Ghost Recon Wildlands Weapon List – How to Unlock New Guns

Learn how to locate and unlock every weapon in Ghost Recon Wildlands.

Weapons play a vital role in how your story is told in Ghost Recon Wildlands, and those looking to get new weapons for their arsenal will have to do a little exploring if they really want to expand. While some weapons are unlocked right from the start, or through Ubisoft Club Rewards, others will require the player to find Weapon Cases hidden around Bolivia.

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To make this guide easy to follow, we’ll be breaking down each weapon location based on its province in the game. We’ll also be situating these based on the order in which you visit each province. This guide will cover all Primary, Secondary, and Handguns in the game.

Itacua Province

This is the first province that you will visit in the game. There is a total of 3 weapons that you can unlock in this province.

M40A5 Sniper Rifle

The easiest way to find this Sniper Rifle is to complete the opening set of missions and save Amaru in Amaru’s Rescue. This mission set will help you get accustomed to the way that Ghost Recon Wildlands works, and introduce you to the basic systems of the game.

Once you’ve rescued Amaru, drop him off at Itacua Echo, a Rally Point along the northern border area of the province. Here you’ll find your first Weapon Case, which you can open up to obtain this weapon.

Super Shorty Shotgun

The next weapon on our list can be found in one of the first difficult installations that players come across in the game. During the story you’ll be tasked with infiltrating the Armadillo Forward Operating Base, or F.O.B. Armadillo. The best way to approach this heavily fortified location is from the water, where you’ll find a dock-like area that you can climb onto. Enter the three-story warehouse just outside the main walls of the base and look for this Weapon Case on the roof next to a pile of boxes.

MG121 Light Machine Gun

The third and final Weapon Case for this province can be found near the enemy outpost to the west of Bocca Farm, and just north of Itacua Charlie Rally Point. Approach the location from the northern side, and make use of your Drone to check for enemy patrols. Take down the enemy soldiers in the area, then enter the outpost and search the ruined brick building the camo-tent on the top floor. You’ll find the Weapon Case in that area.

Ocoro Province

The next province that you visit in Ghost Recon Wildlands is the Ocoro province, which is just to the east of Itacua. Here you’ll find 3 Weapon Cases waiting to be opened and claimed.

SR-635 Submachine Gun

The first Weapon Case in the Ocoro Province can be found along the northern tip of the province at the Coca Paste Factory. To find the Weapon Case, infiltrate the factory and take out any enemies inside. Once you have gained access, be sure to check the laboratory, which is located along the northeastern corner of the factory. The Weapon Case with this gun can be found inside.

5.7 USG Handgun

The second weapon found in this province can be located by heading to the massive Ocoro Base which is located almost directly in the center of the province, along the river. Infiltrate the area, making sure to check for enemy patrols with your Drone, and look in the massive lab that is surrounded by several tanks and metal pipes. You’ll find this Weapon Case around this area, next to a storage container.

M1911 Handgun

One of the stronger Handguns in the game, the M1911 Handgun can be found in the southeastern corner of the Ocoro Province, at El Altiplano Verde Ranch. There isn’t much to find in this area, but make your way out here via helicopter and search the corner of the old dilapidated barn to find this Weapon Case.

P.N. De Agua Verde Province

Head out of the northwestern border of the Ocoro Province to enter P.N. De Agua Verde. This large province holds 3 Weapon Cases that players can find and obtain. Most of this province is made up of water, so make sure you bring a boat or helicopter to make travel much easier.

PP19 Submachine Gun

The first Weapon Case in this province can be located at a cocaine lab, which is situated on a small barge between Playa Sirena and Arroyo Baya. The barge itself is made up of two levels, so be sure to check for enemies before entering the area and boarding the vessel.

Once onboard, check the bow of the barge to find this Weapon Case waiting to be plundered.

