How to Become a Porn Set Janitor in BitLife

We can sweep this one under the rug

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The newest weekend challenge in BitLife, the Dirty Jobs Challenge, is a doozy. You have to work five different jobs for ten years each, including a decade of being a Porn Set Janitor. There are no promotions or opportunities for career growth alongside a salary increase. Don’t worry, there’s zero judging here. If you’re interested in learning more, continue reading to discover how to become a Porn Set Janitor in BitLife.

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How to Become a Porn Set Janitor in BitLife

To become a Porn Set Janitor in BitLife, age your character until they turn 18. Not only does this make sense for this particular job, but it’s also a requirement to unlock full-time careers. Becoming a Porn Set Janitor doesn’t require college or university degrees, and you don’t need any previous job experience. Instead, you’ll just have to find the position in the full-time jobs list, apply for it and pass the interview. The real challenge, though, is finding this job.

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Since the full-time job list is randomized, you’re not guaranteed to find the Porn Set Janitor position right away. You can either age up or close and reopen the BitLife app before rechecking the list. From here, select Occupation, pick Jobs and scroll to the bottom of the list. Porn Set Janitor is generally one of the lowest-salary careers, so you’ll want to make sure you’re not missing it. Usually, it appears among jobs like Factory Worker, Security Guard, Retail Salesperson and Ride Sharing App Drivers. The job appears alongside a water emoji and an “Adult Film Studio” tag beside the name.

BitLife is available on Android and iOS devices. If you’re interested in learning more about the game, check out How to Become a Porta Potty Pumper and How to Become a Roadkill Remover in BitLife.

About the Author

Madison Benson

Madison was a staff writer at Prima Games who has played video games for over twenty years and written about them for over two years. Her love for video games started with turn-based strategy games like Heroes of Might and Magic and has since extended to casual farming sims, MMORPGs, and action-adventure RPGs.