How to Fix Twitch Error 1000

A whole lot of errors around these parts.

Twitch error

Twitch, one of the most popular streaming platforms on the internet, is not without its fair share of problems. If you’re watching streams all the time, you’ve probably run into errors along the way. Here’s how to fix the Twitch 1000 error.

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How to Fix Twitch Error 1000

First off, what is Twitch error 1000? Well, the error reads as follows:

“The video download was canceled. Please try again.”

There are quite a few reasons why this might be happening, so let’s outline them. First off, it’s always possible this was a glitch, and a simple browser reset could fix the problem. If you haven’t already, try refreshing and downloading again.

Related: How to Link Accounts to Twitch

If the problem still persists, you could be using an outdated browser or one that does not support Twitch in every regard. Your best bet is to switch to a different internet browser and try again. This is a simple fix that has worked for many users.

Cookies could also stop your browser from accessing Twitch how it needs to. So depending on what browser you’re using, you’ll want to clear all of your cookies.

For Google Chrome, you can simply click the three dots in the corner, go to your settings, and clear your cookies and cache. After doing this, try to download the video again.

This might go without saying, but if you’re downloading something, ensure you have the hard drive space! Sometimes this can be a silly fix to the problem.

Finally, if you haven’t yet, try resetting your router. Your internet could be having issues preventing you from downloading the video on Twitch.

Well, that’s everything you need to know about how to fix Twitch error 1000. If you have some questions about the memes you see in chat, check out our handy guide on what they mean.

About the Author

Jesse Vitelli

Jesse loves most games, but he really loves games that he can play together with friends and family. This usually means late nights in Destiny 2 or FFXIV. You can also find him thinking about his ever-expanding backlog of games he won't play and being constantly dehydrated. Do not contact him.