Black Desert Online Update: Full Patch Notes Listed (May 17)

Okay, but where's The Land of the Morning Light update??

A massive update has come to Black Desert Online, and you can expect some bug smoothing and character adjustments. Here’s the Black Desert Online Update: Full Patch Notes Listed (May 17).

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Black Desert Online Update: Full Patch Notes Listed (May 17)

Looks like we’ve gotten a series of buffs, but only for the Warrior, Valkyrie, Wizard, Striker, and Corsair. It’s a sad day to be a Drakania main. But we’ve also gotten plenty of bug fixes and general improvements. So, let’s get into it.


  • Fixed the issue where summoned monsters and creatures would not attack players if they had the Invincibility buff activated.
  • Decreased the frequency of character’s shouts when using skills.
    • This does not apply to when the character shouts the skill name.


In order to balance Awakening Warrior’s disadvantages in PvP combat, we have improved the flow and damage of the critical combos Grave Digging -> Flow: Slashing the Dead and Pulverize -> Flow: Tempest.
The duration of Flow: Ankle Break’s increased Critical Hit Rate effect is now the same as that of Warrior Succession’s Prime: Spinning Slash, and this effect will now be applied to Flow: Tempest as well. We’ve also increased the damage of Frenzied Strikes, the main PvE skill, in order to be even more effective at taking down monsters.


  • Improved the displayed effects of the equipped Pen(V) : Blackstar Greatsword to be even more pronounced. (Preview)

Pulverize (I to III)

  • Changed skill damage as follows:
Attack damage 881/1037/1174% x 7Attack damage 1057/1244/1409% x 7

Pulverize, Flow: Tempest

  • Changed the speed of the skills. (Preview)

Grave Digging, Flow: Slashing the Dead

  • Changed so that Flow: Slashing the Dead is activated only after all hits of Grave Digging are applied when comboing.
  • Increased the combo speed of Flow: Slashing the Dead after the smash attack hits of Grave Digging. (Preview)

Grave Digging (I to IV)

  • Changed skill damage as follows:
Spin attack damage 901/973/1074/1320% x 4
Smash attack damage 1125/1247/1319/1389% x 6
Spin attack damage 991/1070/1181/1452% x 4
Smash attack damage 1238/1372/1451/1528% x 6
  • Fixed an issue where the actual hits of the skill’s smash attacks were applied slower than the attack animation at a certain point.
  • Improved certain skills that could only be comboed after the spin attack of Grave Digging to also be combo-able after the basic attack of Grave Digging.
  • Improved the combo speed of other skills after the smash attack hits of Grave Digging to match that of the basic attack hits of Grave Digging.

Frenzied Strikes (I to III)

  • Changed skill damage as follows:
    • However, the damage dealt in PvP remains the same.
Attack 1 damage 870/1084/1221% x 4
Attack 2 damage 870/1084/1221% x 4
Final attack damage 870/1084/1221% x 6
PvP Damage Reduction 50.4%
Attack 1 damage 1044/1301/1465% x 4
Attack 2 damage 1044/1301/1465% x 4
Final attack damage 1044/1301/1465% x 6
PvP Damage Reduction 58.7%
  • Improved the speed of attack 2 slightly.
  • Fixed the issue where the character awkwardly rotated when the camera was rotated after attack 3.

Flow: Slashing the Dead

  • Fixed an issue where the character rotated awkwardly when the camera rotated after Flow: Slashing the Dead.

Flow: Ankle Break

  • Changed skill’s Critical Hit Rate as follows:
Critical Hit Rate +100% for 1 sec when using the skillCritical Hit Rate +100% for 2 sec when using the skill


Though the skill Prime: Divine Power of Valkyrie Succession has high damage, it was difficult to combo with other skills while Glaring Slash and Sword of Judgment, which are primarily used after the main skills during PvE, had weak damage. As such, we have improved Prime: Divine Power to be easier to combo with, and we increased the damage of Prime: Glaring Slash and Prime: Sword of Judgment.


