Video Game Tip of the Day: How to Make Advanced Passes in FIFA 14

Dominate opponents with the devastating through pass.

Unlike some sports games, FIFA 14 requires a high level of skill to prevail on the pitch. Sure, you need to be decent at playing video games, but a basic understanding of soccer/football goes a long way to scoring goals and tricking opponents. That said, we have some helpful tips that will help you understand advanced passing.

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The through pass is a pass every player needs to have up his or her sleeve. This is a great way to get out on a breakaway and beat the back line. A through pass aims to a spot ahead of the player you are passing to so he can get to it in mid stride. Not passing directly to a player is risky, so practice this one. It is a high risk, high reward pass. To perform a through pass, press Y/Triangle, and again, the power meter comes into play. 

While discussing the through pass, there is a highflying variation called the lifted/lobbed through pass. This is the same type of pass, but in the air and over the heads of defenders. To perform this pass, hold down LB/L1 and then hit Y/Triangle. This type of pass is very effective if you catch a quick forward on a break that beat the offside call. 

The last pass we will mention is the give and go. To perform a give and go, hold LB/L1 while pressing A/Cross. The give and go is the best way to try and get a defender off of your back and you into the open. A give and go is where you pass the ball to a teammate, and before the ball even gets to him, you start sprinting down field, so as soon as it hits your teammate’s feet he is passing it right back to you. This quick tap/tap pass is very effective, and a must for upper echelon players. 

For more FIFA 14 strategies, read Prima’s beginner’s tips.

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