How to Save Everyone in The Quarry and Get the Best Ending

In true slasher fashion, it's almost like they want to die

The odds are against you, but with the right choices our favorite camp counselors might see the light of day. Here’s how to save everyone in The Quarry.

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How to Save Everyone in The Quarry and Get the Best Ending

If you’ve played any of the Supermassive Games, you know your decisions are all that stand between the characters and an untimely, gruesome death. And while it’s not possible to save everyone in The Quarry, you can save all nine playable characters. Here’s how to save every character you can in The Quarry, without spoilers.

The Prologue: How to Save Everyone in The Quarry

These steps aren’t essential for ensuring the survival of our characters in The Quarry, but they will help! When you’re speaking to the Sheriff, you’ll have a few dialogue options you can choose. Select the dialogue options in the following order while speaking as Laura:

  • Honest, Friendly, Compliant.

When you arrive at the campgrounds, you’ll then find yourself in a situation where you can help Max. Do so.

Chapter 1: How to Save Everyone in The Quarry

Again, the decisions in chapter one aren’t essential for keeping everyone alive. But we can make things easier for ourselves by making the following decisions. Here’s a succinct list of everything you’ll need to do, with more detail below.

  • Pick up Emma’s bracelet.
  • Break the fuel line.
  • Break into the cabin with Emma.
  • Pick up and keep the teddy bear in the cabin.
  • Select the scenic route.
  • Nudge Nick.
  • While speaking as Dylan, choose the dialogue options Friendly, Supportive, Understanding.
  • While speaking as Ryan, choose the dialogue options Complaint, Insistent, Supportive, Reluctant.

Decisions to Make When You’re Playing as Jacob in Chapter 1 of The Quarry

Jacob has two main things he’ll need to do in Chapter 1. He’ll need to find Emma’s bracelet, and he’ll need to break something in the car. Finding Emma’s bracelet is easy to miss, while your interaction with the car is necessary to progress the story.

To find Emma’s bracelet, head into the parking lot. You’ll find the bracelet on the ground.

When Jacob is in the car, you should have him break the fuel line. No matter what, we have to make a terrible decision. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have a story! But here’s the rub – breaking the fuel line will make things easier in later chapters, but it’ll prevent you from getting a piece of evidence in chapter 3. To get that piece of evidence, you’ll need to steal the rotor arm. If you’re going for a 100% run, keep that in mind.

Decisions to Make When You’re Playing as Abigail in Chapter 1 of The Quarry

When you’re playing as Abigail, you’ll have the option to break into the cabin with Emma. Do so! Once you’re inside, look at the right-hand side of the cabin to find a teddy bear. Interact with it and opt to keep it.

When you leave the cabin, you’ll then have an option to take the scenic route or the direct route to the lodge. Go with Emma’s decision and take the scenic route.

Decisions to Make When You’re Playing as Dylan in Chapter 1 of The Quarry

Our next set of decisions is all dialogue-based. As the banter gets going, you’ll have a few choices to make. While you’re playing as Dylan, pick the following options for the best results. Morale is everything!

  • Nudge Nick.
  • Select Friendly, Supportive, and Understanding.

Decisions to Make When You’re Playing as Ryan in Chapter 1 of The Quarry

For our reclusive and stoic Ryan, you must be a little more careful with your dialogue choices. It’s not enough to make friends. Select the following dialogue options:

  • Compliant, Insistent, Supportive, Reluctant

Chapter 2: How to Save Everyone in The Quarry

While the prologue and chapter one were all about making choices to make our life easier later on, chapter two is where we see our first defining make-or-break choices. The big decisions for this chapter are:

  • Get the shotgun.
  • Take the fireworks.
  • Don’t go down the hatch.
  • Interact with the shotgun.  

To get the shotgun, you’ll need to head to the storage room in the back of the general store. In the back of the storage room is a locked door, and you’ll need Jacob to open it. Emma will fail at opening it herself. Once the room is open, find the gun on the ground with a note stuck to it. Emma will instantly take the gun, “for bears”. But now that we have the note that was stuck on the gun, we can get the fireworks.

Head back to the counter near the front of the store and look beneath it to find a safe. Use the code you found on the shotgun to get the fireworks. Take the fireworks. Both are missable steps.

Eventually, the scene will transition to Dylan. Once it does, be sure you don’t go down the hatch. Then, interact with the shotgun. And that’s all the necessary steps for Chapter 2 to ensure the very best outcome.