Prime: Glaring Slash (I to IV)

  • Changed skill damage as follows:
Attack damage 755/890/1099/1486% x 7
PvP Damage Reduction Rate 43.2/43.1/43.2/52.7%
Attack damage 982/1157/1429/1932% x 7
PvP Damage Reduction Rate 56.3/56.3/56.3/63.7%

Prime: Sword of Judgment (I to IV)

  • Changed skill’s last hit damage as follows:
Extra Hit Damage 1334/1428/1522/1616%
PvP Extra Damage Reduction Rate 45.4%
Extra Hit Damage 1467/1571/1674/1778%
PvP Extra Damage Reduction Rate 50.3%

Prime: Judgment of Light I

  • Changed the speed of the skill.
  • Changed skill damage as follows:
    • As a result, the damage of Prime: Judgment of Light II to III, which is affected by the damage of Prime: Judgment of Light I, has also been changed.
Attack damage 1209% x 6
PvP Damage Reduction Rate 46.5%
Attack damage 1451% x 6
PvP Damage Reduction Rate 55.4%

Prime: Divine Power I

  • Improved so combos can be made with the skill after the following skills:
    • Prime: Judgment of Light II
    • Prime: Purificatione
    • Prime: Sanctitas de Enslar

Witch, Wizard

In today’s update, we have increased the damage of Prime: Multiple Magic Arrows for Succession Witch to improve its combat performance when used in conjunction with other skills. Additionally, we have increased the reduction in cooldown of Prime: Elemental Flow when comboing with skills of the same element for Wizard Succession, allowing players to use their main skills more frequently. Furthermore, we have also increased the damage of Prime: Frigid Fog: Control and Prime: Earthquake: Destruction to enhance their combat effectiveness.


Prime: Multiple Magic Arrows

  • Changed skill damage as follows:
Attack damage 1209% x 4
Witch: PvP Damage Reduction Rate 68%
Wizard: PvP Damage Reduction Rate 60%
Attack damage 1390% x 4
Witch: PvP Damage Reduction Rate 72.2%
Wizard: PvP Damage Reduction Rate 65.2%

Prime: Frigid Fog: Control (I to III)

  • Changed skill damage as follows:
Attack damage 963/1204/1467% x 8
PvP Damage Reduction Rate 53.1%
Attack damage 1098/1373/1672% x 8
PvP Damage Reduction Rate 58.8/58.8/58.9%

Prime: Earthquake: Destruction

  • Changed skill damage as follows:
Attack damage 1271% x 8
Witch: PvP Damage Reduction Rate 42%
Wizard: PvP Damage Reduction Rate 45%
Attack damage 1411% x 8
Witch: PvP Damage Reduction Rate 47.8%
Wizard: PvP Damage Reduction Rate 50.5%



Prime: Elemental Flow

  • Adjusted the reduction in cooldown when comboing with skills of the same element.
    • When quickly activating skills of the same element, the cooldown of the skill will be reduced by 1.5 seconds instead of 0.5 seconds.


Previously, Awakening Striker required Adventurers to switch to gauntlet to use the skill Massive Suppression, which is used to knock down enemies after grabbing. Adventurers had to switch to gauntlet or use movement skills such as Double Flash or Spiral Cannon – Ferocious Assault to move and then switch back to gardbrace to attempt a grab. This improvement will make it more convenient to use Massive Suppression and knock down enemies with the gardbrace.

Main Weapon

Flow: Mass Destruction

  • Improved so Flow: Mass Destruction is activated before Adamantine and Fallout when using ←/→ + R2/RT during Flash Step and Double Flash.

Silent Step

  • Improved so that the character rotates based on camera direction when using the skill.
  • Fixed the unnatural animation when using the skill to the right with your gardbrace.
    • As a result, the shortened Invincible duration when using the skill to the right has been adjusted.

Tornado Kick

  • Added Air Smash to the skill.


