Pokemon Quest Movesets

If you’re looking for Pokemon Quest movesets for all Pokemon in the game, you’ve come to the right place!

People are starting to collect ‘em all in Pokemon Quest, and that means there are plenty of players looking for more information on their Pokemon. One thing people have been looking for are Pokemon Quest movesets. While there’s a lot of detailed information available, Pokemon Quest movesets are a good starting point. In this article we’ll take a look at the Pokemon Quest movesets so you know each moveset for all of the Pokemon in the game.

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Pokemon Quest Movesets

The movesets table below lists all of the Pokemon in order by their number. Originally we listed them in alphabetical order, but feedback has shown it’s much easier for people to find the Pokemon they are looking for if we list them in order by number. As you evolve your Pokemon they will gain access to more moves, with some Pokemon having up to 11 moves.

Enjoy the moveset table below. Remember that you can find more information in our Pokemon Quest game hub!

  Pokemon Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Move 5 Move 6 Move 7 Move 8 Move 9 Move 10 Move 11
1 Bulbasaur Tackle Synthesis Petal Dance Vine Whip Toxic            
2 Ivysaur Tackle Synthesis Petal Dance Vine Whip Toxic Take Down Leech Seed Poison Powder    
3 Venusaur Tackle Synthesis Petal Dance Vine Whip Toxic Take Down Leech Seed Solar Beam Mega Drain  
4 Charmander Scratch Fire Spin Metal Claw Ember Fire Punch          
5 Charmeleon Scratch Fire Spin Metal Claw Ember Fire Punch Flamethrower Dragon Claw      
6 Charizard Scratch Fire Spin Metal Claw Ember Fire Punch Flamethrower Dragon Claw Flare Blitz Fire Blast Flame Charge
7 Squirtle Tackle Bubble Whirlpool Withdraw              
8 Wartortle Tackle Bubble Whirlpool Surf Aqua Ring Blizzard Waterfall Aqua jet      
9 Blastoise Tackle Bubble Whirlpool Withdraw Aqua Ring Blizzard Waterfall Hydro Pump Aqua Jet    


  Pokemon Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Move 5 Move 6 Move 7 Move 8 Move 9 Move 10 Move 11
10 Caterpie Tackle Synthesis String Shot Take Down Lunge            
11 Metapod Tackle Synthesis String Shot Take Down Iron Defense          
12 Butterfree Tackle Synthesis String Shot Silver Wind Rage Powder Harden Electroweb Lunge      
13 Weedle String Shot Tackle Lunge Poison Sting            
14 Kakuna String Shot Tackle Harden Iron Defense            
15 Beedrill String Shot Tackle Lunge Poison Sting Harden Electroweb Pin Missile Iron Defense Agility Aerial Ace
16 Pidgey Gust Whirlwind Tailwind Twister Mud-Slap            
17 Pidgeotto Gust Whirlwind Tailwind Twister Mud-Slap Hurricane          
18 Pidgeot Gust Sky Attack Tailwind Twister Heat Wave Agility Roost        
19 Rattata Tackle Focus Energy Scratch Crunch Take Down          
20 Raticate Tackle Focus Energy Scratch Crunch Iron Tail Zen Headbutt Flame Wheel      


