Fire Emblem: Three Houses Choir Practice Guide

Bitten by the singing bug? Our Fire Emblem Three Houses choir practice guide will help you go from gospel to Gaga.

It’s not over until Manuela sings. Or, well, at least that’s how it should go. If the students in your House are musically inclined, you might find yourself looking twice at one of the optional Explore activities that you can undertake in Fire Emblem: Three Houses on your free days. Check out our Fire Emblem Three Houses choir practice guide to learn more about how it works, what benefits it can give, and what sort of students benefit the most. 

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Fire Emblem Three Houses Choir Practice Guide

Whether or not Byleth can carry a tune is largely irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. You don’t need to be able to sing your scales to take part in Choir Practice. For those wondering where the activity is, it’s in the Cathedral. You’ll have to speak to the Choir Coordinator if you want to participate with your students, and this will use up one of your Activity Points. You’ll be able to take two students along with you on this musical endeavor. 

While the game might not outright tell you who is going to enjoy choir practice most, we have a helpful tip here: pick kids in your House who are magic users, or have an aptitude with it. Ensuring that students are compatible with the activities that you undertake with them will ensure that any bonds strengthened and experience gained are at the highest levels they can be for those activities, so try not to take a bunch of knights stampeding around the chapel here. Furthermore, while you can invite students who are not necessarily in your own House to sing hymns, only kids in the same House as you will gain the Faith experience that is a big perk of the activity. 

Taking part in Choir Practice will give you the following:

  • Professor level points
  • Faith experience 
  • Improved bonds
  • Authority experience

There are certain members who are predisposed to this particular form of artistic expression (like Dorothea), so make sure you choose wisely according to the criteria above when you’re trying to figure out who to add to your acapella group at any time. Now that you’ve heard from our Fire Emblem Three Houses Choir Practice guide, it’s time to let your inner opera singer loose in the name of Seiros.

About the Author

Ginny Woo

Ginny hails from just south of Mordor, and when she's not debating others about the One Ring then she's probably glued to an MMO or a JRPG. With Final Fantasy XIV, Destiny 2, and World of Warcraft on her plate, she's always got something to chat about and a sneaky guide up her sleeve. If writing's not on the cards, then she's probably drinking way too much coffee.