  • Changed PvP Damage Reduction Rate of the following skills:
Flow: CrosswindPvP Damage Reduction Rate 30%
PvP Damage Reduction Rate 30% when Martial Spirit Shards are consumed
No PvP Damage Reduction Rate

Ultimate Crush IV
PvP Damage Reduction Rate 67.4%PvP Damage Reduction Rate 60.8%
Skull Crusher IVPvP Damage Reduction Rate 65.9%PvP Damage Reduction Rate 62%
Flow: Bite OffPvP Damage Reduction Rate 55%PvP Damage Reduction Rate 49%
  • Improved the speed of the animation while evading backward with your gardbrace.
    • As a result, the Invincible duration during the animation has been changed, and the movement distance has been increased.
  • Improved so that the character rotates based on the camera direction while evading backward with your gardbrace.

Hell Break

  • Changed the skill as follows:
    • Upon learning the skill, you can now use Massive Suppression with your gardbrace.
      • However, the animation will be the same as one of Hell Break’s animations.
    • Upon the first use of the skill with your gardbrace, Massive Suppression’s cooldown will be applied, and it will apply Knockdown on a successful grab.
    • Upon the second use of the skill with your gardbrace, Hell Break’s cooldown will be applied, and it will apply Bound on a successful grab.
      • As a result, the animation of Hell Break when it’s activated after Fallout and Ferocious Assault has been changed. (Preview)

Endless Fight

  • Improved so that the skill can now be registered to a Quick Slot.
    • Improved so that the skill can be activated through the Quick Slot even with your gauntlet.
  • Fixed the issue of the skill being used abnormally sometimes in certain situations.

Descent of Fury

  • Fixed an issue where the Descent of Fury buff icon would disappear when unequipping weapons after using the skill.

Black Spirit: Ferocious Assault

  • Improved the ability to combo with Skull Crusher while in the air when the skill is used while standing in place.
  • Increased the movement distance when using the skill in place.
  • Improved the transition between this skill and others when used in a combo. (Preview)

Skull Crusher

  • Changed so that attacks are always applied even when skills are used from high ground.


For the Corsair Succession, it was difficult to continuously perform the same combos due to the high cooldown of Mareca, which has a high damage output. Therefore, we have made adjustments to allow for more frequent use of Prime: Mareca: Whale Song, Prime: Mareca: Spiral Soak and Mareca: Spiral of Dreams which are mainly used for defeating monsters. We have also increased the damage output of Serenaka so that it can deal enough damage even when Mareca is on cooldown.

Main Weapon, Succession

Absolute: Crashing Wave

  • Changed skill attack 2 and extra attack damage as follows:
Attack 2 damage 1068% x 4
Extra attack damage 1068% x 1, max 4 hits
PvP Damage Reduction Rate 40%
Attack 2 damage 1517% x 4
Extra attack damage 1517% x 1, max 4 hits
PvP Damage Reduction Rate 40%
PvP attack 2 damage, extra attack damage reduction rate 57.75%

Prime: Wave Lash (I to IV)

  • Changed skill damage as follows:
Attack damage 855/904/1033/1116% x 5, max 2 hits
PvP Damage Reduction Rate 62.5%
Attack damage 992/1049/1198/1295% x 5, max 2 hits
PvP Damage Reduction Rate 67.65%

Prime: Ocean’s Pearl (I to III)

  • Changed skill attack damage and explosion attack damage to be the same.
  • Changed skill damage as follows:
Attack damage 608/716/872% x 3
Explosion attack damage 869/1023/1245% x 8
PvP Damage Reduction Rate 47.8%
Attack damage 1043/1228/1494% x 3
Explosion attack damage 1043/1228/1494% x 8
PvP Damage Reduction Rate 56.5%

Mareca: Spiral of Dreams

  • Changed skill cooldown from 15 sec → 10 sec.

Prime: Mareca: Whale Song

  • Changed skill cooldown from 15 sec → 12 sec.

Prime: Mareca: Spiral Soak

  • Changed skill cooldown from 15 sec → 10 sec.