SASG-12 Shotgun

This powerful shotgun can be acquired from a military outpost hidden in the mountains that make up the northeastern corner of this province. The easiest way to infiltrate this base is to make your way up the side of the mountain using a narrow trail that runs up the cliffs from north to south. Climb down the cliff and into the back of the camp that is situated just east of the outpost, then make your way into the brick building along the right side to find this Weapon Case inside a storage container.

SR3M Assault Rifle

Make your way to Alicia Town, which is situated along the western edge of this province. Once in the town, look for a small water tower on the west side of town, and then take note of the Santa Blanca goons guarding a compound just off to the west. The Weapon Case you’re looking for can be found inside, against the wall furthest west. The easiest way to obtain this weapon is to sneak into the camp using the gaps in the barbed wire. Make sure to mark any enemy patrols with your Drone before entering, that way you always know where they are.

Barvechos Province

With the province of P.N. De Agua Verde looted, make your way back to the southwest to Barvechos. Most of this province is made up of a large city-like area that fills the center of the province. There are only 2 Weapon Cases to be found in this province.

MP7 Submachine Gun

Look out for the Central Outpost located along the northwestern side of the town that fills the center of the province. Approach it from the north and take out the guard in the watchtower. With the first guard down, turn your attention to the gas station across the street. Take out this guard as well. Now that the way is clear, carefully move into town and up into the watchtower to loot the Weapon Case found inside.

AUG A3 Assault Rifle

This powerful Assault Rifle can only be obtained by opening a Weapon Case located in the Santa Blanca Base in Barvechos. To easily find this base, search along the western side of the province. There aren’t many areas that contain multiple buildings in this section of the world, so it shouldn’t be too challenging to find. Once you’ve located the base, sneak into it along the northern side of the outpost.

There’s a jammer inside, so you won’t be able to use your Drone until you take it out. Sneak through, taking out any soldiers in your way, and claim this new weapon by opening up the case inside the armory.

San Mateo Province

One of the more barren provinces in the game, San Mateo only contains 2 Weapon Cases for players to find. It can be found situated directly between Barvechos and P.N. De Agua Verde.

628 Sniper Rifle

This long-range weapon can be found inside of a Weapon Case hidden in a prison that has been constructed into the canyon in San Mateo’s northern interior area. To find the Weapon Case, approach the location carefully, and take out any enemies as you make your way inside through the entrances on the northern and western side of the installation. The Weapon Case can be found inside the armory, near the prison’s helicopter.

PSG Submachine Gun

Make your way to the Santa Blanca base in San Mateo. It’s easily found along the northwestern border of the province. This Weapon Case can be found inside the base inside the armory. To easily access this area, enter the base through a gap along the northern wall. Move forward along the wall and down a set of stairs to your left. Keep an eye out for enemies, and turn to your right to find the entrance to the armory. The Weapon Case is inside.

Tabacal Province

The next province on our list is further north, beyond the borders of P.N. De Agua Verde. Tabacal only contains 2 Weapon Cases.

Ak-12 Assault Rifle

To find the Weapon Case holding this weapon, players will need to locate the Makeshift Runway situated along the mountain range just east of Tabacal Bravo Rally Point. Look for the Weapon Case under a wooden and metal shelter, next to some wreckage from a plane.

P12 Handgun

The easier way to find this Weapon Case is to take note of the railway tracks that lead through the center area of the region. Look out for a twist to the east, and follow the tracks to the SNPC Freight Yard. Here you’ll find a Weapon Case right next to a large fuel tank, so beware of enemy fire coming your way when you try to loot it. There’s a nearby Sicario Leader who will flee if you haven’t intimidated him yet, but don’t worry. He’ll come back after you leave the area.

Espiritu Santo Province

Located to the east of P.N. De Agua Verde, this province features 2 Weapon Cases for players to discover and claim.

MK-48 Light Machine Gun

The first Weapon Case in this province can be found in Los Humildes Peregrinos, a motel located along the main road that wraps around the river flowing through this area. The Weapon Case itself can be found next to the western-most building, which is currently surrounded by construction scaffolding. Approach from the west for the easiest approach, and look for the case behind the building.