Chapter 3: How to Save Everyone in The Quarry

Things finally start to get real in Chapter 3. We’ll control three characters in this chapter, and the big decisions we’ll need to make are:

  • Help Nick.
  • Don’t fail any quick-time events.
  • Don’t throw dirt.

Decisions to Make When You’re Playing as Abigail in Chapter 3 of The Quarry

While you’re playing as Abi, call back to Nick. You’ll have a conversation where the best choice is to be Honest and Cautious with him. You can then opt to kiss him, as it’ll deepen your relationship with him.

When Nick is attacked, you’ll need to make the big decision. Opt to help him. After this moment, get ready for quick time events between every decision. After helping Nick select run, then climb tree. For your next decision, hold your breath until the monster is gone. The gauge will be close to the bottom. This will be the last decision you’ll need to make as Abigail, and then you’ll transition over to Jacob.

Decisions to Make When You’re Playing as Jacob in Chapter 3 of The Quarry

After Jacob and Emma jump into the water, select enthusiastic for Jacob’s swan dive. Once he’s in the water, go for flirt.

If you opt to go for the rotor arm instead of the fuel line in Chapter 2, you’ll find that the rotor arm slipped into the water. You’ll then get the choice between saving Abi and diving into the water. If you dive into the water, you’ll get a piece of evidence, but Jacob’s hand will get trapped. Simply choose detangle to stop Jacob from drowning.

The scene will transition away from Jacob to Ryan. But this isn’t the last time we’ll control Jacob. And his last decision of the chapter is very important. When you encounter the hunter, do not throw dirt at him. Be kind! This is essential to keeping everyone alive.

Decisions to Make When You’re Playing as Ryan in Chapter 3 of The Quarry

Ryan really only needs to do one thing for Chapter 3, and that’s not fail a single QTE. Failing a QTE will cause Ryan to arrive late when Nick is with the Hunter. It doesn’t matter what path you take to get to Nick.

Chapter 4: How to Save Everyone in The Quarry

So, things are already starting to get grim, and we’re not even halfway done. And you can accidentally kill some of your friends in this chapter, so it’s a good idea to make the following essential decisions:

  • Do not shoot at the bushes either time.
  • Search the bag.
  • Take a photo.
  • Leave through the trapdoor.
  • Give the gun to Kaitlyn.
  • Reel the zipline in slowly.

This is an action-packed chapter. While you’re at the campsite with Nick, you’ll hear sounds from the bushes on two different occasions. You must not shoot the bushes. Instead, let the gauge run out each time.

Your dialogue choices don’t really matter here. But you should succeed at the QTEs that can from the tense conversation, ideally.

Decisions to Make When You’re Playing as Emma in Chapter 4 of The Quarry

When you’re controlling Emma, you’ll eventually make your way into the treehouse. Here, you’ll have several key decisions you’ll need to make. The first decision is to snoop through someone else’s belongings or open the spooky trap door. Emma is essentially an Oracle of Delphi in this scene, and the best decision you can make for her is to go through the bags.

Emma will then open the trapdoor of her own accord. You should then use the taser you got from the bag, followed by taking a photo. This will blind your attacker, giving you enough time to get away. But not for long. For your next choice, leave through the trapdoor. Succeed at the QTEs to take the zipline, then spray the attacker.  

You’ll get a long scene with the rest of the campers, but eventually, you’ll come back to Emma, where you have to make the last life-saving decision. Opt to reel in the zipline slowly and our girl will live to see the end of the chapter.

Decisions to Make When You’re Playing as Dylan in Chapter 4 of The Quarry

The scene will transition to Dylan and Abigail. And here, the best choice to make is to opt to give the gun to Kaitlyn. Your dialogue options here don’t really matter when it comes to keeping everyone alive.

Chapter 5: How to Save Everyone in The Quarry

If you’ve been following this guide, no one can die in this chapter. But two people can get infected: Kaitlyn and Dylan. Here’s the best way to avoid that situation.

Decisions to Make When You’re Playing as Kaitlyn in Chapter 5 of The Quarry

You’ll kick off this chapter as Kaitlyn, and you’ll have a lot of QTEs you’ll need to get through. Essentially, your goal is to not fail any QTEs and to hold your breath for long enough that you don’t get caught.