Trade Quest Improvement

  • Improved the quest objective of the following Adventure Logs related to trade activities:
Adventure LogBeforeAfter
Crow Merchants’ Records
Caphras’ Record – Volume 3 Chapter 3
Sell Eastern Culture Beyond the Desert in Valencia CityTalk to the Trade Manager of Tarif
Crow Merchants’ Records
Fughar’s Road to Success – Volume 1 Chapter 4
Trade Nutritious Haystack from Northern Wheat Plantation with the Trade Manager of HeidelExamine the Northern Wheat Plantation Haystacks.
  • Improved the quest objective of the following Trading Leap quests:
[Trading Leap Apprentice 2]
Balenos Trade
Purchase Blue Reagent from Bartali Farm and deliver it to another territory.Find out about the trade items from Lolly of Olvia
[Trading Leap Apprentice 7]
Serendia Specialty Promotion
Purchase Sweet Golden Honey from Alejandro Farm and deliver it to another territory
Purchase Good Quality Potato Starch from Alejandro Farm and deliver it to another territory
Purchase Fresh Fan Flamingo Egg from Eastern Gateway and deliver it to another territory
Promote Serendia Specialty in Western Guard Camp
Promote Serendia Specialty in Velia
Promote Serendia Specialty in Glish
[Trading Leap Apprentice 10]
The Cupid of Olvia
Purchase Mystical Love Potion No. 6 from Olvia and deliver it to another territorySpread the word to Pollini in Florin that we have more of this mystical love potion in stock
[Trading Leap Skilled 5]
A Deal with Calpheon
Purchase Chewy Dried Fogan Hind Leg and deliver it to another territoryShow Glish specialties to Norma Leight in Northern Wheat Plantation of Calpheon
[Trading Leap Professional 1]
New Luxury Item in the Market
Make profit by selling Ram War Horn from Behr in another territoryCheck stock of Ram War Horn from Behr
[Trading Leap Professional 4]
Helping a Friend in Keplan
Make profit by selling Subtle Scented Candle from Keplan in another territory
Make profit by selling Fragrant Ginger Tea from Keplan in another territory
Ask Bart from Trina Fort
Ask Duras from Trina Fort
[Trading Leap Professional 7]
Behr Sausage is the Best!
Make profit by selling Special Sausage from Behr in another territoryPromote the Special Sausage from Behr at Kamasylve
[Trading Leap Professional 10]
Medicines to Save Lives
Make profit by selling Herb Steamer from Northern Wheat Plantation in another territory
Make profit by selling Fragrant Scented Candle from Northern Wheat Plantation in another territory
Make profit by selling Herbal Ointment from Behr in another territory
Check Olvia Medicine
Check Northern Wheat Plantation Medicine
Check Behr Medicine
[Trading Leap Artisan 4]
Kusha Town Festival
Purchase Mountain Cheese from Olvia and deliver it to Altinova
Purchase Fragrant Grape Wine from Olvia and deliver it to Altinova
Purchase Sweet Golden Honey from Alejandro Farm and deliver it to Altinova
Purchase Hearty Pig Barbecue from Behr and deliver it to Altinova
Purchase Dried Sweet Cornelian Cherry from Northern Wheat Plantation and deliver it to Altinova
Bring food from Olvia
Bring food from Northern Wheat Plantation
Bring food from Behr
Bring food from Alejandro Farm
Bring food from Calpheon City
[Trading Leap Artisan 7]
Special Leather Fabric
Purchase Special Leather Fabric from Behr and deliver it to AltinovaCheck the quality of Special Leather Fabric from Behr
[Trading Leap Artisan 10]
Unique Items from Mediah
Purchase Hearty Sandwich from Tarif and deliver it to another territory
Purchase Soul-Possessed Portrait from Tarif and deliver it to another territory
Purchase Gem-Laden Dagger from Stonetail Horse Ranch and deliver it to another territory
Check Tarif specialties
Check Stonetail Horse Ranch specialties
Check Kusha specialties
  • Improved the quest objective of the following trade quest related to the manor:
[Manor] Shakatu’s TraderSucceed in trade bargainingHand over Gold Bar 100G to Nyabee at Altinova
  • Improved the quest objective of the following daily trade quests:
[Daily] Shakatu’s MessageTrade Shakatu’s Eastern Telescope
Trade Shakatus’ Soft Smoked Mountain Sheep Meat
Find out the trade price from Trade Manager Quina
Ask Storage Keeper Deve about Altinova’s prices
[Daily] Kiyak’s MessageTrade Basilisk Skin from Sand Grain Bazaar
Trade Sweet Date Plum Fruit from Sand Grain Bazaar
Ask General Goods Vendor Shilla about the lacking materials
Ask Blacksmith Lasmin about the lacking minerals
[Daily] Talia’s MessageTrade Fancy Ivory Seal from Sand Grain Bazaar
Trade Bundle of Preserved Ivory from Sand Grain Bazaar
Ask Atui Balacs about the price of trading goods
Ask Amir about the situation in Sand Grain Bazaar
  • Increased the maximum level requirement for the following challenges in which you can obtain combat/skill EXP buff effects in Challenges (Y) once per day.
    • Challenges : [Combat Reward] Faster and Stronger I to VI 
    • Maximum level requirement : Lv. 59 → Lv. 60

