How to Defeat the Suspicious Eyes in Vampire Survivors Emergency Meeting DLC

I had to endure this nightmare fuel, and now you must too.

How to Defeat Suspicious Eyes Vampire Survivors Emergency Meeting DLC
Screenshot by Prima Games

“Suspicious Eyes” is the name of the Vampire Survivors Emergency Meeting DLC boss at the stage “Polus Replica” that you get to play in the latest content addition. Beating the Suspicious Eyes is one of many achievements, so here’s how to do it.

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How to Beat the Suspicious Eyes in Polus Replica in Vampire Survivors Emergency Meeting DLC

To defeat Suspicious Eyes, simply keep your distance and focus on destroying both of its tentacles first before attacking its head.

Suspicious Eyes spawn at 25:00, no matter what mode of Vampire Survivors you are playing. You will see a cursed alien entity resembling a baby doll’s head (with Among Us characters as eye pupils) with two tentacles. Now you know why I said “cursed.”

Suspicious Eyes has the following stats:

  • HP: (300) x (your character’s level)
  • Power: 30
  • Movement Speed: 160
  • Resistances: Freeze, Rosary-like effects, other Debuffs

Because of its movement speed, you probably won’t have too hard of a time outrunning it. As mentioned above, try to keep your distance while destroying each tentacle first. Once they’re down, finishing off its head is a piece of cake. While the Bestiary claims Suspicious Eyes has Freeze resistance, similar to Red Death’s, it’s not immune to freeze effects, but has a decent chance to ignore the effect when you attempt to apply it.

Suspicious Eyes Bestiary entry number is 197 and reads:

“They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. I’m not sure this thing has a soul, but it definitely has an unnervingly “cute” face, and a lot of gross tentacles. I’d recommend cutting them off as soon as possible and sending this murderous meat-blob to the space butchers, along with a side of Meat Beans. Also known as Granbeanlloon.”

If you need to improve your arsenal, check out all new weapon evolutions in Vampire Survivors Emergency Meeting DLC because having one or two evolved weapons might greatly assist you in beating this achievement.

About the Author

Nikola L

Nikola has been a Staff Writer at Prima Games since May 2022. He has been gaming since being able to hold an Amiga 500 joystick on his own, back in the early 90s (when gaming was really good!). Nikola has helped organize dozens of gaming events and tournaments and has been professionally attached to gaming since 2009.