How to Win Rock Paper Scissors in Chained Echoes

Not quite Gato, but it'll do

Chained Echoes has this whole Chrono Trigger carnival-slash-fair thing going on towards the beginning that has a lot of personality. We’ve covered the Turtle Race here already, and frankly I don’t think anything will ever top that moment. I hope to be wrong, but today is not that day. That said, the Rock Paper Scissors match is another minigame here to earn points with, and just like the Turtle Race there’s a trick.

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How to Win Rock Paper Scissors in Chained Echoes

Before you challenge the Rock Paper Scissors champion, you can actually get hints from a few NPCs. Each of these three people have noticed a tic Mr. Champ has and happily offers that information for free. Presumably, they’re all mad they lost all their points to this clown. We’ll take this step by step in case you want to try winning yourself.

Related: How to Win the Turtle Race in Chained Echoes

The three tics are:

  • The Champ will never use Paper the turn after he uses Rock.
  • The Champ will never repeat choices in a match, so each hand will be different.
  • The Champ will also refuse to use the same hand twice. That kinda goes without saying based on the previous hint, but that’s what you’re given.
  • A fourth person doesn’t have a tic, but does tell you the most common starting hand is Rock. But they aren’t sure if the champion chooses paper first to counter that, or if he opts to counter-pick the counter-pick Death Note style.

Turns out the answer is indeed the anticipatory choice, because the champion does in fact start with Rock. Based on the logic given to you, you know exactly what he’ll pick next. Since he never uses Paper after Rock, and never doubles up, that leaves Scissors as the only option. After that, there’s only one more move to make.

In sum, to win at Rock Paper Scissors in Chained Echoes, the correct order is Paper, Rock and Scissors. You’ll get the full amount of points if you break this out first try and the champion will vacate the premises in shame.

About the Author

Lucas White

Lucas plays a lot of videogames. Sometimes he enjoys one. His favs include Dragon Quest, SaGa and Mystery Dungeon. You can find him on Twitter @HokutoNoLucas. Wanna send an email? Shoot it to [email protected].