Call of Duty: Ghosts Infected Tips

Strategies for surviving the Infected game mode for Call of Duty: Ghosts.

Call of Duty: Ghosts’ Infected game mode makes its return after debuting in Modern Warfare 3. Each match contains anywhere from eight to 12 players, and the game begins with everyone acting as Survivors. Each person is given a default load out that includes a Bulldog shotgun, an IED and a single Concussion grenade. When the round begins, players have 15 seconds to get set up before one person is randomly chosen to be the Infected. The Infected are only given a Combat Knife and Throwing Knife. When someone is chosen as the first Infected, a two-minute timer begins. The goal of the Survivors is to avoid becoming infected for the full two minutes. However, if any other player gets infected before the timer runs out, the two minutes starts all over again. The game ends when either the timer expires, or everyone becomes infected.

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Survivor Strategies

Since most players will start off as Survivors, we’ll start there. Try to stick in large groups. When the round begins, there’s only one Infected player. If you’re in groups of three or four, you can watch more directions and prevent yourselves from being flanked. Remember, each time another player becomes one of the Infected, it not only restarts the two minute timer, but it also removes a player from your team and places them with the opposition.

As the game moves on, the Survivors end up severely outnumbered. In most cases, camping isn’t a recommended strategy, but with this game mode, it’s almost unavoidable. Still, even though camping will usually keep you safe for a short period of time, eventually the Infected begin to pin down your location. Sometimes that’s manageable when there are more Survivors than Infected, but as you begin to get outnumbered, think about moving to a new location. Don’t wander too far out into the open. Try to move to another semi secure location a short distance away. This will help you to keep the element of surprise in your favor.

Of course, this game mode is designed to overwhelm players, should you fall victim to one of the Infected. You’re still in the game, but now you’re hunting the Survivors!

Infected Strategies

If you’re lucky enough to be chosen as the random Infected player at the beginning of the match, no worries, the pressure is completely off. You have the easy job; players are afraid of you. However, you’re still grossly outnumbered as the match begins, so try to focus on smaller groups or even individual Survivors. If you know the map well, use the flank routes to your advantage and sneak up behind someone. This is the most difficult your job will ever be as the Infected. As soon as you convert one Survivor to your team, your numbers double.

The strategies for the Infected are the same for players who enjoy knife only game play. Try not to get caught running down long hallways or in open areas. Don’t hesitate to slow down and listen for Survivor footsteps. When you do enter a room, sprint through the door to try and surprise anyone on the inside. Of course, there’s a good chance you’ll have to deal with the occasional IED since it’s given to all of the Survivors. If you know where someone is camping, don’t try and run up on them where their shotgun gives them the advantage. Use your Throwing Knife to try and take them out at a moderate distance.

No matter which side you start on, keep calm and take your time. Odds are that more often than not, you’ll end up as one of the Infected. Try to hold out as a Survivor for as long as you can, and rack up the kills. They come easier at the beginning than the end.


Be sure to check out Prima’s free Call of Duty: Ghosts multiplayer guide.

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