[Season] Ancient Weapon Invasion

  • Changed cooldown time from 5 minutes to 30 seconds during Ancient Weapon Invasion.
  • Improved so that even if there are less players than before, more Ancient Weapons will appear during the invasion.
  • Changed the maximum amount of loot obtainable has been changed:
Time-filled Black StoneMax 1 → Max 1-2
Tuvala OreMax 1 → Max 1-3
Refined Magical Black StoneMax 1 → Max 1-2

Waragon Nest, Shultz Guards, Basilisk Den

  • Increased the probability of Ancient Weapon Invasion in Waragon Nest, Shultz Guards, and Basilik Den on season servers by approximately 30 times.

Spring Season Graduation Begins!

  • Fughar, the Crow Merchants Guild Chief Manager, is lending a hand for Spring Season graduation so that you can convert your season character who has completed the 2023 Spring Season into a normal character.
Graduation PeriodMay 17th, 2023 (after maintenance) – June 28th, 2023 (before maintenance)
Graduation RequirementsAdventurers who did not purchase the [Event] Black Spirit Pass must have accepted and completed all of the Season Pass Challenges and accepted the rewards.
Adventurers who purchase the [Event] Black Spirit Pass must have accepted and completed all of the all of the Black Spirit Pass Challenge and accepted the rewards.
You must not have Fughar’s Timepiece in your possession.
  • Season Graduation requirements for Spring Season 2023 are as follows:
QuestNPCQuest ObjectiveCompletion NPC
[Season Server Graduation]
At the Crossroad
Leyla the Crow Merchants Guild Scribe located at the Workshop in VeliaAccept and complete the [Season] Fughar’s Special Timepiece from Fughar and talk to him.Fughar
[Season Server Graduation] Into the Big Wide WorldFugharUse the Honorable Adventurer’s CertificateFughar
    • Season characters can be converted into normal characters upon using the Honorable Adventurer’s Certificate. 
      You can obtain [Season] Tuvala Conversion Stone Box, Gift Box Full of Memories, and Fughar’s Letter of Encouragement upon completing the above quest.            
      Items contained in the Gift Box Full of Memories are as follows:            
Gift Box Full of Memories
[Season] Boss Gear Exchange Coupon x1
Graduation Cap x1
Advice of Valks (+60) x1
Golden Graduation Gown x1
Cron Stone x100
[Event] Secret Book of Old Moon (7 Days) x1
[Event] Elion’s Tear x10
[Event] Item Collection Increase Scroll x5
[Event] Giovan Grolin’s Support Scroll x5
[Event] Tachros’ Spirit Stone x1
Blessed Message Scroll x5
Premium Elixir Box x3
Finto’s Filling/Sweet/Fresh Juice x10

Related: Genshin Impact 3.7 Full Patch Notes Listed

Graduation Notice
– Adventurers who have purchased [Event] Black Spirit Pass, make sure to claim all Season Pass and Black Spirit Pass challenges and rewards.
– Unused purchased [Event] Black Spirit Passes can no longer be used after Season graduation.
– Honorable Adventurer’s Certificates that can be obtained during the Season Server Graduation quest can be used on normal servers.
– You cannot graduate if the character has Fughar’s Timepiece.

