5 Things to Do in Fae Farm Before Coasts of Croakia DLC

Hop back into Fae Farm

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The first Fae Farm DLC is almost here, and there’s no better time than the present to make sure that you are totally prepared to tackle the latest content. Here are five things that you should make sure that you have done before starting Coasts of Croakia.

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What to Do in Fae Farm Before the DLC Launches

Fae Farm: Coasts of Croakia is bringing new areas, new characters to woo and marry, critters, and more. There’s no time like the present to get stuck back in and tie up any loose threads that you may still have in Azoria.

Complete the Story

With so much to do in Fae Farm, it can be easy to forget to complete the main story. Once you have progressed enough to remove the obstacles impeding your progress, it’s not surprising if one gets lost in crafting, breeding livestock for unique colors, mining, flower hybridizing, or more. But it’s a good idea to get back into it and complete the story, as Coasts of Croakia is confirmed to have new side quests and stories. That way, you can be ready to tackle it as soon as the update goes live.

Plus, the story itself is charming enough and what you would expect from a cozy farming sim title. It may not be groundbreaking, but it’s worth seeing through to the end.

Catch All the Critters and Fish

Once of the most exciting aspects of Coasts of Croakia is that it will have more creatures. Catching critters, and yes, even the frustratingly agile Fae Realm Critters, was my favorite aspect of the game. I am hoping for a good number of new Critters and Fish in the area to find and complete an updated Almanac. Plus, new critters mean that there will be new material for crafting, which means that there’s the potential for further expanded crafting.

If you have yet to do this, you must carefully check out the Almanac. Many Critters and Fish spawn in certain seasons, times of day, and weather. You’ll have to pay attention; otherwise, you might miss out and have to wait for the following in-game year to catch ’em all.

Complete the Almanac

Completing the Almanac will be both the hardest and most rewarding thing that you can do in Fae Farm. It is no easy feat, as it will require you to find every critter and fish, every forgeable item, recipe, outfit, crop, potion, and more. You will have to hybridize all the flowers and grow the different fruit trees. You will be cooking every single recipe, finding every ingredient, and completing every job quest.

It’s end-game stuff. Once you have completed the Almanac, you can say that you’ve completed everything that there is to do in Fae Farm. You’ve seen it all. Truly the hero of the island. Coasts of Croakia won’t know what they are in for.

Finish Off the Job Quests

Job Quests can be entirely ignored as you play through Fae Farm. But you really shouldn’t push them to the side! There are 10 varieties of Job Quests that you can accept from certain NPC who specialize in the required skill. Many of them can be fulfilled just by playing through the story, but some you will need to go out of your way to complete.

Nevertheless, if you are a fashion-forward individual, Job Quests will be something that you will want to familiarize yourself with, as they reward you with a Job specific outfit when you have completed them all. Some of them are quite cute!

Reassess Your Marriage

The NPC system in the base game is incredibly shallow and was an element of the game that was a disappointment to a huge portion of the community. Characters are completely shallow, with limited dialogue and personality. The only time there is a spark of personality is during the dating cutscenes. This doesn’t continue into your marriage, however. Once you get married, your spouse will continue to talk to you like it’s your first day on the island.

Coasts of Croakia will be bringing new marriage candidates with it, and with the development team knowing that the lack of personality in the characters was a sore point, these new characters could potentially offer a lot more than the base game crew. So, it’s up to you if you want to stay married to your current spouse or seek some excitement and woo someone new. It’s incredibly easy to divorce your spouse, so don’t let that stop you!

Fae Farm is a charming farming sim that was hard to put down once I started, and I am very eager to jump back into this magical world once Coasts of Croakia releases soon. Until then, I am brushing the dust off of my save file and finishing breeding the unique colored livestock to liven up my farm.

About the Author

Priscilla Wells

Priscilla is both the weekend editor and a freelance writer at Prima Games. She began working at Prima Games in early 2023. Prior to this, she spent nine years writing for both her own personal gaming blog, and other related websites. Priscilla has grown up playing video games, and most often plays her PS5 and Nintendo Switch consoles. You can find her playing Final Fantasy XIV, RuneScape, Pokemon GO, or lost in the latest RPG to release. She is an Australian living in the United States with her American husband, three children, and her Basset Hound. Before moving to the United States, Priscilla obtained a Bachelors of Secondary Education majoring in English and Japanese Language. This allowed her to teach English and Japanese in a high school setting. You can follow her on Twitter/X at @Cilllah