  Pokemon Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Move 5 Move 6 Move 7 Move 8 Move 9 Move 10 Move 11
21 Spearow Leer Take Down Aerial Ace Fly Growl            
22 Fearow Leer Take Down Aerial Ace Fly Drill Peck Whirlwind          
23 Ekans Poison Sting Leer Rock Tomb Mud Bomb Mud-Slap Dig          
24 Arbok Poison Sting Leer Rock Tomb Earthquake Crunch            
25 Pikachu Thunderbolt Spark Iron Tail Volt Tackle Thunder Shock Surf      
26 Raichu Thunderbolt Spark Iron Tail Volt Tackle Thunder Electric Terrain Agility Charge Giga Impact  
27 Sandshrew Dig Sandstorm Scratch Metal Claw Rollout            
28 Sandslash Dig Sandstorm Scratch Metal Claw Night Slash Aerial Ace Swords Dance Fury Swipes    
29 Nidoran♀ Mud-Slap Focus Energy Flatter Growl Sing          
30 Nidorina Mud-Slap Focus Energy Flatter Growl Poison Sting          
31 Nidoqueen Mud-Slap Focus Energy Flatter Growl Poison Sting Supersonic Venom Drench Sludge Bomb Stealth Rock  
32 Nidoran♂ Iron Tail Rock Smash Toxic Take Down Work Up Growl          
33 Nidorino Iron Tail Rock Smash Toxic Amnesia              
34 Nidoking Iron Tail Rock Smash Toxic Amnesia Taunt Earthquake Rock Tomb Megahorn      


  Pokemon Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Move 5 Move 6 Move 7 Move 8 Move 9 Move 10 Move 11
35 Clefairy Flash Light Screen Rollout Taunt Amnesia Take Down        
36 Clefable Flash Light Screen Dazzling Gleam Stealth Rock Follow Me Belly Drum        
37 Vulpix Flamethrower Charm Flame Charge Ember Roar            
38 Ninetales Flamethrower Charm Flame Charge Ember Roar Heat Wave Will-o-Wisp Fire Blast Solar Beam Confuse Ray
39 Jigglypuff Mega Punch Rollout Take Down Flash Sing            
40 Wigglytuff Mega Punch Rollout Play Rough Dynamic Punch Bounce Sweet Kiss        
41 Zubat Taunt Leech Life Gust Whirlwind Supersonic U-Turn          
42 Golbat Taunt Leech Life Gust Whirlwind Supersonic Roost Tailwind Venom Drench Nasty Plot Sludge Bomb
43 Oddish Petal Dance Flash Poison Powder Stun Spore            
44 Gloom Petal Dance Flash Poison Powder Bullet Seed Charm Stun Spore Synthesis        
45 Vileplume Petal Dance Flash Poison Powder Bullet Seed Charm Solar Beam Mega Drain      


  Pokemon Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Move 5 Move 6 Move 7 Move 8 Move 9 Move 10 Move 11
46 Paras Leech Seed Stun Spore Poison Powder Light Screen Rage Powder          
47 Parasect Leech Seed Stun Spore Poison Powder Light Screen Rage Powder Agility Metal Claw Bullet Seed Spore Psybeam  
48 Venonat String Shot Stun Spore Psybeam Poison Powder Flash            
49 Venomoth String Shot Stun Spore Psybeam Poison Powder Gust Supersonic Psychic Silver Wind    
50 Diglett Growl Stealth Rock Mud Bomb Dig Mud-Slap            
51 Dugtrio Growl Stealth Rock Mud Bomb Dig Mud-Slap Earthquake Sucker Punch Rock throw Shore Up    
52 Meowth Fury Swipes Growl Scratch U-turn Taunt            
53 Persian Fury Swipes Growl Scratch U-turn Taunt Nasty Plot Night Slash Play Rough Roar Flail  
54 Psyduck Icy Wind Whirlpool Amnesia Confuse Ray Light Screen          
55 Golduck Icy Wind Mud Bomb Amnesia Confuse Ray Light Screen Psychic Hydro Pump Psybeam Ice Beam    


  Pokemon Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Move 5 Move 6 Move 7 Move 8 Move 9 Move 10 Move 11
56 Mankey Leer Submission Scratch Fury Swipes Taunt            
57 Primeape Leer Submission Scratch Fury Swipes Taunt Cross Chop Night Slash Meditate Close Combat Focus Energy Mega Punch
58 Growlithe Flamethrower Flame Charge Ember Flame Wheel Roar            
59 Arcanine Flamethrower Flame Charge Ember Flame Wheel Roar Fire Blast Flare Blitz Crunch Agility Extreme Speed
60 Poliwag Surf Waterfall Flail Bubble Aqua Jet            
61 Poliwhirl Surf Waterfall Flail Bubble Amnesia Bulk Up Mega Punch      
62 Poliwrath Surf Waterfall Flail Bubble Amnesia Bulk Up Mega Punch Ice Punch Power-Up Punch Dynamic Punch
63 Abra Teleport Psybeam Light Screen Flash Barrier            
64 Kadabra Teleport Psybeam Light Screen Flash Barrier Psychic Dazzling Gleam      
65 Alakazam Teleport Psybeam Light Screen Flash Barrier Psychic Dazzling Gleam Psycho Cut Recover Shadow Ball