  • Added quest “Season Special Gift” to the 2023 spring season server.
QuestNPCAcceptance RequirementQuest ObjectiveReward
[Season Special Gift]
Freshly Budding Dream
FugharA Lv. 20 or higher season character or a character that has completed the
“[Season Server Graduation] Into the Big Wide World” quest
Talk to FugharSeason Special Gift Exchange Coupon x1
Cron Stone x50
Sour Green Grape Juice x10
Sweet Wild Berry Juice x10
Fresh Orange Juice x10 
    • You can exchange the Season Special Gift Exchange Coupon obtained from the aforementioned quest for one of the following special rewards from Fughar.
      • However, if you’ve already received the special season reward, you cannot receive the reward for that particular season again.
    • Adventurers who have not received any of the season special rewards can obtain the rewards from the previous season through the next Season.
SeasonSeason Special Gifts
2021 Summer SeasonPEN (V) Capotia Earring or PEN (V) Capotia Ring (Select one) 
2021 Summer SeasonPerilla’s Star
2021 Summer SeasonPEN (V) Capotia Belt 
2021  Season +Advice of Valks (+100) Box
2021 Winter SeasonPEN (V) Capotia Necklace
Season: Drakania
2022 Autumn Season
2022 Winter Season
Spring Season
Advice of Valks (+100) Box
  • You can exchange Tuvala gear for boss gear with the “[Season] Boss Gear Exchange Coupon” via the following quests.

    • Talk to Fughar with the “[Season] Boss Gear Exchange Coupon” in your inventory to accept the following quests. You can only proceed with one of the following quests at a time.
[Season] Even Sharper Weapon: Kzarka Main Weapon
[Season] Even Sharper Weapon: Kutum Sub-weapon
[Season] Even Sharper Weapon: Dandelion Awakening Weapon
[Season] Even Sturdier Armor: Giath’s Helmet
[Season] Even Sturdier Armor: Dim Tree Spirit’s Armor
[Season] Even Sturdier Armor: Muskan’s Shoes
[Season] Even Sturdier Armor: Bheg’s Gloves
  • Changed so that you can no longer obtain the following items upon defeating Desert Trader in the Great Desert of Valencia:

    • Ibellab Gunpowder, Valencia Rock Salt, Desert Star, Valencia Transparency Potion, Occidental Noble Dress, Sack of Date Palm, Coconut Oil, Red Reagent


  • Improved so Crow Merchants Guild’s Barter Voucher can be exchanged with Verdant Black Stone from NPC Morco in Velia.

Quest, Knowledge

  • Added a new questline through which you can obtain a Fence without using Contribution Points. (Once per Family)
    • Complete the questline and obtain “Finto’s Strong Fence” x1.
    • Finto’s Strong Fence shares the same effects as the “Strong Fence” and takes up 10 grids.
QuestlineQuest Acceptance RequirementsQuest NPC
The Best Beer Comes from the Best WheatComplete “[Farming] Master of Farming”
(First quest for obtaining Klau’s Old Moon Fence.)
[Old Moon Manager] Klau
  • Added a new quest where you can exchange Finto’s Strong Fence for Old Moon Fence. (Once per Family)
    • You can exchange “Finto’s Strong Fence”, ‘Gold Bar 100G” x2 and “Mysterious Seed” x3 for “Klau’s Old Moon Fence” x1 by completing this quest.
    • Klau’s Old Moon Fence shares the same effects as the “Old Moon Fence” and takes up 10 grids.
QuestlineQuest Acceptance RequirementsQuest NPC
New Fence, Worn Fence IIComplete “The Best Beer Comes from the Best Wheat”
At least Farming Master 1
[Old Moon Manager] Klau
  • Changed the original name of the quest where you could obtain Klau’s Old Moon Fence following the addition of the quest “Klau’s Old Moon Fence”.
    • ‘New Fence, Worn Fence’ → ‘New Fence, Worn Fence I’
    • [April 13, 2022 Update]] Complete New Fence, Worn Fence I, the first quest of Klau’s Old Moon Fence.
  • Fixed so that upon attaining Margoria Treasure Map, you can proceed with “Completed Map, Toward the Ancient Shrine” without complications.
    • However, navigation is unavailable in the Great Ocean even upon using the treasure map.
    • Explore the seas beneath Oquilla’s Eye! You don’t know what you’ll find among the blinking lamps.
  • Improved the dialogue of “[Fishing Leap Skilled 5] The Best Fish in Serendia” to flow more naturally.
  • Updated the description of the necessary quest items for “Must-Haves for Calpheonian Madams”.
    • Velian Transparent Crystal Glass → Transparent Crystal Glass


