Diablo 4: All Seneschal Construct Abilities


Diablo 4’s third season, Season of the Construct, may not be here quite yet, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have a slew of details regarding its mechanics. One of those mechanics is, well, mechanical.

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Diablo 4: Seneschal Construct Governing Stones

Governing Stones can be earned via Season 3’s new Vaults or crafted using Shattered Stones gathered from Construct enemies and forged at Jewelers. These grant your Seneschal Construct attack abilities. 12 Governing Stones are coming in Season 3, listed below:

AutodefenseThe Seneschal Construct activates an antimaterial field around itself shooting down enemy projectiles. Can not shoot down Boss or Player projectiles.
BushwhackQuickly ambush dealing damage to each target. May strike the same target multiple times.
FireflyDeploy a small construct that lands on the target and explodes 3 times, dealing damage.
Focus FireThe Seneschal Construct channels a ray of fire onto targets dealing damage to each over time.
GyrateThe Seneschal Construct whirls its legs around quickly dealing damage to all surrounding enemies.
ImpalePerform a line attack to all enemies in front of the Seneschal Construct dealing damage.
Lightning BoltLaunch a bolt of Lightning at the target dealing damage. Arcs to other targets dealing a portion of the original damage.
ProtectThe Seneschal Construct materializes a protective Barrier on the player for a portion of their Maximum Life.
ReconstructThe Seneschal Construct channels a reconstruction beam Healing the player for a portion of their Maximum Life over time.
SlashPummel enemies in front of the Seneschal Construct dealing damage.
TempestElectrically charge an enemy causing it to deal damage to themselves and additional each second over time. If the enemy is killed, Tempest spreads to another enemy gaining for additional time and bonus damage. These bonuses are also applied if Tempest is reapplied onto the same enemy.
Via Blizzard

It’s currently unknown if these attack abilities synergize with player power, but it seems that they should, given their ubiquity and customization potential through Tuning Stones, seen below. Stones can also be upgraded by fusing multiple of the same type to increase their power.

Seneschal Construct Tuning Stones

Tuning Stones focus on utility – things that’ll give your own abilities an edge via applied status effects or transform a supported Governing Stone skill in some way.

VoluminousThe supported skill’s effect size is increased.
SwiftThe supported Skill gains an Attack Speed bonus.
BreakingDamage from the supported Skill instantly destroys enemy Barrier effects. In addition, there is a chance to make enemies Vulnerable for 2 seconds.
TacticalDecrease the cooldown of the supported Skill.
EfficiencyWhen the supporting skill deals damage, you gain Critical Strike Chance to the same targets hit.
DevastationSupported Skill gains a Critical Strike Damage bonus.
SafeguardWhen used, the supported Skill grants Damage Reduction to you.
FrigidA portion of the supported Skill’s damage dealt is applied as Cold damage over time and applies Chill.
BurningA portion of he supported Skill’s damage is applied as Burning damage over time. Burning enemies take bonus Critical Strike Damage from the Seneschal Construct.
ElectrocutionA portion of the supported skill’s damage dealt is applied as Lightning damage over time and has a chance to Stun enemies.
BleedingA portion of the supported skill’s damage dealt is applied as Bleeding damage over time. Enemies take bonus Bleeding damage from all sources while moving.
PoisonA portion of the supported skill’s damage dealt is applied as Poison damage over time. This poison has a chance each second to spread all Poison damage to an additional enemy.
DuskA portion of the supported Skill’s damage dealt is applied as Shadow damage over time. Afflicted enemies who attack have a chance for their attacks to be interrupted. Does not interrupt Bosses.
DurationSupported Skills have their durations increased.
FortifyWhen the Seneschal Construct uses the supported Skill, you gain Fortify. Skills with slower attack speeds or skills with cooldowns will increase the amount of Fortify granted.
ResourcePlayer gains an amount of Primary Resource when the supporting Skill first deals damage.
InitiativeThe supported Skill will cause the Seneschal Construct to teleport to the target if out of range. Can only occur once every so often seconds.
ArcingThe supported Skill can hit additional enemies.
MultishotSupported Projectile skills launch additional projectiles.
PiercingThe supported Projectile Skill will pierce multiple enemies.
GrippingDamage and effects done by the supporting Skill to Distant enemies pulls them towards the Seneschal Construct. Can only occur once every so often per enemy.
Registered DamageAny damage caused from the supported Skill is registered. The registered damage explodes at effectiveness when the target dies as Fire damage.
SeekingThe supported Projectile Skill will auto-seek enemies for a limited duration.
SlowingDamage from the supported Skill Slows enemy movement speed for a limited duration. The closer the enemy is to the Seneschal Construct, the greater the Slow amount. Enemies may be slowed up to a maximum amount.
MockeryDamage done by the supporting Skill Taunts enemies hit for a limited duration of time. This can only occur once every so often per enemy. Does not work on bosses.
Via Blizzard

As you can probably see, Trning Stones are a fantastic way to augment your Construct’s abilities to suit your build. For instance, if you’re playing a Pummel Bear Druid (like I always do), using your Construct to inflict Slow on enemies essentially frees up a Legendary Aspect slot for other use. If your build relies on inflicting status effects or damage of any type at all to work well, this lil’ robo-buddy has you covered.

Upgrading Stones

As mentioned before, both Governing and Tuning Stones can be leveled up by collecting duplicate Stones and fusing them together. Leveling Governing Stones increases the effect of their attack while leveling Tuning Stones can enhance their stated effects. Stones can be collected as rewards from Vault runs, or by completing Arcane Tremor Events. If all else fails, you can also craft them using Shattered Stones, which drop from Construct enemies.

If you’d like to learn more about what Season of the Construct has in store, stop by our Season 3 breakdown!

About the Author

David Morgan

David is a pediatric asthma researcher at Cincinnati Children's Hospital by day, and Prima Freelancer by night. He always finds time for the games he loves, and then some more to tell you all about them.