Best Marvel Snap Pool 1 Deck Codes

Check out these excellent decks.

Marvel Snap is a digital collectible developed by Second Dinner Studios. It features heroes and villains of the Marvel Universe. Plenty of players are trying to craft the best decks to help them climb the ranks and be the best player around. In Pool 1, which is where many players will experience the bulk of their matches, we have a list of the best deck codes you use to help you win your next match.

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Best Marvel Snap Pool 1 Deck Codes

All of these codes are from, which has plenty of different types of decks, power distribution graphs, and more. We’ve collected the decks we’ve found the most useful for beginning players and veteran players alike.

For these codes, they are more like URLs; you need to go into Marvel Snap, go to your collection tab, click the plus button to make a new deck, and then click the Paste option. The game will auto-detect your URL copied and auto-build the deck as long as you have the cards needed.

Self Destruction Aggro by Hydroflare

  • Ant-Man
  • Elektra
  • Angel
  • Nightcrawler
  • Nova
  • Scarlet Witch
  • Blade
  • Strong Guy
  • Wolfsbane
  • Mister Fantastic
  • Deathlok
  • Kazar

This deck is centered around using Deathlok to destroy Nove, which will buff your entire board. When you destroy nova, it will cause Angel to fly in and add a free 1/2 to the board. Your card cost is very low, allowing you to flood the board, and let Strong Guy come in and take advantage of not having a hand.

Code: eyJOYW1lIjoiU2VsZiBEZXN0cnVjdGlvbiBBZ2dybyIsIkNhcmRzIjpbeyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBbmdlbCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW50TWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJCbGFkZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGVhdGhsb2sifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkVsZWt0cmEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkthemFyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNaXN0ZXJGYW50YXN0aWMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik5pZ2h0Y3Jhd2xlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTm92YSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2NhcmxldFdpdGNoIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTdHJvbmdHdXkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IldvbGZzYmFuZSJ9XX0=

Efficient Swarm Synergy by Hydroflare

  • Ant-Man
  • Squirrel Girl
  • Mantis
  • Nightcrawler
  • Sentinel
  • IronHeart
  • Wolfsbane
  • Captain America
  • Kazar
  • Iron-Man
  • Gamora
  • Blue Marvel

The Efficient Swarm Synergy deck is built around flooding the board with low-cost cards and then buffing them up. Using Ironheart, Kazar, and Blue Marvel, you can turn your one-power squirrel into four power contenders. It’s a simple way to keep your opponent on their toes.

Related: Marvel Snap’s Strategic Gameplay Has Me Coming Back for Seconds

Code: eyJOYW1lIjoiRWZmaWNpZW50IFN3YXJtIFN5bmVyZ3kiLCJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW50TWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJCbHVlTWFydmVsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDYXB0YWluQW1lcmljYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR2Ftb3JhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJJcm9uTWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJJcm9uaGVhcnQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkthemFyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNYW50aXMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik5pZ2h0Y3Jhd2xlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2VudGluZWwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNxdWlycmVsR2lybCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiV29sZnNiYW5lIn1dfQ==

Nova Carnage by Edulario17

  • Elektra
  • Squirrel Girl
  • Nova
  • Carnage
  • Mister Sinister
  • Armor
  • Wolverine
  • Lady Sif
  • Ironheart
  • Mister Fantastic
  • America Chavez
  • Apocalypse

This deck is featured around two significant combos. Dropping Carnage on Nova to proc both of their ongoing abilities and using Lady Sif to buff Apocalypse. It’s a straightforward deck for players looking to learn the game at a slightly slower pace.


These are currently the best Marvel Snap deck codes for Pool 1. We have plenty of other guides on the game, like explaining how pools work in Marvel Snap.

About the Author

Jesse Vitelli

Jesse loves most games, but he really loves games that he can play together with friends and family. This usually means late nights in Destiny 2 or FFXIV. You can also find him thinking about his ever-expanding backlog of games he won't play and being constantly dehydrated. Do not contact him.