How to Complete the Breakout Star Challenge in BitLife

Enjoy the spotlight before returning to the cell

How to Complete the Breakout Star Challenge in BitLife

It is time again for a weekly BitLife challenge! Starting today, April 29, 2023, things start off crazy and only get weirder as your character ages. Get ready to cause some mayhem while staying in (and out) the spotlight because your character will constantly swap between the world knowing who you are and the justice system fearing you. If you want to learn more, continue reading to discover how to complete the Breakout Star challenge in BitLife.

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How to Complete the Breakout Star Challenge in BitLife

Below are the five tasks you’ll have to finish for the Breakout Star challenge in BitLife:

  • Break out of juvie
  • Become famous
  • Burgle $50,000+ in cash and valuables
  • Break out of a maximum security prison
  • Appear in a magazine after breaking out of a maximum security prison

It is important to note that these tasks have to be completed in this specific order, so make sure to follow the directions below in order!

How to Burgle Houses and Break Out of Juvie in Bitlife

To begin this challenge, you will want to create a new character of any gender and starting country and age them until they turn 10. At this age, your character can begin breaking into homes and “borrowing” peoples’ valuables. Throughout their life, continue successfully burgling homes while avoiding the owner and their dogs until you take at least $50,000 worth of cash and valuable items.

As a side note, make sure you get in and out of the houses as quickly as possible to avoid the police storming in, unless you are very confident you can escape in time.

At any point between ages 8-17, you will also want to get caught for a crime and get sent to juvie. The earlier you do this and the less severe your crime, the easier your prison layout will be! Head into juvie and attempt to escape to find a minigame where your character has to navigate a grid to run away from a police officer. For most layouts, you will want the police officer to reach a dead-end alcove before you run right through the exit square.

How to Become Famous in Bitlife

During this particular challenge, it is important to become famous before entering prison to retain your fame stats after escaping. BitLife offers many ways to do this, from becoming a famous actor to a chef! It is entirely up to you, but you will want to ensure you reach 100% fame before going to jail again.

Regardless, below are a few routes you can take to become famous in BitLife:

Follow any of these guides, and you should be able to become famous in Bitlife with ease.

How to Break Out of a Maximum Security Prison and Appear in a Magazine in Bitlife

Once your character reaches adulthood and becomes famous, it is time to head back into jail! Commit a severe crime such as murder and get caught by the police to go back to jail, where you can repeat the same process as juvie. This time, the only difference is maximum security prisons are much harder to escape! You will have to use a series of steps and catch the police into dead-ends multiple times before reaching the end.

Oh, you can also use a guard outfit if you don’t mind watching some ad videos.

Related: How to Appear in a Magazine in BitLife

By this point, if you went into prison at 100% fame, you should still have some left over. Personally, I went in as a famous rock star at 100% fame, and by the time I left, it dropped to 67%. In the same year, appear in a magazine shoot to wrap up the last task of this challenge!

Once you complete the final task, you will finish the Breakout Star Challenge in BitLife!

BitLife is available on Android and iOS devices. To learn more about the game, check out our complete list of BitLife guides by clicking the tag below!

About the Author

Madison Benson

Madison was a staff writer at Prima Games who has played video games for over twenty years and written about them for over two years. Her love for video games started with turn-based strategy games like Heroes of Might and Magic and has since extended to casual farming sims, MMORPGs, and action-adventure RPGs.