Warhammer: Vermintide 2 – All Tome Locations

Learn how to find all of the Tomes hidden throughout Vermintide 2’s campaign.

One of the biggest parts of progression in Warhammer: Vermintide 2 is getting new loot, which will allow you to upgrade your heroes and make them more formidable in battle. The best way to maximize the amount of loot you’re getting is to pick up things like the Tomes in Vermintide 2. When collected, Tomes reward you with more experience, as well as additional points towards the loot box that you earn at the end of each mission. These items are hidden throughout each mission and today we’ll show you how to find every Tome in Vermintide 2, across every mission.

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All Tomes in Righteous Stand

Tomes are special collectible items that you can find in Vermintide 2. These items are extremely important if you want to maximize the amount of loot you are earning along the way, but there are a few things you need to know before you start searching for them.

First, Tomes take up the healing item slot, which means that you’ll need to drop any type of healing items that you have in order to pick it up. The good news is that you can easily drop the Tome and pick up a healing item. This will cause the Tome to drop down onto the ground, and you can pick it back up after using the healing item.

Tome #1

The first Tome in Vermintide 2’s first campaign mission can be found just after you reach the Franz Erikson Platz area. Once you reach this place, keep progressing until you reach a ramp of boards that allow you to cross over a turned over cart. Don’t head over the ramp just yet, though.

Instead, turn to the left when facing the ramp and look out for a wooden cart near the back of the area—close to the gate. Head to the back of the cart and then hop up into it and look down in one of the open crates to find this first Tome.

Tome #2

The second Tome can be found after you reach the short area of wall that you have to cross. There should be a large gate-house ahead of you, and a drop down into the new area.

Head into the gate-house and then turn to the left and head up the stairs. At the top of the stairs, don’t continue through the door just yet. Instead, turn to the right and walk to the back of the room, where you should see a whole in the wooden platform. Look down to spot a small landing where this Tome resides.

Tome #3

The final Tome in the first mission for Vermintide 2 can be found once you reach the very grassy area near the end of the mission—just before you enter the Temple. Follow the path forward and drop down into the grass.

Move forward towards the stairs, but don’t head up them just yet. Instead, look for some bushes on the left and head through them. You should find a small alcove behind all the bushes, where this Tome can be found laying on the ground.

All Tomes in Convocation of Decay

Tome #1

The first tome for this mission can be found after you enter the Temple Hospice. Look for it on top of one of the bunks. It’s easy to miss, so make sure you look around when you find the room with the bunks in it.

Tome #2

The second tome in this mission can be found inside of the Garrison Sewers. Once you reach a break off in the tunnels, keep to the left and look for the tome nearby, near a wooden wall.

Tome #3

The final tome in this mission can be found inside of Carlomant’s Memorium. Look for the item on a tomb just behind the shrine. Make sure you grab it before you move on.

All Tomes in Hunger in the Dark

Tome #1

The first tome in Hunger in the Dark can be found inside of The Backfill. Head to the back corner of the area and look for the tome on the ground near some potion spawns.

Tome #2

Once the cart stops and you find yourself inside of The Transfer, look for this tome inside of a crate to the right of the pathway. Open the create up to find the tome inside.

Tome #3

The final tome in Hunger in the Dark is found inside of The Old Troll Grounds. Look for a short jumping puzzle in one of the large caverns. Once you find it, search around until you spot this tome on a ledge in the center of the room.

All Tomes in Halescourge

Tome #1

Before you exit the doors near the end of Von Mackensen Strasses, look to your left and you should spot this tome nearby, waiting to be collected by you and your party. Look for a crate with a hole behind it in the wall. You should be able to crawl through and reach the tome in a small room.

Tome #2

The second tome can be found near the Merchant District. When looking towards it you should see a small boat that you can jump over to. From here you’ll need to climb up a ladder and make your way into the Merchant District, where you’ll need to turn to the left and follow the area around until you reach another boat on the side of a house. The tome can be found here.

Tome #3

After the landslide, head to the top floor of the buildings and look for this Tome inside of the tower nearby. It will be on one of the bookshelves at the top of the tower.

All Tomes in Athel Yenlui

You’re clear during the first portion of this mission, but a few minutes in you’ll find yourself needing to veer off from the main path to start grabbing Tomes. Keep in mind that Tomes take up the slot of your healing item and can be dropped and picked back up as needed.

