Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4 and Reveal Date Teased

The Call of Duty team seems to be very heavily implying that Modern Warfare 4 is the next entry for the franchise.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4 has been at the height of the rumor mill for a long time, and for good reason. With numerous leaks, insider reports, and just overall piecing together the social media team’s teasers, the return of Modern Warfare seems inevitable. According to the most recent set of teasers, it looks all but confirmed: 

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Given that the first clip features key members of the Modern Warfare crew, it’s hard to take this as anything but what it has to mean: Modern Warfare. The latest tweets by Robert Bowling, the studio’s community manager, paired with previous screen leaks, a secret event, and the cryptic “keep it simple” message from earlier this week seems to be the safe-for-landing message we needed. Now just to wait for the official reveal, with the date clearly featured in the original tweet’s caption. 

We’ll be learning more soon enough if the closed event is anything to go by. It looks like Activision is preparing to reveal what the next step for the Call of Duty franchise is. Are you hoping for a Modern Warfare 4, or something new entirely? Sound off with your Call of Duty desires over on Twitter by hitting us up @PrimaGames!

You can also catch up on previous teasers with our earlier coverage here

About the Author

Liana Ruppert

With an arguably unhealthy obsession with Dragon Age and Mass Effect, Liana is wildly passionate about all things in the gaming community. From shooters, to RPGs, if it's out - she's playing it. A medically retired US Sailor and now full-time hoarder of gaming collectibles, Liana's passion for everything in the gaming industry is palpable. Also, if you lose her in a crowd, just casually mention any BioWare game and the crazy pterodactyl screech will without a doubt follow. You can follow her on Twitter @DirtyEffinHippy or email her for editorial inquiries at [email protected]!