L85A2 Assault Rifle

If you make your way north within this province, you’re bound to come across a small set of buildings situated up a winding road that leads away from the main highway area. This is Buchone Chapel. Make your way to the location and then head inside the house using the front entrance. Look out for a set of stairs on the right side of the door that will lead you down a level, where you can make your way into the back room of the basement to find this Weapon Case next to a set of jail cells.

Villa Verde Province

As one of the biggest provinces on the map, Villa Verde contains a total of 3 Weapon Cases for players to find and claim. You’ll find this province along the southwestern border of Espiritu Santo.

Dragunov (SVD) Sniper Rifle

This first Weapon Case can be located at the enemy base located along the southeastern most tip of the province. Head to the location and approach it from the east. Take out the sniper in the watchtower, then grab the grab the nearby Santa Blanca vehicle. The gates on this base will automatically open for this vehicle, so head inside, park in front of the armory on the left, and collect the weapon from the case inside.

805 Bren A2 Assault Rifle

Players can acquire this powerful Assault Rifle by making their way to Precursors Storage, which is located along the main road that runs through the center of this province. Look for the area just west of La Marqueza, then make your way up to the storage facility and search the small shanty along the southeastern edge of the area to find this Weapon Case inside.

M9 Handgun

One of our personal favorite handguns, this weapon can be found inside of a Weapon Case a small base set up near a makeshift runway along the central western edge of the province. The Weapon Case itself can be found inside of the armory, but there are several soldiers guarding this area, so make sure you take them out first. Use your drone to scan for any stragglers, then head into the armory next to the helipad to find this Weapon Case.

Caimanes Province

This province only holds 2 Weapon Cases for players to find, but the large swath of land included may make them tricky to locate at first.

556xi Assault Rifle

Those looking to increase the amount of assault rifles in their arsenal will want to pick up this Weapon Case. To find it, simply locate Los Hombres Jaguares on your map, then head to the location. The area is surrounded by fencing and plenty of barbed wire, so you’ll need to find a way in. If you don’t care about sneaking, head in through the south and take out the Santa Blanca in your way. If you want to make things easy on yourself, though, look for an entry point on the northern side of the installation. Then, head to the south and look out for this Weapon Case next to a storage container.

SR25 Sniper Rifle

To locate this Weapon Case, make your way to the Santa Blanca base in Caimanes. Here you’ll find several enemies and a set of buildings. The building that you want to enter is the dilapidated looking metal tin warehouse, just next to the two-story brick building. Head up to the second floor of the building to find this Weapon Case tucked into the far corner.

Malca Province

This large province includes 2 Weapon Cases for players to find and claim.

P227 Handgun

If you want to increase the size of your handgun arsenal, then the P227 is a notable addition to pick up. Players can find this handgun at the Santa Muerte Idol in the province of Malca. Head northwest of Uma Marca and look out for a small set of buildings along a cliff, close to a large power tower. The handgun can be found inside of a Weapon Case just across the street from the little market in this area.

Mk249 Light Machine Gun

This LMG will prove tough for many players early on, so you may want to bring a couple of friends along for the journey. It can be found at the Southeast Outpost in Malca. Use your drone to mark targets, then slowly sneak your way into the area from the southern side of the Outpost. Search the train station loading area for this Weapon Case.

Pucara Province

There are 2 Weapon Cases waiting to be found in this province.

SMG-11 Compact Machine Gun

Pistols aren’t the favored handgun of every Ghost, and some users will want to visit the Todos Santos Rock Quarry to pick up this compact machine gun for their arsenal. The area around the quarry is littered with pockets of Santa Blanca troops, but move carefully and you shouldn’t have too much trouble descending into the quarry. The Weapon Case with this gun can be found on top of a warehouse, inside of an open storage container.