Tome #1

The first tome in this mission can be found just after you reach the Wilds and get the objective to ‘Proceed Through the Wilds’. When you see this notification pop up, turn to the right and following it around until you reach a fallen tree and a pillar nearby. Head through the fallen tree and then turn to your right. You should see a wooden crate ahead of you. Look inside it to find this Tome.

Tome #2

From the last Tome, continue along the wall on the right side and follow it around until you reach a small rock that drops down. Walk to the right a bit more and then turn to your left and look for another wooden crate. This Tome is hidden inside the crate.

Tome #3

This Tome can be found much later in the level, as you explore the ruins inside the forest. Look for a small ramp that leads to a drop off and then head over the edge and drop down. Once below, head forward and to your right, through the leaves and then use the rocks nearby to jump up to a small area. At this point you should see a small wooden board stretched across two rocks. Grab the Tome and then drop back down to continue through the level.

All Tomes in Screaming Bell

Tome #1

As you explore the mission you’ll eventually come to a building that you need to move through to proceed. You should be able to see the tome outside of the window on the first floor. In order to get it, though, you’re going to need to go a little out of the way.

Head upstairs to the top floor of the building and then move out onto the balcony. Turn left at the end of the balcony and then drop down to a platform with a crate on it. From here, continue across the front of the building until you reach the tome and collect it.

Tome #2

Once you reach Spucknapf Market, head under the bridge and stick to the left side of the area until you reach a ladder in the corner of the path. Follow the ladder up to reach the start of a small jumping puzzle that will allow you to jump alongside the bridge all to the way over to the other side.

Now that you’re on the opposite side, look for this tome inside of a crate at the end of the jumping puzzle.

Tome #3

When you reach Von Bisschenbesser Strasse, turn to the right and look for an archway between two buildings. Head through the archway and then walk along the edge of the area to where until you reach a small archway that you can enter through. You should find the tome inside, waiting to be collected.

All Tomes in Fort Brachenbrucke

Tome #1

The first tome in this level can be found in two different places, depending on which path the map leads you on. If the path leads you up onto the bridge, then you can find the tome inside of the creek next to a half-sunken wagon near the start of the map. The second location for the tome is currently unknown, but we’ll update this article with more info once we find it.

Tome #2

The second tome can be found once you reach Eilhart Road. Head to the end of the broken-down bridge and then turn completely around. From here you should be able to start a short jumping puzzle that requires you to jump across a wagon convoy. Jump across the different pieces until you reach a small outcropping with this tome on it.

Tome #3

Like the first tome, players will find this third tome depending on the path that the map spawns for them.

If Barsch Ford leads you to the right, then keep to the right once you hit Eile Headland and look out for a torch near the rocks. From here keep close to the formation of rocks on your right and follow the path until you reach another path that leads you clockwise up another set of rocks. Follow this jumping path until you reach the tome at the top.

If Barsch Ford leads you straight through, then continue until you reach Eile South Bank. From here, stick to the left and follow the path around until it curves to the right, leaning to a short jumping puzzle. Follow the jumping path until you reach the tome at the end. Grab it before continuing through the mission.

All Tomes in Into the Nest

Tome #1

The first tome in Into the Nest can be found in Gorog Drin, just before you drop down to the next area. Look to your right and keep an eye out for a break in the stone railing—there’s usually a potion here that you can look for. Drop over the right side and follow the path to find this tome at the end, next to a large pillar in the ravine.

Tome #2

Continue through the level until you come to a lever that you need to pull in order to extend a bridge. From here, drop down behind the lever and follow the path around to find this Tome inside the remains of a broken crate.

Tome #3

The final tome for this mission can be found after you reach Kron Khaz. Look for a mine cart at the end of a track—near some rubble—and then look inside to find this tome waiting to be collected.

All Tomes in Against the Grain

You won’t have to worry about collecting any Tomes in Against the Grain until after you reach the Mill.

Tome #1

The first tome in this mission is found after you reach the Mill. From here, turn to the left and then jump onto the tipped over wagon with the hay bails inside of it. From the top of the wagon, jump over to the fence and then walk along it towards the Mill. Now, jump across the wooden platform and look to your left to find this tome.

Tome #2

The second tome in Against the Grain can be obtained after you fight the Rat Ogre outside the barn. Head inside and then take the ladder to reach the second floor. Once up there, drop onto the area with the second ladder and cross it. Head forward until you reach the wall and then turn to the right and jump toward the window. Don’t fall down, though.