  • Added a function where you can easily Join Guild and Promote Guild.
    • When an adventurer without a guild opens the guild window, a list of guilds looking for members will be displayed.
    • After selecting the guild you wish to join and pressing the “Apply” button, your application will be registered in the guild’s recruitment tab for guild members.
    • Adventurers can check the list of guilds they have applied through “View Guild Applications”.
    • Guild recruitment can be done through the guild window, where you can promote your guild and choose the guild type before registering.
    • In the guild window, specifically in the “Guild Recruitment” tab, you can check the adventurers who have applied to join your guild.
  • Added a Guild Member Status Update feature.
    • Click “Update Guild Member Status” in Guild Information to update Guild Member information.
    • When players register for a Guild during certain situations, such as during sequential or server maintenances, newly joined Guild Members may not be visible after the maintenance is complete. This can now be fixed by using the Update Guild Member Status feature.
  • The Update Guild Member Status button is only available for Guild Master, Advisor, Staff, Secretary, and Officials. When using the update feature, there is a 5-minute cooldown time.

Trading – New Function in Order Contract Window

  • You can now check the Old Moon Guild Newsletter (which will show the Quotation Board) through the Order Contract window and activate navigation to a trade manager of the affiliated territory.
  • You can now update the Old Moon Guild Newsletter for new notices through the “Update” button.
  • Changed Recommended AP to Optimal AP for Elvia monster zones displayed on the World Map.

Modified or Changed

  • [Maegu] Fixed the issue where, when equipped with a Pearl outfit, the helmet on Maegu’s illusory double would be displayed abnormally.
  • [Berserker] Changed so View Underwear cannot be activated during Beast Form within Safe Zone.
  • Fixed the issue of certain parts of the Floree Outfit being displayed abnormally when equipped with certain underwear for the following classes:
    • Kunoichi, Maehwa, Valkyrie, Tamer, Witch, Sorceress, Mystic, Lahn
  • Fixed the issue of the pinned notifications displaying abnormally in certain situations.
  • Fixed the issue of not being able to use a skill that has a self-healing effect within your residence.
  • Fixed the issue of the max HP reducing when equipping Atoraxxion – The Last Tome and Undying Crow’s Insignia.
  • Fixed the issue where crystals unobtainable from Soldiers’ Cemetery was displayed in the Monster Zone Info UI.
  • Fixed Al Yurad’s Ring Piece #1-5 knowledge keywords.
  • Fixed the issue of not being able to interact with NPCs occasionally for the following quests:
    • The Child Wrapped in Darkness
    • Wasted Pumpkins
    • Descendant of Cartian
  • Fixed the issue of not being able to move to a certain location during the tutorial cutscene.

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About the Author

Daphne Fama

A Staff Writer at Prima Games since 2022, Daphne Fama spends an inordinate amount playing games of all stripes but has a soft spot for horror, FPS, and RPGs. When she’s not gaming, she’s an author and member of the Horror Writers Association with a debut novel coming out in 2025. In a previous life, she was an attorney but found she preferred fiction to contracts and forms