How to Join a Guild in Night Crows

Don't join for the people, join for the loot

At the heart of any MMORPG is its social life. Here’s how to join a guild in Night Crows.

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How to Join a Guild in Night Crows

Night Crows might let you put the game on cruise control, but that just gives you more opportunity to talk to your friends online. And what better place to make friends than your guild?

To join a guild in Night Crows, you have to hit level 10. Once you’ve hit level 10, you can open your menu by pressing the three dashes icon on the top right of your screen. In the menu, you’ll find the Guild icon on the fourth row. Select it, and you’ll be presented with a list of possible guilds for you to join.

Beside each listed guild, you’ll see the number of members and whether the guild requires you to apply or if it will instantly accept you. If you have to apply, you can continue applying to as many guilds as you like. Whichever guild accepts you first will be the guild you join. Instant join guilds will allow you to become a member of the guild the moment you press ‘join’.

Alternatively, you can opt to create your own guild by going to the menu, selecting the Guild icon, and then selecting the ‘Create’ button. But to create your own Guild, you must be at least level 30 and be ready to pay the 100,000 Gold fee for Guild creation.

Joining a guild in Night Crows has more than a few advantages. You’ll get resources each time you check in, and depending on your guild level, you’ll see certain permanent effects. A Guild that’s level 1, for example, will give you a permanent 1% EXP boost and MAX HP 20. But if you’re in a level 4 guild, you’ll get 4% exp gain, +20 MAX HP, +20 MAX MP, +1 DEF, and +1 ACC.

The higher level your guild, the more benefits you’ll receive. So, it’s a good idea to be the best class you can be. Or perhaps join another Korean MMORPG that lets you travel through historical, folklore-rich landscapes?

About the Author

Daphne Fama

A Staff Writer at Prima Games since 2022, Daphne Fama spends an inordinate amount playing games of all stripes but has a soft spot for horror, FPS, and RPGs. When she’s not gaming, she’s an author and member of the Horror Writers Association with a debut novel coming out in 2025. In a previous life, she was an attorney but found she preferred fiction to contracts and forms