What Does the Broken Relic Do in Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course? – Answered

Here is what to do with the Broken Relic.

Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course adds an entire new isle to the game. It brings along new bosses, weapons, and charms! There is even a hidden side quest around the Broken Relic, which seems useless at first. Here is what the Broken Relic does in Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course.

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What Does the Broken Relic Do in Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course? – Answered

So first off, you’ll need to purchase the Broken Relic from Porkrind’s shop. It only costs one coin and has no apparent use. After this, you’ll notice if you equip it in the charm slot it has no actual benefit. It doesn’t harm you and it doesn’t help you.

You’ll actually need to upgrade it to the Cursed Relic, but this takes some puzzle solving.

First, equip the relic and head to the three characters standing on the first, second, and third place podiums at the top of Inkwell Isle IV. Speak to each of them, in the order of their place (first, second, third).

They will give you three directions, i.e. left, back left, back right. Each game has a different combination, so no one sequence will work for everyone.

After you’ve got the sequence down, head south to the graveyard. You’ll need to fight a boss or two to actually unlock the section with the graveyard in it. You can come from it either on the left or right side, so pick your poison.

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Once you make it to the graveyard interact with each of the gravestones using the directions you were given.

The gravestone in the center is unusable and is used as the reference point for your directions. So “Left” is left of the center gravestone.

Once you input the correct sequence provided by your friends at the top of the island, a blue light will appear from the graveyard. Click on it to “Take a Nap” which will send you into a boos fight with the Angel and Demon.

The trick here is only the one that you are facing will be able to damage you. So pick a direction and dodge the screen-wide scrolling lasers by changing direction when needed.

Once you’ve defeated the boss, the Broken Relic will now become the Cursed Relic. Dropping you to one HP and randomly changing your weapon’s direction and type. It’s a nightmare! Beat every boss on Inkwell Isle IV to unlock the Divine Relic.

Well, that’s everything you need to know about what the Broken Relic does in Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course. Be sure to check out our list of all of the new bosses.

About the Author

Jesse Vitelli

Jesse loves most games, but he really loves games that he can play together with friends and family. This usually means late nights in Destiny 2 or FFXIV. You can also find him thinking about his ever-expanding backlog of games he won't play and being constantly dehydrated. Do not contact him.