Stoner LMG A1

Players will have to infiltrate the Pucara Base in the north central section of the province to find this second Weapon Case. Just north of the Sueño Mausoleum, this base lies in wait, surrounded by heavy defenses. There’s no easy way to enter this location, so just drone your way through the area until you can make a clear path. We’d suggest bringing along some friends, as the AI won’t be of much help against this many enemies should things go south. You’ll find the Weapon Case on the upper level of the base, inside the armory.

Montuyoc Province

This high-level province includes 3 Weapon Cases for players to locate and obtain.

MSR Sniper Rifle

We’ve already gone into detail about how to obtain the MSR Sniper Rifle in another guide, so be sure to check that guide out for in-depth information. You’ll find this Weapon Case inside the Choza Padre Mine, which is located on the western side of the province. There are a lot of enemies inside, including a heavily armored vehicle, and the UNIDAD patrols quite regularly around the area. Head inside the mine, then make your way to down the left tunnel to find this Weapon Case at the dead end.

TAR-21 Assault Rifle

One of the fastest firing assault rifles in the game, the TAR-21 is a must-have for those who enjoy taking their enemies down with assault rifles. You’ll need to make your way to Choza Padre Town to find it, though. Once at the town, move around the western end and take out the two soldiers keeping guarding from a rooftop across the street from a small, green house. With the soldiers down, head up the stairs and collect the assault rifle from the Weapon Case in the middle of the second-story room.

HTI Sniper Rifle

While the MSR is the all-around best sniper in the game, the HTI holds the record for the most powerful. All that power comes at a price, though, and you’ll have to go through an entire platoon of Santa Blanca soldiers in training to earn it for your arsenal. Make your way to the Montuyoc Training Base, which is located in the far eastern portion of the province. Here you’ll find this gun inside of a Weapon Case hidden within the armory, along the northeastern area of the base.

Mojocoyo Province

Players can find a total of 2 Weapon Cases in this province.

SRSA1 Sniper Rifle

Those who enjoy long-range takedowns will want to pick up this sniper rifle and add it to their arsenal. You’ll find the Weapon Case for this gun hidden within a cocaine hideout in the southwestern area of the province. Look for the hideout along the raid, hidden in a bunch of rock cliffs. Take out the enemies inside, then sneak in and grab your Weapon Case before leaving.

MPX Submachine Gun

This SMG can be found inside of another of Mojocoyo’s cocaine hideouts. Look for a group of buildings in the western area of the province, then search for the Weapon Case inside the brick building along the northern edge of the hideout. It’s best to approach this area from the north, as it allows you to look down on the area without being seen.

Remanzo Province

There are 3 Weapon Cases hidden in this high-population province.

Skorpion Compact Machine Gun

This first weapon can be found in the massive city of Marcavi, which is located in the south-central section of the province. Along the southwestern side of the city, look for a Santa Muerte chapel and head inside to find this Weapon Case on the second floor, just waiting to be picked up and used.

9mm C1 Submachine Gun

Make your way to Remanzo Base in the northeastern area of this province to find this handgun. You’ll need to locate the armory, which is located within the center of the area. That’s going to make things tricky, though, so be prepared for the entire operation to go south at any point. We’d suggest taking out the snipers guarding the perimeter, then use the Santa Blanca truck to gain entry. Make your way to the armory and sneak in to grab the case.

Type 95 Light Machine Gun

If you want to obtain this LMG, you’re going to need to infiltrate and assault F.O.B. Puma, which is located near the train tracks that run through the northern area of the province. The best way to approach this UNIDAD base is to come at it from the east, and take out any snipers guarding the perimeter of the base. There are a whole lot of UNIDAD inside, though, so watch your shots and make each one count. If things start to go pear-shaped, you can always run inside and make your way to the armory in the southeastern corner of the installation.

Koani Province

As one of the most difficulty areas of the game it isn’t surprising that Koani is also where players will find the best sniper scope in Ghost Recon Wildlands. Unfortunately, out of the 3 Weapon Cases found here, none of the weapons are all that great, though players will still want to pick them up for added firepower.

