MultiVersus Patch Notes: Happy Valentine’s Day, Here’s Ranked Mode For Real

Suck it Jake mains

Another MultiVersus update, another holiday event! Maybe holidays shouldn’t happen as often, huh? It’s getting a little draining in my opinion. Especially since this one’s another month-long, doodad-collecting affair. But in MultiVersus’ defense, these skins are pretty hilarious. Oh and also, Ranked mode is officially out finally. No more sweaty casuals!

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New Stuff

ValentiNeon Event

Yep, login rewards, bespoke currency and a whole bunch of wacky themed cosmetics! Everything is purple and covered in hearts this time, with Black Adam being the victim of the 14,000 collectibles position. Some of the numbers and things for the Candy Hearts have changed compared to the last event, so keep an eye out for the separate event guide for the deets. There’s a new Silly Queue mode as well, tied to the event of course.


After a few rounds of testing, Ranked Mode is back in action and permanently this time. There’s a limited stage pool with hazards turned off, no duplicate characters allowed, and at the moment hitting new tiers in Ranked awards extra Candy Hearts.

Multikeyboard support has been added for Steam users! Up to four keyboards are supported, for all four of you who want to play this way.


Aside from the event skins, two new Space Jam outfits have been added for Marvin. Just like the others, there’s the 1996 option and the one for that abysmal sequel. 800 Gleamium each! Astropup Reindog is also available for PlayStation Plus users.

Buffs and Nerfs

Some characters have 2D hitboxes now, which is meant to address some serious issues the 3D ones had. There’s no indication these are temporary or intended to be permanent or what.


  • Bugfixes
  • Adjustments to air/ground side special


  • 2D Hitboxes
  • Nerfs to air up special, ground down special, air down attack and ground down attack
  • Buff to air down attack

Black Adam

  • 2D Hitboxes
  • Nerfs to weight, ground neutral special
  • Buff to air neutral attack
  • Adjustment to air/ground up attack

Bugs Bunny

  • Nerf to air/ground neutral special
  • Buff to ground side attack


  • Nerfs to weight, air/ground neutral special, air/ground side special and air down special
  • Bugfix


  • 2D Hitboxes
  • Buffs to air up special, ground up special, air up attack, air side attack, ground up attack, ground side attack


  • 2D Hitboxes
  • Bugfix
  • Nerfs to air side special, air down attack
  • Buffs to air up attack, ground up attack and ground down attack


  • 2D Hitboxes
  • Nerfs to air neutral attack, ground neutral attack
  • Buffs to air side attack, ground up attack, ground down attack, ground side attack

Iron Giant

  • Bugfixes


  • 2D Hitboxes
  • Nerfs to weight, air/ground down special, air side attack, air neutral attack, air up attack, air down attack, ground side attack


  • 2D Hitboxes
  • Buffs to air up special, air/ground side special, ground up attack, air down attack (all no ball), air neutral attack (with ball)
  • Nerf to air up attack (no ball)


  • 2D Hitboxes
  • Bugfixes
  • Buffs to air/ground up special, air/ground down special, air/ground neutral attack, air/ground down attack, ground side attack
  • Nerfs to ground side special, air/ground neutral attack


  • 2D Hitboxes
  • Bugfix
  • Buff to air/ground down special


  • Fire Fluff Perk bugfix
  • Nerf to air/ground neutral special
  • Buff to ground down attack


  • Nerf to ground side attack

Steven Universe

  • 2D Hitboxes
  • Bugfixes
  • Nerfs to air/ground up special, air/ground side special, ground side attack
  • Buffs to air/ground side special
  • Tweaks to air/ground side special


  • 2D Hitboxes
  • Buffs to air side special, ground down special, ground up special, air side attack, air down attack, ground up attack, ground side attack
  • Nerfs to ground down attack, ground up attack


  • 2D Hitboxes
  • Bugfixes
  • Tweaks t air/ground up special, air side attack, ground side attack
  • Buffs to air/ground up special, air/ground neutral special, ground up attack
  • Nerfs to ground up attack, air down attack, air/ground neutral special, ground neutral attack

Tom & Jerry

  • 2D Hitboxes
  • Bugfixes
  • Nerf to ground up attack
  • Buffs to ground up attack, ground side attack


  • 2D Hitboxes
  • Nerfs to air/ground neutral special, air up special, ground side special, air/ground neutral attack, ground up attack, ground side attack
  • Buff to ground side attack

Wonder Woman

  • Nerfs to air down special, ground up special, air side attack
  • Buff to ground up special

Holy cow, that was a ton of stuff! A lot of wonky “this move was buffed and nerfed” that makes my cliff notes version look weird, but it all makes sense in context. Most of it, as you may imagine, seems related to a lot of the hitbox movement. As always you can see all the minute details (and extensive developer notes in Harley’s case) over on the official MultiVersus support page. I’m absolutely thriving with Taz right now, so those hitboxes are doing the lord’s work to say the least.

About the Author

Lucas White

Lucas plays a lot of videogames. Sometimes he enjoys one. His favs include Dragon Quest, SaGa and Mystery Dungeon. You can find him on Twitter @HokutoNoLucas. Wanna send an email? Shoot it to [email protected].