Dishonored 2: Dust District – Low Chaos

Find out how to complete Dishonored sixth chapter, Dust District, with a Low Chaos rating.

In this guide, we will show you how to complete the sixth chapter of Dishonored 2’s campaign, Dust District. We’ll be completing the game using stealth in order to earn a Low Chaos rating.

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Find a Way Through Old Batista

After a short stint on the Dreadful Wale, talk with Sokolov in the briefing room and then meet him on the deck, by the skiff. The ship doesn’t hold much else at this point in time, so continue on to the next mission when you are ready.

You’ll be dropped off in the Batista District, and a man named Aramis Stilton is your next target. He’s a man of power and great wealth, so you should expect quite a bit of opposition between you and him. First, head out of the basement where you begin and follow your waypoint towards Captain Foster. She’s just up the street, so use your Far Reach to move to the left and avoid the Guards in the area. There’s a damaged building you can enter. Head inside and take out the two Guards carefully at the top. We recommend waiting for one to leave on patrol before striking.

With the Guards down, grab the nearby Blueprint off the table and disable the Wall of Light by taking down the Windmill in this area. This will alert the nearby patrols, so wait for them to move away, towards the front of the street. When they are far enough away use Far Reach to drop down and sneak past the group. Head through the Wall of Light and twist to the right to spot another damaged building.

Use Far Reach to jump to the highest level of the building and look around the area for your friend, Captain Foster. She’ll drop a bit of info your way. Once she finishes chatting, drop back out of the building into the dust storm that has begun raging outside. Your line of sight will be terrible, but that also works in your favor, as Guards will be less likely to see you moving around the area. Follow the streets towards your waypoint, and follow the wall to the right when you spot the Overseer masks nailed to several posts.

Look out for the Winslow Safe Company building, and loot it for some goodies. The Black Market is nearby as well, so head down the nearby stairs and past a group of workers to find the entrance to the market. Wait for the Howlers to clear out before you head inside and buy some items.

Leave the Black Market and make your way back to the main street and look out for a condemned building. Break through the door with the barricade and take out the Bloodfly nest near the entrance. Move up to the second story and check a side room for a nearby Rune. Once you have collected the Rune, use the window at the top of the building to climb back outside, and then Far Reach over to a pipe to find another open building full of Bloodflies and two Nestkeepers. Use some Sleep Darts to take out the Nestkeepers when they spread out, and then drop down and destroy the nests inside. There is a Rune in this building, so pull out your Heart to find it quickly.

With the Rune collected, turn and look for an awning to the left. Use Far Reach to warp over to it, then enter another building. Take out the lone Howler in this area, then move silently to the next floor down. There are two patrolling enemies here, so don’t sprint or run, always crouch. Hide on the stairs until one of the patrollers gets close, allowing you to take them down and hide their body. Take out the next enemy and then the building is clear of enemies. Check the area for any loot, then head back out and continue on your quest.

Investigate Durante

You should now be close to your objective, the Howler apartments. This means it is time to go full stealth mode, as the following area is running rampant with enemies that will spot and ruin your Low Chaos playthrough. Use Far Reach to drop to the balcony of Paulo’s building, then drop onto the railed balcony below that one. There is a note here that you need to read, so look for it and great it before moving on. The man who owns this apartment, Durante, has been taken to an Overseer Outpost. Your destination will update. Time to head that way.

Head all the way back out of the area back to neutral territory, near the Black Market. There’s a soup kitchen in this area, that holds a damaged brick wall that you can break to progress. Crawl through the broken part of the wall and into the Overseer’s territory. There are a ton of them in this area, so make sure to stay quiet, stealthy, and move patiently through the area.

Find Durante

Far Reach up to a bit of scaffolding on the second story of the outpost marked by your waypoint. Jump around the building until you spot a window that you can crawl in through. There is a Rune here, but it can be ignored for now. Use Far Reach to move further inside the window to the left, then move forward on the upper level until you spot a group of barracks. Sleep Dart the Overseer that is awake, then grab the Confiscation Room Key off the Overseer dozing in the room.

There’s another Overseer in the far hallway, so take him out, and then clear out the Overseer in the room to the left. They are both easy to take out. Once they’re down, open up the nearby door with the key you took off the dozing Overseer, and grab the Rune and cash inside.

Head down the steps and take out the Overseer at the main desk with a Sleep Dart. Hide his body in the back room, then look for Durante’s cell in the back as well. There’s a Document that explains that Durante has been killed, and any items he had on him have bene moved to a different place.

Acquire Durante’s Key

It’s time to find those items, so head back to the steps and move forward until you reach an elevator and another set of stairs. Climb to the third story, then follow the main route to the Vice Overseer’s Office. Use Far Reach to jump through a small window. This will allow you to get behind the Overseer Guard so you can take him out with a choke. There’s also a doctor you need to neutralize on the opposite side of the building. He goes down easily as well. There are still enemies here, including the Vice Overseer and several others. You have two ways to go about this section.

  • A: Take out the group with Mesmerize, Sleep Darts, and non-lethal takedowns.
  • B: Make noise and take out any Overseers who investigate.

The second method takes longer, but is less likely to jeopardize your Low Chaos rating. With all the enemies clear, look in the Vice Overseer’s Office to find Durante’s Key on the desk there. There’s also a Bonecharm, so grab it before you go. Leave the building and return to neutral ground. Use Far Reach to climb on top of a building close to the Overseer’s checkpoint, and then head back through Howler territory to Durante’s apartment.

Solve the Jindosh Lock

Enter the apartment and read and search everything. You’ll find a Silvergraph Studio Key, as well as several Documents and a Bonecharm. From here, retreat back towards the start of the mission, to the large statue in the district. Now follow your waypoint to find the Jindosh Lock. Use the answers you found in Durante’s apartment and the door will unlock, allowing you to continue on to the next part of the game.

Continue your journey with our complete walkthrough of Dishonored 2’s seventh chapter,  A Crack in the Slab, or head back to our Dishonored 2 walkthrough for more guides, tips, and tricks to help you conquer your enemies and regain the crown.

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Prima Games Staff

The staff at Prima Games.