Gears 5 Collectibles Guide: Where to Find Act 2 Collectibles

Our Gears 5 Collectibles guide for Act 2 will help you find every Easter Egg lurking out there in the game.

Wanting a heads up on where the Gears 5 Collectibles are in Act 1? Our helpful guide will make sure that you don’t go wrong. If you’re new to all this, though, then buckle up: the Gears series is known for burying a ton of surprises in-game for ardent adventurers to find, and this latest installment is no exception. Now that you’ve gotten the first bit of the game out of the way, check out our Gears 5 Collectibles guide for Act 2 of the game to help you find every single hidden treasure. 

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Gears 5 Collectibles Guide: Where to Find Act 2 Collectibles

Just a hot tip for those who are on the Collectible grind: there’s no shame in bumping the difficulty down to the easiest setting to get this done. After all, whether or not the baddies are giving you a hard time has no effect on you physically picking up these Collectibles. If you’re just doing a run to get them out of the way, then don’t make it unnecessarily hard on yourself. 

Here’s our complete list of the collectibles in Act 2, separated by Chapter:

Chapter 1 — Recruitment Drive

  • Ilima City License Plate — keep following the main road until you reach a furnace. Pop over to find this particular license plate.
  • Major Howl and the Battlin’ Ants — there will be a store labeled as Salvage N’ Trade by the furnace. If you pop in here, you’ll see this collectible by a set of lanterns.
  • Hand-Carved Riftworm Flute — one of the first things you’ll notice at the start of this chapter is a yellow door. Go through it to find the flute. 
  • Lost Gear Helmet — follow the road until you see an installation of painted bone, and you’ll find a helmet strewn amongst the bushes.
  • Wooden Toy Lancer — a kid will rudely shoot a lancer at you while you’re walking about, but you can pick up the offending lancer if you keep to the right side of the road where he shot you. This Gears 5 collectible will be by a block of cement.
  • New Village Rules Mandate — keep following the main road until the end and you’ll see a workshop. Head in here to the lockers and pick up this collectible that’s just hanging there.
  • Note to the Chief — once you’ve hit the segment where you regain your vision, make sure you go inside the building directly in front of you that’s yellow. Head for the centerpiece wooden table to find this note. 
  • Norsko’s Letter — strafe east of the steam farm’s path to see some old tires. If you look a bit further on in the distance you’ll see some crates, and the letter will be on top of them.
  • Outsider Skiff Schematic — the other building by the furnace that you encountered early in the chapter is a workshop. Peer on top of the mech inside to find this one.
  • COG Tags: Oscar Diaz — when you’ve been chucked into a garage after leaving the village, look to your immediate left to find a red cabinet and you’ll see these tags.

Chapter 2 — Into the Wild

  • Grindlift Maintenance Notes — keep on the railroad tracks until you reach a cave. Enter it to find a train car with the COG logo and the Gears 5 collectible inside.
  • Faded Photograph — exit the tunnel and path onto the other set of train tracks. You’ll see a corpse by another crashed car which will have a photograph sitting pretty in the vicinity.
  • Lena’s Journal — you’ll run into an abandoned site with some tents that were set up. If you inspect the fireplace, you’ll find the journal.
  • Islander’s Lost Earring — once you’ve cracked the COG gate as part of the main quest, look to the east to find another one. The totaled car near it will have a corpse with this earring on the ground.

Chapter 3 — Forest for the Trees

  • Intercepted Letter — pop into the facility and immediately look to the right. You’ll see a locked exit which has a table, and the letter will be on top. 
  • Timeworn Data Drive — in the server room of the New Hope facility, look to the right of the room when you enter to find this.
  • Sovereign Directive 10345 — once you’ve entered the cells, pad out into the hallway and hang right. There’ll be a locked door, and once you’ve taken care of that then you’ll find this Gears 5 collectible inside the opened room.
  • Patient Analysis AX-331-2 — there’s a lab close to the locked door that you found the Directive in. You’ll find this analysis next to a rather compromising situation.
  • Patient Analysis EV-184-9 — poke your head into the kids’ holding facility and vault over the bits of the window. Hang left to see a console and to pick up this file.
  • Patient Analysis RK-619-4 — once you’ve dealt with the stasis tank, take a right into the adjoining hallway to find a dismembered Sire. You’ll see this collectible next to it.

Chapter 4 — The Source of It All 

  • Security Memorandum — loop around to eastern communications tower and you’ll see a poor, frozen soul who has this Gears 5 collectible.
  • Krav’s Locust Tag — head to the triage between the north and south communication towers and you’ll see an Old Derrick Site. Don’t go in, but look to the left to find the tags.
  • Grindlift Actuator Component — head inside the Site to see a wrecked vehicle. The yellow bit on top of it hides the actuator component.
  • Lena’s Scribble — examine the door of the north substation. 
  • Orders from Ketor Skorge — keep your eyes peeled for yellow flags. This is code for another Derrick Site, and if you enter this and hang right then you’ll see a pile of bones under some wreckage hiding this collectible.
  • Grindlift Radiator Component — move along the path in the second Derrick Site to find another busted vehicle. If you look to crack the yellow part open again, be ready to take care of the enemies that spawn then loot your reward.
  • Letter to Momma — en route to the Abandoned Mine, step carefully away from the ice bridge and you’ll see there’s a car with a crate nearby.
  • Frayed Pouncer Tooth Necklace — once you’re in the Mine proper and you’ve dealt with the enemies, take the lift and make short work of the green door. Make your way up the tower and you’ll find this collectible on the ground by your feet.
  • Nethercutt Mining Poster — open the metal door in the Mine and hang right to see this poster.
  • Nethercutt Miner’s Journal — once you’re deep enough in the Mine to have encountered the pods, make your way over to the lanterns to find a table with this journal on top of it.
  • Chapter 5 — Dirtier Little Secrets
  • Nethercutt Helmet — look around you as soon as the chapter starts and make a beeline for the bear, where you’ll see this helmet.
  • Subject Analysis UL-119-2 — make quick work of the turrets on the map and pass a pleasantly frosty installation of COG soldiers. There’ll be a door just shy of them which you can destroy to find this Gears 5 collectible.
  • Subject Analysis TE-872-3 — once you happen across the stasis tank, keep your eyes forward to find this item on the ground.
  • Lexigram Board — take care of the generator but don’t race off before looting the skeleton just hanging out next to it. 
  • Subject Analysis EV-194-9 — after you’ve returned the facility to its original state, head over to the cluster of desks benefiting from some mood lighting to find this collectible.
  • Sketchbook — head to the door that’s framed by floodlights and look to the left to see this sketchbook.

Now that you have our full list of all the Gears 5 collectibles in Act 2, no Easter Egg should be out of your reach. We’ll be updating our guides hub for all the other Acts of the story too, so stay tuned.

About the Author

Ginny Woo

Ginny hails from just south of Mordor, and when she's not debating others about the One Ring then she's probably glued to an MMO or a JRPG. With Final Fantasy XIV, Destiny 2, and World of Warcraft on her plate, she's always got something to chat about and a sneaky guide up her sleeve. If writing's not on the cards, then she's probably drinking way too much coffee.