Monster Hunter: World Crafting List and Recipes

This Monster Hunter: World crafting list includes all recipes and everything you need to know to craft every item in the game.

Monster Hunter: World is a massive game filled with a ton of things that players will need to discover and work out. If you want to survive your encounters with some of the biggest beasts in the New World, then you’re going to need a Monster Hunter: World crafting list to learn more about items and how to craft each and every one of them. In fact, with Monster Hunter: World recipes and our crafting list, you’ll be able to make almost anything. That’s where this handy list comes into play, which includes all of the Monster Hunter: World crafting items as well as their recipes.

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Monster Hunter: World Crafting List and Recipes

When you first start out in Monster Hunter: World, items won’t be of that much importance to you. However, as you dive deeper into the dangerous New World, you’re going to find yourself more limited, needing to pay more attention to what you have in your Pouch at any given time. Use the table below to get an idea of what you need to craft important items, as well as see what each item does so you can decide which ones are most important for you.

Item Number Item Name Rarity Ingredient #1 Ingredient #2 Item Effect
001 Potion 1 Herb N/A Will restore a small amount of health
002 Mega Potion 2 Potion Honey Will restore a larger amount of health
003 First-aid Med+ 2 First-aid Med Honey Will restore a fairly large amount of health.
004 Antidote 1 Antidote Herb N/A Cures poison
005 Herbal Medicine 2 Antidote Blue Mushroom Will fully cure poison and grant a small amount of health
006 Nutrients 2 Bitterbug Blue Mushroom Increases your maximum health by a small amount
007 Mega Nutrients 3 Nutrients Honey Increases your maximum health by a larger amount
008 Max Potion 3 Mega Nutrients Mandragora Maxes out health bar and fully restores your health
009 Catalyst 2 Bitterbug Honey Enhances the effects of other materials
010 Immunizer 3 Catalyst Mandragora Will increase your natural ability to heal


Item Number Item Name Rarity Ingredient #1 Ingredient #2 Item Effect
011 Ancient Potion 5 Immunizer Kelbi Horn Will fully restore and increase the size of your health and stamina bars to maximum size
012 Ancient Potion 5 Nourishing Extract Kelbi Horn Will fully restore your health and increase the size of your health and stamina bars to maximum size
013 Life Powder 4 Godbug Blue Mushroom Creates a healing cloud around the user
014 Herbal Powder 4 Godbug Herbal Medicine Creates a healing cloud that also neautralizes any poison in the area
015 Energy Drink 2 Nitroshroom Honey Increases stamina and neutralizes any sleep effects
016 Cool Drink 1 Chillshroom N/A Provides the user with temporary relief from extreme heat
017 Dash Juice 2 Catalyst Dash Extract Reduces stamina drain and lowers the users sense of exhaustion for a short period
018 Demondrug 4 Catalyst Might Seed Increases your attack power
019 Mega Demondrug 5 Nourishing Extract Demondrug Increases your attack power by a larger amount
020 Demon Powder 4 Godbug Might Seed Creates a cloud around you that increases the attack power of any nearby hunters


Item Number Item Name Rarity Ingredient #1 Ingredient #2 Item Effect
021 Might Pill 4 Immunizer Might Seed Grants you temporary strength
022 Armorskin 4 Catalyst Adamant Seed Turns your skin as hard as a rock, granting additional defense
023 Mega Armorskin 5 Nourishing Extract Armorskin Grants even more defense
024 Hardshell Powder 4 Godbug Adamant Seed Creates a cloud that grants any nearby hunters additional strength
025 Adamant Pill 4 Immunizer Adamant Seed Grants additional strength, making your skin as hard as adamant for a short amount of time
026 Farcaster 3 Smokenut Exciteshroom Calls for a Wingdrake to carry you back to the nearest camp
027 Gunpowder 2 Fire Herb Nitroshroom Explodes when heated or struck with something
028 Barrel Bomb 2 Fire Herb Small Barrel A small, useable bomb
029 Bounce Bomb 2 Nitroshroom Small Barrel A bomb that launches into the air when set. Requires high skill to use
030 Mega Bounce Bomb 4 Nitroshroom Bounce Bomb Larger than the normal Bounce Bomb. Is launched into the air if set