  Pokemon Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Move 5 Move 6 Move 7 Move 8 Move 9 Move 10 Move 11
66 Machop Rock Smash Rolling Kick Bulk Up Submission            
67 Machoke Rock Smash Rolling Kick Bulk Up Submission Work Up Mega Punch Cross-Chop      
68 Machamp Rock Smash Rolling Kick Bulk Up Cross-Chop Work Up Mega Punch Power-Up Punch Dynamic Punch Close Combat  
69 Bellsprout Sludge Bomb Bullet Seed Razor Leaf Synthesis              
70 Weepinbell Sludge Bomb Bullet Seed Razor Leaf Synthesis Stun Spore Slam Vine Whip      
71 Victreebel Sludge Bomb Bullet Seed Vine Whip Synthesis Stun Spore Solar Beam Hyper Beam      
72 Tentacool Poison Sting Whirlpool Barrier Bubble Ice Beam Sludge Bomb        
73 Tentacruel Poison Sting Whirlpool Barrier Bubble Icy Wind Sludge Bomb Supersonic Hydro Pump Confuse Ray  
74 Geodude Flail Harden Tackle Charge Dig            
75 Graveler Flail Harden Tackle Self-Destruct Dig Rollout Stealth Rock      
76 Golem Flail Harden Explosion Self-Destruct Dig Rollout Stealth Rock Rock Polish Earthquake  


  Pokemon Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Move 5 Move 6 Move 7 Move 8 Move 9 Move 10 Move 11
77 Ponyta Bounce Flame Charge Stomp Self-Destruct Agility            
78 Rapidash Bounce Flame Charge Stomp Self-Destruct Flamethrower Fire Blast Flare Blitz Megahorn Will-O-Wisp Confuse Ray Fire Spin
79 Slowpoke Tackle Zen Headbutt Growl Ice Punch Light Screen Amnesia          
80 Slowbro Tackle Zen Headbutt Growl Ice Punch Light Screen Amnesia Withdraw Surf Rest Belly Drum
81 Magnemite Charge Flash Cannon Supersonic Metal Sound Electroweb          
82 Magneton Charge Flash Cannon Supersonic Metal Sound Electroweb Explosion Light screen Thunder Thunderbolt Electric Terrain
83 Farfetch’d Swords Dance Night Slash Sky Attack Sucker Punch Gust Tailwind Steel Wing U-turn Roost Heat Wave
84 Doduo Drill Peck Flail Growl Take Down Agility            
85 Dodrio Drill Peck Flail Growl Take Down Aerial Ace Work Up Swords Dance Tri Attack Tailwind    
86 Seel Take Down Blizzard Lick Growl Surf            
87 Dewgong Take Down Blizzard Lick Growl Rest Aqua Ring Slam Aurora Veil    


  Pokemon Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Move 5 Move 6 Move 7 Move 8 Move 9 Move 10 Move 11
88 Grimer Venom Drench Slam Tackle Acid Armor Toxic            
89 Muk Venom Drench Slam Tackle Acid Armor Power-Up Punch Taunt Lick        
90 Shellder Barrier Ice Beam Withdraw Iron Defense Bubble            
91 Cloyster Barrier Ice Beam Withdraw Icy Wind Supersonic Rock Blast Spikes Icicle Crash    
92 Gastly Astonish Sucker Punch Smog Lick              
93 Haunter Astonish Sucker Punch Smog Lick              
94 Gengar Astonish Sucker Punch Smog Lick Shadow Ball Hypnosis Mega Drain Confuse Ray Toxic    
95 Onix Rock Throw Lick Rock Polish Stealth Rock Sandstorm Iron Tail Flash Cannon Rock Smash Rock Tomb Roar Harden
96 Drowzee Psybeam Barrier Taunt Light Screen Flash            
97 Hypno Psybeam Barrier Taunt Light Screen Psychic Shadow Ball Hypnosis Meditate      
98 Krabby Surf Leer Harden Flail Stomp            
99 Kingler Surf Leer Harden Flail Stomp Giga Impact Slam        


