How to Make Floors In Grounded

So you're combating those fears of spiders in Grounded, eh? Here's what you need to know about making those safe floors.

So you’re combating those fears of spiders in Grounded, eh? There are a few things you need to know about this miniaturized adventure with the first being how to make floors in Grounded. This is a survival game, which means tricks are needed when coming out on top. Or in this case, the bottom, because that’s typically where floors go.

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How to Make Floors In Grounded

To get started, you’re going to want to actually play the game. No duh, right? But seriously, the story quests are crucial for learning new skills on how to surprise. To kickstart this particular feature, you’re going to want to complete one quest that will task you with investigating an old oak tree exploding. Once there, there is a room in the back that houses a robot labeled ‘BURG.L’, it’s super important for fleshing out those in-game skills.

In the same room nearby, you’ll find a Chip that goes with the robot, insert that chip into BURG.L and the interaction will commence. When prompted, select the option that says ‘I’ll trade you some Raw Science’ in order to see its wares. Using 1,000 Raw Science, you will then need to unlock the Multi-Story Bases feature, which contains exactly what is needed in order to build a floor in Grounded.

Once Multi-Story Bases has been unlocked, go then back to your base and start building. To build a floor, you’re going to need 4 Grass Planks per panel, so the bigger the floor the more resources you’re going to need. Luckily, Grass Planks are pretty easy to obtain simply by hacking away at grass with an axe, so just keep choppin’ until that desired number is reached.

Obsidian’s Grounded is an Early Access title that is available now with the Xbox Game Pass. This is just one of the projects this team is working on, with the other being that of Avowed, which you can learn more about here with our previous coverage.

“Grounded is a true passion project for the team,” said Feargus Urquhart, CEO at Obsidian Entertainment when the game was announced at the end of 2019. “We pride ourselves as being a creative studio and can’t wait to bring our expertise to the survival genre.”

Related: Obsidian’s Avowed Is Reportedly Several Times “Much, Much Larger Skyrim”

“Grounded offers our unique take on survival games, creating an unforgettable experience,” added Adam Brennecke, Game Director at Obsidian Entertainment. “It’s a perfect setting to flex our creative muscles. We want to create a versatile sandbox where players can create their own memorable experiences.”

Grounded is available now on Xbox One and PC. Thoughts on the latest title from Obsidian? Sound off with your perceptions on this spider-filled adventure over on Twitter @PrimaGames!

About the Author

Liana Ruppert

With an arguably unhealthy obsession with Dragon Age and Mass Effect, Liana is wildly passionate about all things in the gaming community. From shooters, to RPGs, if it's out - she's playing it. A medically retired US Sailor and now full-time hoarder of gaming collectibles, Liana's passion for everything in the gaming industry is palpable. Also, if you lose her in a crowd, just casually mention any BioWare game and the crazy pterodactyl screech will without a doubt follow. You can follow her on Twitter @DirtyEffinHippy or email her for editorial inquiries at [email protected]!