When Will Monster Hunter: World Come to PC?

When will Capcom’s next installment in the Monster Hunter series makes its way onto PC? Here’s what you need to know.

Monster Hunter fans were ecstatic when Capcom announced Monster Hunter: World would be making its way onto PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. Now, as we near the official release of the game, there’s only two consoles listed for a January release and those are the Xbox One and PlayStation 4. So, when will Monster Hunter: World come to PC? Here’s what you should know.

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PC Release Date

Right now there’s no solid release date for Monster Hunter: World, and it doesn’t look like we’ll be getting one just yet, either. According to Producer Ryozo Tsujumoto, the developers are still hard at working bringing the game to the PC right now, and they are currently shooting for a release date sometime in the fall of 2018.

This means there are still quite a few months left before PC fans get their hands on Monster Hunter: World. The good news, though, is that the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of the game are still set to release on January 26, and you can learn more about when Monster Hunter: World releases by heading over to our previous article on the subject.

According to a tweet on the official Monster Hunter Twitter, Monster Hunter: World is currently being optimized for the PC, with the fall 2018 set as the release period. Of course, if they’re just working on optimizing the game, it could release before then, but we’ll have to wait on official word before we know for sure.

For now, though, we know that fall is looking like the first chance that PC players will get their hands on Monster Hunter: World. For those looking to play the game on console when it releases, be sure to check out our starter tips for Monster Hunter: World to help you get started.

About the Author

Josh Hawkins

Josh has been exploring fantastic worlds and getting lost in video games for as long as he can remember. Starting out on the Super Nintendo with Super Mario World, and ending up in the world of next-generation gaming. He enjoys digging into the story and lore of massive RPGs, as well as getting lost just trying to make that last jump in any platformers he gets pulled into, as well as everything in between. He holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing for Entertainment.