Mortal Kombat Movie Reboot Cast List

Check out the cast for the upcoming reboot of the Mortal Kombat movie!

The legendary fighting game franchise of Mortal Kombat will once again be hitting the big screens when the official reboot of the Mortal Kombat movie franchise is released in the future. Production of the reboot movie began on September 15th, and many members of the upcoming movie’s cast have been announced. Have you been searching for all of the currently known members of the Mortal Kombat movie cast? If so, do not worry, as we have them all covered for you.

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Mortal Kombat Movie Cast

The reboot will be directed by Simon McQuoid and produced by James Wan. Fans will be happy to see that there will be plenty of star power being brought in to fill out the cast for the highly anticipated reboot which will have an R rating and brutal fatalities

Mortal Kombat Movie Cast

You can find all of the confirmed cast members and their roles for the Mortal Kombat movie below:

  • Josh Lawson – Kano
  • Chin Han – Shang Tsung
  • Hiroyuki Sanada – Scorpion
  • Tadanobu Asano – Raiden
  • Sisi Stringer – Mileena
  • Jessica Mcnamee – Sonya Blade
  • Max Huang – Kung Lao
  • Mehcad Brooks – Jax Briggs
  • Ludi Lin – Liu Kang
  • Joe Taslim – Sub-Zero
  • Lewis Tan – Unknown

There is no denying that the first two live-action movies based on the high-profile video game series were not the greatest and are often seen as guilty pleasures by fans who did enjoy them. However, the power of technology in the modern film industry could be what is needed to bring the famous story of the franchise to life in a much more satisfying way than the previous films were able to accomplish.

We will continue to update this article with new members of the Mortal Kombat movie cast whenever they are officially announced. 

Which of the currently known cast members for the Mortal Kombat movie reboot are you the most excited to see battle it out on the big screen? Let us know your thoughts over on Twitter and Facebook!

About the Author

Nicholas Barth

Guides Writer Nicholas enjoys helping fellow members of the video game community learn more about their favorite games. First-person shooters and Battle Royale games are what you can usually find Nicholas playing when he isn't writing. We will congratulate you if you can find a bigger Call of Duty fan than Nicholas, who has been playing since he got Call of Duty 2 with his first Xbox 360. [email protected]