Item Number Item Name Rarity Ingredient #1 Ingredient #2 Item Effect
031 Large Barrel Bomb 3 Gunpowder Large Barrel A very dangerous bomb triggered by physical impact
032 Mega Barrel Bomb 4 Devil’s Blight Large Barrel Bomb More powerful than the Large Barrel Bomb. Triggered by physical impact
033 Mega Barrel Bomb 4 Gunpowderfish Scale Large Barrel Bomb More powerful than the Large Barrel Bomb. Triggered by physical impact
034 Mega Barrel Bomb 4 Great Gunpoweder Fish Scale Large Barrel Bomb More powerful than the Large Barrel Bomb. Triggered by physical impact
035 Smoke Bomb 2 Smokenut Ivy Produces a large cloud of smoke wherever it is thrown
036 Poison Smoke Bomb 2 Smokenut Toadstool Produces a toxic cloud whenever used
037 Flash Pod 2 Flashbug N/A Slinger ammo that blinds monsters who have a weakness to it
038 Screamer Pod 2 Screamer Sac N/A Slinger ammo that creates a high frequency sound when used 
039 Dung Pod 2 Dung N/A Slinger ammo that creates a bad smell and can cause some monsters to run away
040 Dung Pod 2 Rolled-up Dung N/A Slinger ammo that creates a bad smell and can cause some monsters to run away


Item Number Item Name Rarity Ingredient #1 Ingredient #2 Item Effect
041 Poisoned Meat 2 Raw Meat Toadstool Raw meat that will poison anything that eats it
042 Tinged Meat 2 Raw Meat Parashroom Raw meat that will poison anything that eats it
043 Drugged Meat 2 Raw Meat Sleep Herb Raw meat that puts the consumer to sleep
044 Net 2 Ivy Spider Web A net that is used to craft traps and capture monsters
045 Pitfall Trap 3 Trap Tool Net A useful trap that can be set somewhere to help capture monsters
046 Shock Trap 3 Trap Tool Thunderbug A useful trap that can be set somewhere to help capture monsters
047 Tranq Bomb 3 Sleep Herb Parashroom A bomb that is used to put trapped monsters to sleep using tranquilizers
048 Tranq Ammo 3 Normal Ammo 1 Trang Bomb Ammo for the Bowgun that is used to capture monsters caught in traps that you have set
049 Tranq Knife 3 Throwing Knife Tranq Bomb A knife coated with a tranquilizer that can be shot at monsters using a slinger
050 Poison Knife 2 Throwing Knife Toadstool A knife coated with a poison that can be shot at monsters using a slinger


Item Number Item Name Rarity Ingredient #1 Ingredient #2 Item Effect
051 Sleep Knife 2 Throwing Knife Sleeping Herb A knife coated with a sleeping agent that can be shot at monsters using a slinger
052 Paralysis Knife 2 Throwing Knife Parashroom A knife coated with a paralyzing agent that can be shot at monsters using a slinger
053 Power Coating 2 Empty Phial Nitroshroom A coating for arrows that increases attack power
054 Poison Coating 2 Empty Phial Toadstool A coating for arrows that applies poison to the arrows
055 Paralysis Coating 3 Empty Phial Parashroom A coating for arrows that applies a paralyzing agent to the arrows
056 Sleep Coating 3 Empty Phial Sleeping Herb A coating for arrows that applies a sleeping agent to the arrows
057 Blast Coating 3 Empty Phial Fire Herb A coating for arrows that applies explosive material to the arrows
058 Normal Ammo 2 2 Normal Ammo 1 Gunpowder Level 2 Ammunition that is made with higher quality gunpowder, giving it increased damage
059 Normal Ammo 3 3 Normal Ammo 1 Gunpowder Level 3 Ammunition that is made with higher quality gunpowder, giving it increased damage
060 Pierce Ammo 1 1 Latchberry N/A Ammo that pierces the armor of monsters and can deliver multiple hits to some monsters


Item Number Item Name Rarity Ingredient #1 Ingredient #2 Item Effect
061 Pierce Ammo 2 2 Pierce Ammo 1 Gunpowder Level 2 A higher grade ammo that pierces armor and is better than Pierce Ammo 1
062 Pierce Ammo 3 3 Pierce Ammo 1 Gunpowder Level 3 The highest grade ammo that pierces armor and is better than Pierce Ammo 2
063 Spread Ammo 1 1 Needleberry N/A Ammo that covers a wide swath of area and deals multiple hits to enemies at close range
064 Spread Ammo 2 2 Spread Ammo 1 Gunpowder Level 2 Covers a wide area and hits monsters for more damage than Spread Ammo 1
065 Spread Ammo 3 3 Spread Ammo 1 Gunpowder Level 3 Highest-quality Spread Ammo. Covers a wide swath of ground and deals several hits at once
066 Sticky Ammo 1 1 Blastnut N/A Very powerful ammo that becomes caught in a target, exploding and causing them to become stunned
067 Sticky Ammo 2 2 Sticky Ammo 1 Gunpowder Level 2 More powerful ammo that becomes caught in a target, exploding and causing them to become stunned
068 Sticky Ammo 3 3 Sticky Ammo 1 Gunpowder Level 3 Highest-quality Sticky Ammo. Becomes caught in a target, exploding and causing them to become stunned
069 Cluster Bomb 1 1 Bomberry N/A Ammo that splits into three pieces on impact, can damage fellow hunters
070 Cluster Bomb 2 2 Cluster Bomb 1 Gunpowder Level 2 Ammo that splits into three pieces on impact, can damage fellow hunters