From the window, look for and then jump to a small platform nearby. From here you should be able to turn to the right and grab this tome before dropping down and continuing through the mission.

Tome #3

After dealing with the Rat Ogre and grabbing the second tome, continue through the mission until you reach the swampy area. Once you reach the swamp, turn to the left and keep going until you reach a small bit of rocks in the wall.

Turn to the left at the rocks and then jump into the water. It isn’t deep enough to drown you, so don’t worry about dying or being downed. Once in the water, keep moving until you are behind the tree that has fallen over near the rocks. You should see this final tome inside of a wooden crate under the surface of the water. Grab it to finish collecting the tomes in this mission and then make it to the end with all three tomes to grab extra rewards.

All Tomes in Empire in Flames

Tome #1

The first tome in this Act 3 mission can be found after you make your way through the first burned down house in the city. You’ll need to drop down from the first floor. From here head to the right and continue to the end to find another ruined building. You’ll then need to jump down onto a low wall and onto the floorboards to grab this tome.

Tome #2

After you exit the room with all of the wine casks, continue until you come to a long corridor with a set of stairs through a door on your right. Continue past the door to the end of the corridor and look to the right. You should see a hole with a skeleton inside. If you get up close on the hole you can look down to find this tome inside.

Tome #3

When you’re making your escape, head up the last building that is standing still and look for a wall on the left. You can jump around this wall to reach another room, which will lead you to a small hole you can drop through to find this tome behind a desk. To continue on, head out the locked door (unlock it by interacting with it).

All Tomes in Festering Grounds

Tome #1

The first tome in Festering Grounds can be found after the caves. When you come to a bridge, look to your right and climb up the ladder here. This will lead you to a path that will lead you around to the other side of the bright. You’ll then need to jump a small gap that leads you to a corner with a fire where you will find this tome.

Tome #2

Once you reach Buckhorn Gorge, follow the path outside until it loops around after the first drop. This should lead you to the end of the upper level, where you will find this tome waiting to be collected from an overturned crate.

Tome #3

The final tome for this mission can be found on the upper floor of the Forsaken Chapel. You will need to complete a short jump to get over to it, though.

All Tomes in The War Camp

Tome #1

The first tome in The War Camp can be found on top of a shelf inside of an old, beaten down building once you reach Old Andreas’ Den. Look for a torch outside the building, then head inside to find this tome on top of a bookshelf to the left.

Tome #2

Once you reach the end of the Froschdorf swamp, look for the second to last house on the left side of the map when progressing forward. Look inside to find this Tome inside, just above the surface of the water.

Tome #3

The final Tome in The War Camp can be found after you reach the Zuhause Gully. Stick to the right and follow the swamp around until you find this tome resting on a signpost, just at Bardin’s eye level. It’s easy to miss so keep an eye out as you look around the swamp.

All Tomes in Skittergate

Tome #1

The first tome in the final level can be found underneath of a building where you find the lift. Move around the building to the right until you can get inside and grab the tome in the rubble.

Tome #2

Make your way through the level until you reach the end of the caves, just before going into the Bay of Fins. From here take the upper path on the left and then jump across a few rocks to find this tome at the end of the path.

Tome #3

The final tome of the game can be found in the Rotblood War Camp, after you have defeated the first boss of the level. Follow the path up the hill and then turn around 180 degrees once you find a broken-down building and head up the hill to find a wooden wall in the far corner. You should be able to spot a gap in the wall, as well as several crates in front of the gap. Jump over the crates and then more ot the right to find this tome in a chest at the end of the path.

That’s all of the tomes that you can find in the current missions included in Warhammer: Vermintide 2. We’ll be sure to keep the guide as up to date as possible and we will keep an eye out for any new collectible items that may appear along the way. You can also return to our Warhammer: Vermintide 2 game hub for more helpful content, including in-depth guides on all Grimoire locations and more.

About the Author

Josh Hawkins

Josh has been exploring fantastic worlds and getting lost in video games for as long as he can remember. Starting out on the Super Nintendo with Super Mario World, and ending up in the world of next-generation gaming. He enjoys digging into the story and lore of massive RPGs, as well as getting lost just trying to make that last jump in any platformers he gets pulled into, as well as everything in between. He holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing for Entertainment.