COD: WW2 Zombies – How to Turn On the Power in The Darkest Shore

Find out how to restore the power to the map in the first DLC for Call of Duty: WWII.

Call of Duty: WWII’s first DLC is here, bringing with it the first new map that the game’s beloved zombies mode has seen. In ‘The Darkest Shore’ players must survive the nightmares of the zombie hordes on an old abandoned Nazi island, and if you want any chance of surviving until the end, you’re going to need to know how to turn on the power. Don’t sweat bullets just yet as we’ll tell you everything you need to know about turning on the power below in the Darkest Shore for Call of Duty: WW2 Zombies.

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How to Restore the Power

Like the previous zombies map in Call of Duty: WWII, there are two power switches that you will need to find and activate to restore power across the entire map. The first switch will turn on things like electronic doors, upgrade machines, and other gadgets. The second switch—which is much tougher to find—will activate the underground minecart system that the map uses as a fast travel system. We’ve broken down how to find each power switch below, so take a look.

Activate Main Power Switch

The first power switch that you want to find and activate is the power switch that turns on the lights and power to the entire main facility. This will enable all of your normal upgrades and perk machines, as well as turn on the lights around the map. You can easily find it by heading out of the spawn room and making your way to the door that leads to the Bluffs. Unlock the door here and you’ll want to find the door that leads to the U-Boat Pens.

Once you have found and unlocked the door to the U-Boat Pens, it’s just a matter of making your way through the dark to the room with the power switch. The easiest way to spot it is to look for a bright white light that juts out against the normal dim red lighting of the U-Boat Pens. From here, head down a set of stairs and look off to your right, where you should see the power switch that you want to activate.

Activate Minecart Power Switch

The second power switch that you’ll want to activate is the switch that turns on the minecart system underneath the base. This will work as the fast travel system for the entire map, and it connects the map’s three main areas together.

To turn on this power switch and gain access to the minecart system you will want to unlock more of the map and wait until you reach the Overlook section of the map. Once you find this area, unlock the doors that lead down to the Artillery Bunker and then head to the back right-hand room where you should find this power switch. Flip it to turn on the power and gain access to the minecart system.

Now that you know how to turn on the power in the Darkest Shore, head over to our Call of Duty: WW2 zombies guide for more helpful information and articles about the latest Nazi zombies experience.

About the Author

Christopher Buffa

Christopher lives to help people beat their favorite games. He is a huge Nintendo Switch fan, and spends countless hours playing The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Bring on Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Arms!