Decisions to Make When You’re Playing as Nick in Chapter 5 of The Quarry

Nick must follow Kaitlyn’s queue here. Opt to hide when the choice arises, then hold your breath successfully until the danger passes.

Decisions to Make When You’re Playing as Ryan in Chapter 5 of The Quarry

Now, here’s where the decisions really start to matter. When you’re playing as Ryan, you’ll get to the radio cabin. When you’re in the radio cabin, do not shoot at the roof. You Should also opt to help Dylan create the device he’s tinkering on, even if it does lead to a gruesome decision.

You’ll have to use the shotgun or the chainsaw on Dylan’s arm. Opt for the chainsaw, for reasons I can’t disclose without treading into spoiler territory.

Chapter 6: How to Save Everyone in The Quarry

Chapter 6 is one of the roughest in the game, as it can lead to multiple character deaths. Here are the key decisions you’ll need to make to keep everyone alive in The Quarry.

  • Open the trapdoor.
  • Shoot at Nick.
  • Pick up the fireworks.

Decisions to Make When You’re Playing as Jacob in Chapter 6 of The Quarry

While you’re playing as Jacob, you’ll reconvene with Emma. Be sure to succeed at every QTE thrown your way. Once you’ve done that, your next big decision will be to run or hide. Opt to hide, then succeed at holding your breath. When Jacob gets trapped, opt to pull open the trap.

Decisions to Make When You’re Playing as Kaitlyn in Chapter 6 of The Quarry

When Nick starts to talk about how good Abigail smells, opt to intervene. Immediately after, select help Nick.

Decisions to Make When You’re Playing as Abi in Chapter 6 of The Quarry

There’s really only one decision you need to make as Abi. When the options come, shoot at Nick.

Decisions to Make When You’re Playing as Abi in Chapter 6 of The Quarry

Finally, as the scene transitions to Emma, we’ll find ourselves back at the campsite. If you got the fireworks in Chapter 2, Emma can find fireworks beside the bonfire. Simply look down once you regain control of Emma to see them beside the fire. Be sure to pick them up, as this is a very missable but essential item.

Chapter 7: How to Save Everyone in The Quarry

Chapter 7 is another chapter where no one can die, but you can set yourself up for success in a later chapter. The best choices you can make for this chapter are:

  • Being kind to Travis every time you can.
  • Find the spoon and create a small place in the wall.
  • Find the syringe.
  • Hide the sedative.

This chapter will have you playing as a familiar face: Laura! As Laura, you’ll need to continuously build a good relationship with the sheriff, Travis. So, every time you speak to him, be kind and understanding. The ideal dialogue options are:

  • Compliant, intrigued, pleading.

Once you have control of Laura, look above your bed to find the spoon. Then, use the spoon on the brick under the window. This will create a small space you can store something in, later.

When you’re finally outside of your cell, pick up the syringe from the office upstairs, then hide it behind the brick in Laura’s cell.

When the sheriff returns, answer with Honest, Confident, and Encouraging. Again, do not take his gun. Instead, pass all the QTEs and use the syringe to knock him out.

Chapter 8: How to Save Everyone in The Quarry

We’re getting close to the end now! Really, the decisions won’t matter until you take control of Ryan. The key decisions for this chapter are:

  • Stopping Laura from shooting the creature.
  • Helping Jacob with the breakers.

So, once you’re in control of Ryan, you’ll find yourself in a red room with everyone else. You’ll get a prompt to stop Laura. Do so.

When Laura leaves, decide to help Jacob. We get a little puzzle here. The right decision is to interact with Breaker 1, then Breaker 2. This will open Jacob’s cage. Next, select continue, then Breaker 2 and Breaker 3.

That’s it for chapter 8!

Chapter 9: How to Save Everyone in The Quarry

So, this chapter puts the Hacketts on the line. If the Hacketts die, it doesn’t affect whether you get the survival ending. But if you want them to live, here’s how to do just that, in the order you’ll get the choices.

  • When fighting Constance, don’t do the QTE event.
  • Run instead of distract.
  • Don’t pull the knife.
  • Hide in the cabinet.
  • Choose run when faced with Jedidah.
  • Don’t stab.
  • Let Laura infect you.
  • Warn Kaitlyn.
  • Don’t fail any QTEs.
  • Select ‘sound horn.’
  • Pick up the silver bullets.
  • Shoot the monster.

