go right down the new path. You’re back outside and will hear a bell in the distance, which attracts the attention of two monsters.  

Walk in their direction and push open the heavy-looking door. There’s a brief cut scene and Leslie is still on the run. Unfortunately there are some monsters in the way.

Go right over some wooden planks (they will break) and shine the flashlight on the three red star symbol on the wall. This grants access to a new area… with monsters of course. Pick up the bottle on the floor and throw it to distract these creatures, then run ahead and to the left. Break through the wooden boards and go back outside. Use the grave stones and crypts to avoid the enemies and reach the door Leslie ran through.

Kick open the door and walk through it to activate a checkpoint. There are a handful of enemies guarding a gate, and the bell should be on Juli’s left. Move in that direction and you’ll find a space for Juli to fit through. Pick up the axe and sneak kill the torch-carrying enemy that enters this area.

Move towards the bell and explore a bit until you find a ladder. Climb it and then walk over to ring the bell. With the monsters distracted, drop down and quickly run over to the door to interact with Leslie. What a weirdo, right? 

Leslie now joins Juli, so go right and through the entrance. Large stones will block this path, but that’s OK because you don’t need to go backwards. 

Proceed forward up the long flight of stairs and then go right to trigger a jump scare. Nothing harmful, we promise. 

Walk through the next entryway and up the stairs that lead outside. Make a left and then a quick left so Juli is on her way to a scary-looking church. Drop down and then continue along the path, up the stairs to a metal door you cannot open.

Turn around and go back down the stairs. This will trigger monsters to appear, prompting Juli to tell Leslie to hide. There’s also that red star symbol on a wall, so go ahead and shine the flashlight in its direction to gain access to a new area. In fact, you’ll almost immediately see those same red stars on a wall to the left. Focus the beam and walk through. 

There’s a door on the left, but first go right and look for those stars again, but in black, on a mausoleum.  Focus the beam and collect the Ox-Headed Idol. Now turn around and shine the flashlight beam on the next group of stars, then snatch up the Cross-Bearing Idol. 

Go to the door and flip the switch for a fun little jump scare. Unfortunately this doesn’t cause the door to open. 

Now go back the way you originally came and you’ll see the black stars on another crypt to the left. Shine the beam and grab the Winged Idol. Now make a right and go back to where Leslie is hiding. Look at him and you’ll see a Music Track, which you can grab by walking around to the other side. 

Go to where Leslie is hiding, walk up the stairs with the locked door and make note of the four pedestals nearby. You must place the previously collected idols in a specific order to open this door. 

Facing the door, place the Winged Idol on the pedestal on the right. On the left, put the Ox-headed Idol on the pedestal closest to the door, and finally put the Cross-Bearing Idol on the remaining empty pedestal.

Leslie comes out of hiding as soon as the door unlocks. Walk through this door to record a checkpoint. As soon as that happens the door shuts and a large monster chases after Leslie. This is now your problem, so duck behind the boxes and don’t let it see Juli. Instead, move between cover points and make a run towards the partially open gate to rejoin Leslie. 

The monster tries to bust through the gate but cannot, and seems to lose interest, so turn around and walk up the church steps. Approach the door and press A or X to launch a cut scene.  

Uh-oh, Ruvik’s here. Something bad is about to happen. 

When the smoke literally clears, you’re on the run towards the TV screen, Crash Bandicoot style. The floor will give way and now you see things from the familiar over the shoulder perspective. Dash through the door and continue running from your pursuers, making a quick left when one of them appears directly in front of Juli. Continue following the path and making quick turns when things go awry. Thankfully you pass through checkpoints along the way. 

Towards the end, long outstretched hands try to grab Juli, and you need to steer her to the opposite walls to avoid getting snatched. Keep running until Juli busts through a door and the chapter concludes. Enjoy the cut scenes that follow. 

Learn how to beat The Evil Within: The Assignment Chapter 1: The Oath, and for more, read our free walkthrough for the entire game.

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Prima Games Staff

The staff at Prima Games.