New Lamentis-1 Featured Location in Marvel Snap: How to Play Around it?

Absolute monstosity of a location.

Image via Marvel Snap

Let’s face it, you’re probably reading this because you suddenly got your game plan completely derailed by this location on Turn 1, 2 or 3. Yes, the shock was big to us, too. If you didn’t get your top cards, you’re probably gone from the match figuratively and literally. Prima Games will let you know what Lamentis-1 is and what you can do to make some good use of it.

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What is Lamentis-1 in Marvel Snap?

Lamentis-1’s text goes like this: “Draw 3 cards. Destroy both decks.”
Shocker, ain’t it? What to do next?

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Well, if you’re running a 1-Cost aggro deck, it won’t do you good, even if you got Blue Marvel and Onslaught for turns 5 and 6. You will probably have a lot of dry turns, so even if you don’t get Killmongered, you’re gonna have a bad time. Of course, when the Featured tag drops from Lamentis-1, no one’s really going to care about its effects, but today, we’ll need to work around a strategy to come out on top with this location.

How to Play With or Against Lamentis-1 In Marvel Snap?

Well, the answer to this question is the same because you are technically, at the same time, playing with it and against it. Weird, huh?

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Based on the games we have played, the most optimal strategy is to always run a couple of standalone late-game cards that can tip the scales in your favor on Turns 5 and 6. We have found that 5-Cost cards such as Black Panther and Devil Dinosaur are great. For 6-Cost cards, you can try Dr. Doom, Arnim Zola, and maybe even Hulk, who knows! As for 4-Drops we always recommend Shang-Chi, which will stop the opponent in his/her tracks. If your draw is garbage after this location is revealed, it’s okay to leave the game and cut your losses! Also, if you have Death in your deck, her cost will be ZERO because of all the cards this location has destroyed.

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About the Author

Nikola L

Nikola has been a Staff Writer at Prima Games since May 2022. He has been gaming since being able to hold an Amiga 500 joystick on his own, back in the early 90s (when gaming was really good!). Nikola has helped organize dozens of gaming events and tournaments and has been professionally attached to gaming since 2009.