Star Ocean The Divine Force Brooch Hunt Quest Guide


We’ve been through a lot of these side quest guides. And while sometimes you get ones that are super obtuse and annoying to solve by yourself, others are much easier. But, you have to make sure you’re paying attention to the text. That’s the case with Brooch Hunt, which is a super easy quest, but there’s some searching for it! I figure that’s because of one specific detail.

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To start the Brooch Hunt quest, you’ll go to the graveyard area in the Royal Capital Acendros Palace Gardens. There’s a girl standing by a grave who seems upset because she lost her favorite brooch and has no idea how. She said she doesn’t venture far, and there was a weird flower. She also says she lost it in the Aucerius Plains.

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Now, Acendros’ Palace Gardens map is directly connected to an area called the Aucerian Highroad. Since Divine Force doesn’t give you waypoints for stuff like this, it’s super easy to read the “Aucerius” part, glance at the map, and end up wandering around the Highlands for far too long.

Make sure to fast travel to the Aucerius Plains. These spots are right next to each other on the world map, but it makes sense players may be only half-paying attention and then get lost looking in the wrong spot. Luckily if you go to the right spot, it’s super easy to find the brooch. Look around near the top of the map and you’ll find a group of enemies surrounding a rock with a familiar green, glowy gimmick. Beat the baddies and grab the brooch.

Then enjoy a fun twist at the end of the quest. Enjoy might be the wrong word, but whatever it’s fine.

About the Author

Lucas White

Lucas plays a lot of videogames. Sometimes he enjoys one. His favs include Dragon Quest, SaGa and Mystery Dungeon. You can find him on Twitter @HokutoNoLucas. Wanna send an email? Shoot it to [email protected].