How to Promote Units in Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy carries a lot of old school JRPG DNA, from the more obvious Final Fantasy Tactics to games like Ogre Battle and even Fire Emblem. It does its own things too, of course. But one key part of the experience is promoting units, pumping them up to be more powerful than possible out of the box. So, how does it work? Check it out:

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Related: How to Get Medal of Bravery in Triangle Strategy

So, as you can see in the guide we linked above, you need Medals. For context, you can see a screenshot of an early promotion menu, which lays out the requirements for bumping Serenoa up for the first time. Moving him up from a Recruit to Veteran Swordsman requires one Medal of Bravery, and he needs to be at least level 10. The green arrows show gains, including an extra TP to work with.

To get to the Promotions menu, you also have to visit the Sundry NPC in your Encampment. It’s weird that a merchant is also in charge of advanced military training, but that’s videogames, baby. As you play through Triangle Strategy, the requirements for promoting units will change, but you can generally expect to be hanging out at the Sundry figuring out what that looks like.

Got anymore requests for information as you play through Triangle Strategy? Let us know!

About the Author

Lucas White

Lucas plays a lot of videogames. Sometimes he enjoys one. His favs include Dragon Quest, SaGa and Mystery Dungeon. You can find him on Twitter @HokutoNoLucas. Wanna send an email? Shoot it to [email protected].