  Pokemon Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Move 5 Move 6 Move 7 Move 8 Move 9 Move 10 Move 11
100 Voltorb Self-Destruct Rollout Taunt Thunder Shock Tackle            
101 Electrode Self-Destruct Rollout Taunt Thunder Shock Tackle Light Screen Explosion Thunderbolt    
102 Exeggcute Synthesis Leech Seed Psychic Sludge Bomb Flash            
103 Exeggutor Synthesis Leech Seed Psychic Sludge Bomb Flash Egg Bomb Bullet Seed Solar Beam Stun Spore Stomp  
104 Cubone Sandstorm Bonemerang Growl Leer Focus Energy          
105 Marowak Sandstorm Bonemerang Outrage Rock Tomb Earthquake Aerial Ace Belly Drum      
106 Hitmonlee Bulk Up Meditate Close Combat Rolling Kick Submission Focus Energy Rock Smash Bounce High Jump Kick Sucker Punch
107 Hitmonchan Comet Punch Power-Up Punch Close Combat Drain Punch Ice Punch Dynamic Punch Fire Punch Rock Smash Mega Punch Thunder Punch
108 Lickitung Belly Drum Slam Rock Smash Mega Punch Stomp Rollout Lick Power-Up Punch Amnesia    
109 Koffing Self-Destruct Flamethrower Smog Lava Plume Sludge Bomb          
110 Weezing Self-Destruct Flamethrower Smog Lava Plume Sludge Bomb Explosion Venom Drench      


  Pokemon Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Move 5 Move 6 Move 7 Move 8 Move 9 Move 10 Move 11
111 Rhyhorn Crunch Roar Stomp Iron Tail Take Down Flail Tackle        
112 Rhydon Crunch Roar Stomp Iron Tail Take Down Dragon Rush Megahorn Earthquake Rock Smash Rock Polish
113 Chansey Egg bomb Light Screen Sweet Kiss Soft-Boiled Charm Mega Punch Rock Smash Flail Sing Take Down
114 Tangela Stun Spore Rest Rage Powder Synthesis Amnesia Slam Vine Whip Mega Drain Substitute Leech Seed
115 Kangaskhan Focus Energy Take Down Outrage Mega Punch Crunch Rock Tomb Stomp Leer Rest Power-Up Punch
116 Horsea Twister Icy Wind Agility Whirlpool Bubble            
117 Seadra Twister Icy Wind Agility Whirlpool Bubble Hydro Pump Dragon Pulse Dragon Dance Flash Cannon  
118 Goldeen Flail Surf Aqua Jet Splash Take Down          
119 Seaking Flail Surf Aqua Jet Megahorn Waterfall Agility          
120 Staryu Ice Beam Icy Wind Twister Flash Cannon Flash            
121 Starmie Ice Beam Icy Wind Twister Flash Cannon Flash Hydro Pump Confuse Ray Blizzard Psychic Hyper Beam


