Cities: Skylines 2 – How to Connect Power Lines

Let there be light... hopefully.

Multiplayer Cities Skylines II 2
Image via IGDB

Cities: Skylines 2 offers many improvements over its predecessor, but there are a few things that are a bit more confusing than ever. Let’s find out how to connect power lines to give your cities extra power.

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How To Attach Power Lines in Cities: Skylines 2

Cities: Skylines 2 offers many objects that you can use to make the perfect city, but what good is a city without power? In the Electricity menu, you’ll find Electrical Lines, which when placed, will automatically connect to its subsequently placed pole. However, once you have created the electrical lines, you’ll need some source of power to get everything up and moving. That’s where the issue comes into play.

You’ll need to create Power Plants which can be used to power individual zones, alongside Transformers that you can place in each subsequent zone to harness more electrical power. Once you have placed the Power Plant and Transformers where you would like them to be, connect them to your electrical grid. This will give you enough power to give your residents their own electricity and keep everyone happy and healthy.

No matter if you’re hoping to build a budding utopia or just want to recreate the rural area that you grew up in when you were younger, Electricity is going to be rather important. Sure, it may not look the best, but placing plenty of Power Plants will ensure that no blackouts can occur in your city, but it may make some potential homebuyers worry about pollution and other issues later in the game.

Be sure to keep up to date on all things Cities: Skylines 2 by checking out our section below. Getting your hands on plenty of helpful information is important, especially if you’re hoping to play multiplayer with your friends. Get ready to get your building gear on, and start making the city of your dreams.

About the Author

Shaun Cichacki

As a fan of RPGs, Action & Retro titles, Shaun has been gaming since he was a young boy. With an overwhelming obsession involving Metal Gear Solid and Pizza Tower, you know you're in for a wild ride when it comes to things he's writing about.