What is the Max Level in Dragon’s Dogma 2? – Answered

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While you’re grinding away to build your character in Dragon’s Dogma 2, you might be wondering what the upper limit of your power is. Here’s what the max level is in Dragon’s Dogma 2.

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What Level Can You Reach in Dragon’s Dogma 2?

As of launch, the maximum level you and your Pawns can reach in Dragon’s Dogma 2 is 999. As you may have guessed by the obscene number though, this is a level that only those extremely dedicated to the game will ever reach. This could take months upon months thanks to the way leveling works in the game, so you’d likely need to finish the game numerous times before you’d ever come close.

However, that level is also a bit unnecessary. Long before that point, you’ll be stomping your way through every fight and making quick work of whatever wants to tango with you. These levels, combined with whatever gear you acquire, will make you an unstoppable force that’ll only have to stop and rest every few dozen battles if that. Needless to say, it’s more likely you’ll become tired of the game than you will reach the max level.

Of course, you could go ahead and mod the level if you wanted to. However, I wouldn’t do this unless you’re either very curious or simply are here for the story. Getting a level 999 character without already having finished the game will just ruin the pacing and surprise of anything. You probably didn’t need me to tell you that though. Enjoy the game as much as you want then hop off of it. Don’t put yourself through the pain of getting level 999 unless Dragon’s Dogma 2 is your favorite game ever or something.

If you’re looking for more help as you progress through the game, check out our guide on what to do with Jasper, Onyx, and other jewels in Dragon’s Dogma 2.

About the Author

Shawn Robinson

Shawn is a freelance gaming journalist who's been with Prima Games for a year and a half, writing mainly about FPS games and RPGs. He even brings several years of experience at other sites like The Nerd Stash to the table. While he doesn't bring a fancy degree to the table, he brings immense attention to detail with his guides, reviews, and news, leveraging his decade and a half of gaming knowledge. If he isn't writing about games, he's likely getting zero kills in his favorite FPS or yelling at the game when it was 100% his fault that he died.