Item Number Item Name Rarity Ingredient #1 Ingredient #2 Item Effect
071 Cluster bomb 3 3 Cluster Bomb 1 Gunpowder Level 3 Ammo that splits into three pieces on impact, can damage fellow hunters
072 Slicing Ammo 2 Slashberry N/A Ammo that is useful for severing monster tails. Ejects very sharp blades on physical impact
073 Flaming Ammo 2 Normal Ammo 1 Fire Herb Ammo that is powerful against monsters weak to Fire
074 Water Ammo 2 Normal Ammo 1 Flowfern Ammo that is powerful against monsters weak to Water
075 Thunder Ammo 2 Normal Ammo 1 Thunderbug Ammo that is powerful against monsters weak to Thunder
076 Freeze Ammo 2 Normal Ammo 1 Snow Herb Ammo that is powerful against monsters weak to Ice
077 Dragon Ammo 3 Normal Ammo 1 Dragonfell Berry Ammo that is powerful against monsters weak to Dragon
078 Poison Ammo 1 2 Normal Ammo 1 Toadstool Ammo that poisons targets. May require multiple shots to be effective
079 Poison Ammo 2 3 Poison Ammo 1 Catalyst Ammo that is more effective at poisoning targets than Poison Ammo 1
080 Paralysis Ammo 1 2 Normal Ammo 1 Parashroom Ammo that can paralyze monsters, but may require multiple shots


Item Number Item Name Rarity Ingredient #1 Ingredient #2 Item Effect
081 Paralysis Ammo 2 3 Paralysis Ammo 1 Catalyst Ammo that can paralyze monsters more effectively than Paralysis Ammo 1
082 Sleep Ammo 1 2 Normal Ammo 1 Sleep Herb Ammo that can put monsters to sleep. May require multiple shots
083 Sleep Ammo 2 3 Sleep Ammo 1 Catalyst Ammo that can put monsters to sleep more effectively than Sleep Ammo 1
084 Exhaust Ammo 1 2 Normal Ammo 1 Exciteshroom Ammo useful for draining a monster’s stamina
085 Exhaust Ammo 2 3 Exhaust Ammo 1 Catalyst Ammo that is more effective at draining a monster’s stamina
086 Recover Ammo 1 2 Normal Ammo 1 Potion Ammo that can be used to shoot other hunters and grant them a small amount of health recovery
087 Recover Ammo 2 3 Recover Ammo 1 Catalyst Ammo that can be used to shoot other hunters and grant them a medium amount of health recovery
088 Demon Ammo 1 4 Normal Ammo 1 Demondrug Grants allies additional strength when they are shot with it
089 Armor Ammo 4 Normal Ammo 1 Armorskin Grant allies additional defense when they are shot with it
090 Wyvern Ammo 3 Dragonstrike Nut N/A All that takes full advantage of years of research into Wyvern Fire


Item Number Item Name Rarity Ingredient #1 Ingredient #2 Item Effect
091 Gunpowder Level 2 2 Flamenut N/A Explosive powder useful in many crafting recipes
092 Gunpowder Level 2 2 Burst Arowana Scale Fire Herb Explosive powder useful in many crafting recipes
093 Gunpowder Level 2 2 Great Burst Arowana Scale Fire Herb Explosive powder useful in many crafting recipes
094 Gunpowder Level 3 3 Blazenut N/A Highly explosive powder used in many crafting recipes
095 Gunpowder Level 3 3 Bomb Arowana Scale Fire Herb Highly explosive powder used in many crafting recipes
096 Gunpowder Level 3 3 Great Bomb Arowana Scale Fire Herb Highly explosive powder used in many crafting recipes
097 Powertalon 5 Powercharm Bazelgeuse Talon Gives you additional attack power when carried in your item pouch
098 Armortalon 5 Armorcharm Bazelgeuse Talon Gives you additional defense when carried in your item pouch

Be sure to bookmark this page to keep the full list of crafting items and recipes nearby at all times. Make sure you also check out our other Monster Hunter: World guides for more useful information and helpful strategies to assist you as you tackle the New World and strive to be the best.

About the Author

Josh Hawkins

Josh has been exploring fantastic worlds and getting lost in video games for as long as he can remember. Starting out on the Super Nintendo with Super Mario World, and ending up in the world of next-generation gaming. He enjoys digging into the story and lore of massive RPGs, as well as getting lost just trying to make that last jump in any platformers he gets pulled into, as well as everything in between. He holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing for Entertainment.