  Pokemon Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Move 5 Move 6 Move 7 Move 8 Move 9 Move 10 Move 11
122 Mr. Mime Substitute Follow Me Nasty Plot Charm Hypnosis Taunt Barrier Psychic Light Screen Meditate  
123 Scyther Lunge Tailwind Silver wind Steel Wing Night Slash Agility U-turn Aerial Ace Rock Smash Swords Dance
124 Jynx Sing Ice beam Psychic Draining Kiss Flash Blizzard Aurora Veil      
125 Electabuzz Thunder Shock Charge Meditate Power-Up Punch Dynamic Punch Thunder Punch Cross Chop Thunder Electroweb Thunderbolt
126 Magmar Will-O-Wisp Fire Blast Cross Chop Flamethrower Smog Belly Drum Follow Me Flare Blitz      
127 Pinsir Earthquake Harden Take Down Bulk Up Close Combat Rock Smash Focus Energy Submission Rock Tomb  
128 Tauros Take down Hyper beam Blizzard Flamethrower Zen Headbutt Outrage Iron Tail Giga Impact    
129 Magikarp Bounce Flail Tackle Splash              
130 Gyarados Bounce Flail Tackle Splash Crunch Taunt Outrage Hyper Beam Waterfall Dragon Dance
131 Lapras Aqua Ring Icy Wind Ice Beam Blizzard Hydro Pump Aurora Veil Growl Rest Icicle Crash Sing  
132 Ditto Transform Transform                  


  Pokemon Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Move 5 Move 6 Move 7 Move 8 Move 9 Move 10 Move 11
133 Eevee Take Down Dig Charm Flail Growl            
134 Vaporeon Take Down Dig Charm Waterfall Acid Armor Aqua Ring Hydro Pump Whirlpool      
135 Jolteon Take Down Dig Charm Thunderbolt Spark Pin Missile Thunder        
136 Flareon Take Down Dig Charm Ember Flamethrower Flare Blitz Lava Plume      
137 Porygon Recover Agility Hyper Beam Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Iron Tail Ice Beam Tri Attack Flamethrower Psybeam  
138 Omanyte Bubble Hydro Pump Whirlpool Icy Wind Spikes Withdraw          
139 Omastar Bubble Hydro Pump Whirlpool Ice Beam Rock Polish Supersonic        
140 Kabuto Withdraw Rock Tomb Waterfall Aqua Jet Metal Sound Surf          
141 Kabutops Withdraw Rock Tomb Waterfall Aerial Ace Night Slash          
142 Aerodactyl Earthquake Dragon Claw Take Down Roost Crunch Fly Sandstorm Sky Attack Agility Rock Tomb


  Pokemon Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Move 5 Move 6 Move 7 Move 8 Move 9 Move 10 Move 11
143 Snorlax Play Rough Giga Impact Outrage Rest Take Down Rollout Earthquake Belly Drum Mega Punch Harden Amnesia
144 Articuno Sky Attack Agility Blizzard Steel Wing Icy Wind U-turn Hurricane Aurora Veil Roost Ice Beam  
145 Zapdos Thunder Shock Drill Peck Agility Thunder Charge Metal Sound Sky Attack Roost Thunderbolt Light Screen
146 Moltres Ember Sky Attack Fire Spin Leer Lava Plume Fire Blast Flamethrower Will-O-Wisp Heat Wave Roost  
147 Dratini Dragon Dance Dragon Pulse Agility Dragon Rush Extreme Speed          
148 Dragonair Dragon Dance Dragon Pulse Agility Dragon Rush Extreme Speed Earthquake Twister        
149 Dragonite Dragon Dance Dragon Pulse Agility Dragon Rush Extreme Speed Earthquake Twister Draco Meteor Outrage Hyper Beam
150 Mewtwo Hyper Beam Giga Impact Psychic Recover Thunderbolt Bulk up Blizzard Shadow Ball Psystrike Psycho Cut
151 Mew Hyper Beam Giga Impact Psychic Recover Thunder Amnesia Heat Wave Flash Cannon Tri Attack Teleport Light Screen

About the Author

Bryan Dawson

Bryan Dawson has an extensive background in the gaming industry, having worked as a journalist for various publications for nearly 20 years and participating in a multitude of competitive fighting game events. He has authored over a dozen strategy guides for Prima Games, worked as a consultant on numerous gaming-related TV and web shows and was the Operations Manager for the fighting game division of the IGN Pro League.