Mk 14 Sniper Rifle

Just south of Koani’s Delta Rally Point, players can find group of enemies arguing over several rebel soldiers. Have your fireteam take out the Sicario and UNIDAD forces, then sneak up and loot this Weapon Case once the path is clear.

Scorpion EVO 3 Submachine Gun

Locate the East Combat Outpost along the southeastern border of the province. Here players can obtain the Scorpion EVO 3 SMG, which is a fairly decent SMG in the game. To find it, however, they will need to make their way into the outpost and look for the Weapon Case in the hangar furthest from the main entrance. Watch out for the UNIDAD patrols in the area.

SR-1 Sniper Rifle

This high-powered rifle can be found in a Weapon Case beside a long-abandoned barn, on the far western side of the province. The area is made up of several buildings left behind from an old salt mine. There aren’t many enemies here, but be wary of SAM missiles as you approach.

Libertad Province

There are only 2 Weapon Cases for players to find in this province.

D-50 Handgun

Locate F.O.B. OSO Hormiguero in the northwestern corner of the province. The best way to approach this location is to come at it from the east, and use the rocks to infiltrate the base’s shooting range. The Weapon Case in question is just ahead as you exit the shooting range. Look for the armory on the right. Sneak in and claim the weapon before sneaking back out.

AK-47 Assault Rifle

Locate the Gas Station Via-B location and make your way there. It can easily be found by following the river that runs down the center of Libertad until you come close to the southern end. The assault rifle itself can be found inside the convenience store, along the right-hand wall. Be careful as several enemies patrol the area.

Flo De Oro Province

The 2 Weapon Cases in this province can be found within a few kilometers of each other.

Mk 17 Assault Rifle

If players want to obtain this assault rifle, they’re going to need to be willing to infiltrate or assault M.O.B. Jaguar, which is locate along the northwestern end of the train tracks that flow through much of this province. The Weapon Case can be found inside of the base’s main armory, which can be located on the western side of the base. Automatic gates block the entrances on every side except the south. Infiltrate the base, then follow the western wall up to the armory. Make it quick, though, as plenty of soldiers guard this base and are more than willing to take you and your squad down as quickly as possible.

M4A1 Assault Rifle

Just east of M.O.B. Jaguar is a small hunting lodge where players can find the M4A1 Assault Rifle. This isn’t just any ordinary hunting lodge, though, and players will soon realize that the place is swarming with UNIDAD patrols. The Weapon Case can be found against the northern side of the cabin. Search the area, take out any patrols in your way, then grab the weapon and run.

Inca Camina Province

The final province in the game only contains 2 Weapon Cases for players to locate and loot.

G2 Assault Rifle

This high-powered assault rifle can be found in the San Martin Mountain Hut, located along the western ridge of mountains in this province. There is a small group of Santa Blanca soldiers guarding the area, so take them out, then loot the Weapon Case which is located inside the house, right after you enter the front door.

9x19VSN Submachine Gun

The final Weapon Case in the game can be located at the Inca Camina Base, in the northwestern area of the province. There are several enemies guarding the area, so make sure you approach the base through the main gate with an official vehicle. This will allow you to sneak right in without causing any trouble. You’ll find the Weapon Case hidden on the roof of a small building found in the northeastern corner of the map. Grab the weapon, then high tail it out of the base before anyone notices you or the dead bodies that your squad left behind.

If you use the information above, you should be able to locate and obtain every gun in the game that is hidden with the various Weapon Cases around the game world. We’ll also have a complete guide on how to find every weapon accessory in the game coming soon, so be sure to check back often for updated information about each province, and make sure to head back to our Ghost Recon Wildlands game hub for more articles and help.



About the Author

Josh Hawkins

Josh has been exploring fantastic worlds and getting lost in video games for as long as he can remember. Starting out on the Super Nintendo with Super Mario World, and ending up in the world of next-generation gaming. He enjoys digging into the story and lore of massive RPGs, as well as getting lost just trying to make that last jump in any platformers he gets pulled into, as well as everything in between. He holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing for Entertainment.