So, as you can see from the list above, this is a long one, with lots of different perspectives.

Decisions to Make When You’re Playing as Laura in Chapter 9 of The Quarry

When you’re playing as Laura, you’ll find yourself in a struggle with Constance in the Hackett Family House. That means completely failing the QTE event.

When the decision comes to run or distract, select run. The scene will then transition to Ryan.

Decisions to Make When You’re Playing as Ryan in Chapter 9 of The Quarry

When you’re playing as Ryan, don’t pull out the knife. You’ll then be able to freely explore the room you’re in. Check the door to the right of the bed, and the door to the left of the bed. When someone comes in, hide in the cabinet, and hold your breath to not get caught.

After your scene with Laura, which you can see below, you’ll return to Ryan.

Succeed at Ryan’s QTE scenes and hold your breath. Ryan will then get the prompt to stab the hunter. Do not stab the hunter. Pick the sympathetic response to Laura. You’ll then need to decide on whether to let Laura bite you. Accept the bite.

Decisions to Make When You’re Playing as Laura in Chapter 9 of The Quarry

We’re back to Laura. Like before, select run. You’ll need to succeed at a few QTEs, before you’ll find yourself able to explore the house. Explore to your heart’s content, as there’s quite a bit of evidence in this house. If you’re collecting Tarot cards, you can find The Sun in the room where you’ll eventually encounter Jedidah.

When Jedidah attacks, you can then opt to run if you want to keep him alive. Return to Ryan’s section above if you want to know what to do next.

Decisions to Make When You’re Playing as Dylan in Chapter 9 of The Quarry

In the Hackett Scrapyard, you’ll control Dylan. While you’re in the crane, you’ll have the option to warn Kaitlyn. Do so! For the next series of events, you’ll want to succeed at every QTE and sound horn when the option arises.

When you’ve successfully dealt with the threat, the scene will transition to the storm shelter.

Decisions to Make When You’re Playing as Abi in Chapter 9 of The Quarry

Here, you’ll be able to explore as Abigail. It can be hard to navigate this area because it’s so dark, but you can turn on the lights at the fuse box. Near the fuse box, you’ll also find silver shells, which are essential for keeping everyone alive.

Decisions to Make When You’re Playing as Ryan in Chapter 9 of The Quarry

For our last choice of the chapter, we’ll be returning to the Hackett Family House. As Ryan, you’ll have the option to pick up the gun and shoot. Shoot the monster.

 Chapter 10: How to Save Everyone in The Quarry

It’s the final chapter! And what a long road it’s been. Of course, there are plenty of ways to get everyone killed. But to avoid that and save everyone in The Quarry, you just need to make these decisions in Chapter 10.

  • Stay on the island.

Decisions to Make When You’re Playing as Max in Chapter 10 of The Quarry

This is the first and only time we’ll play as Max. When Max has the opportunity to stay or leave the island, he must choose to stay on the island.

Decisions to Make When You’re Playing as Kaitlyn in Chapter 10 of The Quarry

 We’ll get a scene shift to the Hackett House, where we’ll be in control of Kaitlyn. When you’re attacked, you must choose to run every chance before you enter the kitchen. Don’t fail any QTEs. When you get to the attic, select beam instead of window.

Decisions to Make When You’re Playing as Laura in Chapter 10 of The Quarry

When you’re in the car with Laura and Ryan, you’ll need to pass the QTEs. You’ll see the opportunity to take the sheriff’s gun. Again, do not take the sheriff’s gun! Instead, take the wheel and pass the half dozen QTE checks.

Give the blood to Ryan, then progress through for some end-game lore. When you stumble across the monster, you must hesitate. But when the second option comes to shoot it, you must shoot it. This is essential. And in doing so… you’ve saved everyone! Let’s roll the epilogue.

If this game reminds you of Until Dawn, you’re not alone. But is The Quarry a sequel to that hit horror game? And if you’re thinking of picking up your next decision-based horror game, why not try The Devil in Me, where you can even save the dog.

About the Author

Daphne Fama

A Staff Writer at Prima Games since 2022, Daphne Fama spends an inordinate amount playing games of all stripes but has a soft spot for horror, FPS, and RPGs. When she’s not gaming, she’s an author and member of the Horror Writers Association with a debut novel coming out in 2025. In a previous life, she was an attorney but found she preferred fiction to contracts and forms