New Pokemon Snap | How to Complete Flopping By The Water

Pidgeot is hunting for a little Magikarp snack.

If you’re wondering how to complete the Flopping By The Water request in New Pokemon Snap, you’ve come to the right place! Similar to other requests in the game, the instructions you’re given in regards to what you need to do are somewhat vague. It mentions Pidgeot snatching up a Magikarp, but that’s about it. 

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Knowing the exact steps to make this happen can help save you time. With that in mind, we’ve put together a guide that’ll walk you through everything you need to do to complete the Flopping By The Water request in New Pokemon Snap! 

New Pokemon Snap | How to Complete Flopping By The Water

To complete the Flopping By The Water request in New Pokemon Snap, you’ll need to run through the Florio Nature Park (Day) course at Research Lv. 3 or higher. Keep in mind that the key to completing the Flopping By The Water request in New Pokemon Snap is to get Pidgeot to swoop in and snatch Magikarp out of the water by the lake. 

To do this, you’ll need to look to your left the second you enter the lake area in New Pokemon Snap. On a hill above Dodrio, you’ll spot Pidgeot. You’ll need to hit Pidgeot with a Fluffruit here by pressing B. If you can’t reach Pidgeot with the Fluffruit, you can also hit Dodrio with a Fluffruit to get it to move out of the way. 

Our tip is to hit Dodrio with a Fluffruit the second it pops in, then a few seconds later Pidgeot will perch up there and you’ll have a clear shot. Once you’ve struck Pidgeot with a Fluffruit and it flies off, take the alternate route on the lake that takes you past Bidoof’s dam (where you complete the Dam, Sweet Dam request). 

At the end you’ll see Magikarp. Using your Fluffruit again, you’re going to need to hit Magikarp with a Fluffruit to make it bounce up out of the water. In a tree above Magikarp, Pidgeot is watching and waiting to strike. When it sees Magikarp bounce up, it’ll swoop down and grab it.

We recommend adjusting your camera’s settings to Burst Mode to take multiple photos at once

If you don’t get a photo of Pidgeot holding Magikarp the moment it’s snatched up, quickly turn around and you’ll have another opportunity to photograph the unfortunate Magikarp as Pidgeot flies away with it. Note that Magikarp needs to be the subject of your photo, not Pidgeot. 

When we took a photo of Pidgeot flying away with Magikarp the first time with Pidgeot as the subject, the request wasn’t marked as complete. The request was only marked as complete when the photo had Magikarp as the subject, resulting in a 4-star photo of Magikarp.

When you see that, make sure that’s the photo you choose to show Professor Mirror in order to complete the Flopping By The Water request.

Below, we’ve recapped all of the steps needed to complete the Flopping By The Water request in New Pokemon Snap.


  • Run through the Florio Nature Park (Day) course at Research Lv. 3 or higher.
  • When you reach the lake area, look left for Pidgeot to perch on a hill above Dodrio.
  • Hit Pidgeot with a Fluffruit by pressing B, if you can’t get to Pidgeot you can hit Dodrio with a Fluffruit to make it move, leaving you with a clear shot.
  • When you hit Pidgeot with a Fluffruit, it’ll fly over to a nearby tree and will wait for you to lure it with Magikarp.
  • To do this, look at the lake to your right and press X to scan to take the alternate route opened up by Bidoof.
  • At the end of the route is Magikarp, press B and throw a Fluffruit at it to make it flop up out of the water.
  • Pidgeot will then swoop down and grab it, we recommend having your camera on Burst Mode to quickly snap multiple shots of this.
  • If you miss this photo, quickly turn around and you should be able to photograph Pidgeot flying away with Magikarp.
  • Note that Magikarp needs to be the photo’s subject, not Pidgeot. 
  • The photo of Magikarp being carried off by Pidgeot is a 4-star photo, be sure to select this shot and show it to Professor Mirror to complete the Flopping By The Water request in New Pokemon Snap.


As a reward for completing the Flopping By The Water request in New Pokemon Snap, you’ll receive the “Eye 7” sticker. 

Related: New Pokemon Snap | How to Complete Dam, Sweet Dam


About the Author

Morgan Shaver

Morgan is a writer, metalhead, horror lover, and indie game enthusiast. When it comes to games, they love nothing more than to wax poetic about all the latest and greatest indies to anyone who'll listen. They're also a Tetris fanatic who's fiercely competitive in games like Tetris 99... and all games in general. But mostly Tetris. You can follow Morgan on Twitter @Author_MShaver

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