Do Knotroot & Other Resources Respawn in LEGO Fortnite? Answered

Do these resources respawn in the world before you?

As you explore the world before you in LEGO Fortnite, getting your hands on plenty of resources is key to making a habitable home and a wonderful village. But, if you run out of Knotroot and other resources, what can you do next? Here’s our answer to the question “does Knotroot respawn?”

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Does Knotroot Respawn in LEGO Fortnite?

No, Knotroot does not seem to respawn in LEGO Fortnite. You will eventually either have to move to a different cave to gather more of it, or assign villagers to make it for you.

While we’ve been playing LEGO Fortnite for a fair number of hours, we have yet to see this particular resource repopulate in areas we’ve found, while other resources such as smaller trees and bushes do pop back up after some time.

How to Use Villagers to Get More Knotroot

However, since Knotroot Rods are the main reason you’ll need this particular resource, you can create a village and assign your villagers to create different items such as the aforementioned wood so you can always have plenty on hand. They can search the world, or use different jobs to create Knotwood Rods, so you’ll be ready to go at all times.

Once you have raised a Village to a higher level, you can assign jobs to your villagers, including the production of non-renewable resources to continue stocking up on plenty of hard-to-find items. This makes the grind of LEGO Fortnite a little more tolerable, so keep on pushing your village to the next level and you’ll soon have more than enough Knotroot that you’ll likely know what to do with.


In high-level villages, a villager working at the lumber mill will produce Knotroot rods.

No matter if you’ve jumped ship from other crafting-survival games, or you’re just looking to find a new game to play with friends, LEGO Fortnite offers a surprising amount of depth and excitement when you journey into its world. You’ll find that there is much to learn, so let us help you with our section below, where you can find out how to get Flexwood with ease and see what else is awaiting you in this new land.

About the Author

Shaun Cichacki

As a fan of RPGs, Action & Retro titles, Shaun has been gaming since he was a young boy. With an overwhelming obsession involving Metal Gear Solid and Pizza Tower, you know you're in for a wild ride when it comes to things he's writing about.