Activision Touts Impressive 2012 Sales, Announces New Call of Duty

Not a genuine shocker, but it's good to see the series will continue.

Activision continues to roll in the cash with its vast game releases.

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During an investor call yesterday, the company reported that net revenue was $4.86 billion, up from $4.76 billion the year before, and saw tremendous growth in digital sales, clearing well over $1.6 billion.

Most of this success was driven by the company’s big franchises, including Skylanders (which has sold over 100 million figures) and Call of Duty: Black Ops II, which performed remarkably well.  Diablo III and the World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria expansions did great too.

The company also had some Call of Duty related news, stating that a new addition to the ongoing first-person shooting franchise would be introduced this year, pushing the franchise to even further heights than Black Ops II reached.  No other details have been released, but we should know more come E3 2013, if not sooner.

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Prima Games Staff

The staff at Prima Games.