All Playable Characters in Wuthering Waves Listed

What a small cast to start off with, but it makes it easier on my wallet~!

Image from Wuthering Waves Twitter

Out of all the open-world games that are scheduled to be released this year, next year, or some year– Wuthering Waves is the first that is debuting with a rather small pool of characters. This really doesn’t come as much of a surprise given that it’s Kuro’s newest brainchild, and for what you may lack in collecting Reasonaters like Pokemon, you’ll gain in flexibility and utility from the specialized kits for each character. Here’s a list of all playable characters in Wuthering Waves so far.

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Updated as of April 23, 2023, in light of recent reveals from the Closed Beta Test.

All Playable Wuthering Waves Characters So Far


Image from Wuthering Waves Twitter

One sheep, two sheep… Fifty-Five… Umm? Where was I?

Don’t let this girl’s pint-size fool you. In battle, she utilizes Cosmos and Cloudy to deal attacks against her enemies. Viciously, her Ultimate involves empowering Cosmos and growing horns before decimating enemies with more powerful blows to enemies much larger than her. Outside of battle, she may just knock out her allies first with her… creative cooking. 


Image from Wuthering Waves Twitter

Pain was not the original intent of the cold. Consider it as a reminder, a reminder to keep your distance.

Bailian can come off as rather aloof to outside people looking in, but she’s seen to display a soft side when it comes to her teammates Yangyang and Chixia. In battle, she looks to be the Cryo Catalyst we never received in Genshin Impact with a beautiful dragon-like creature accompanying her in her ultimate. 


Image from Wuthering Waves Twitter

Another day, another heroic me!

Girl’s got a glock, and she ain’t afraid to jump into battle with them. Kuro Game delivers sci-fi weapons, and there isn’t anything better than a pair of guns to make for some fun gameplay. You can only do so much with swords, after all, and Wuthering Waves has plenty of people on blades. Leave it to Chixia to mix it up by providing a unique dynamic in her team composition and fiery personality.


Image from Wuthering Waves Twitter

When two roses entwine, should one weep or rejoice? Hmm…? Now why would I remember this?

One of the newest characters to be revealed alongside Jiyan is Danjin, a young girl everyone tends to look after. Although she can come off as rather indifferent and unfamiliar with her emotions, she does feel for her loved ones very much. If anyone she cares for is in danger, her skills with a blade will make quick work of them. This character reminds me the most of Lucia from Punishing: Gray Raven and I so look forward to getting to know her more in the game!


Image from Wuthering Waves Twitter

Jiyan, Commander of Midnight Rangers. I never regret choosing to walk in the long night. 

The Midnight Rangers feels very much like the Black Water from Game of Thrones, doesn’t it? And Jiyan thus far is giving off a lot of Xiao from Genshin Impact energy. He’s definitely one of my favorite characters by far alongside Danjin, because his weapon is a polearm with some sick combination moves that are also just as aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Complimented with the smallest details between each slash and tear through enemies. He also gives off a bit of Hanzo, doesn’t he? Kuro Game really took a bit of sugar and spice from each best era and came out with a cooked dish, Jiyan!


Screenshot from Wuthering Waves Closed Beta Preview YouTube

To feel the sounds.

Awakened with an unknown past, Rover embarks on a journey to uncover the truths.

As secrets are unveiled, Rover establishes deeper connections with the world.

Rover is depicted by two characters, the male version and the female version, and act as our main character in the world of Wuthering Waves. Naturally, there’s not a lot we know about them since they don’t seem to remember anything about themselves. The perfect blank slate to enter in the world with to better absorb all of the information that Kuro Game is going to ladle us with!


Image from Wuthering Waves Twitter

The wind flowed beside my ears and whispered a spellbinding story, do you wish to hear it?

Yangyang is a pretty fascinating character, the forefront of who we are likely to interact the most with as she is the one who woke us up and also the primary face we’ve seen in the first few Wuthering Waves Trailers. As part of the Midnight Rangers, I do feel that she’ll be our anchor in guiding us through this world and finding out our place within it.

Wuthering Waves’ Additional Characters Revealed in Their Latest Livestream

In Kuro Game’s latest livestream, they revealed their full cast of Resonators, which is the official title for characters in the game, details on the Echo System, and the line-up of Bosses players can encounter. What they also showcased was a few additional characters that are not yet present on their official website. But here’s a glimpse at their appearance and some notes of their gameplay revealed in the Closed Beta Preview!


Screenshot from Youtuber Steparu Wuthering Waves ALL ULTIMATES and CHARACTERS

One of the characters that have been in the Chinese Beta thus far, she’s undergone some minor changes from then as Kuro Game has refined her design. Appearing cold and calculated, she has a pretty vicious sword attack cycle similar to that of Danjin’s.


Another character in the Chinese Beta, this young girl had undergone quite a drastic change from what she was hinted at a year ago. Both her costume is much more reflective of an easy-going and peppy attitude with golden hair that really makes her look like a little mini Sailor Moon in the making. 


While Jiyan was shown alongside these two gentlemen, I didn’t see any names when watching the Closed Beta Preview for the first time. But the first character that we see is an older man with a sick fedora because those are never out of fashion. The best part of his kit is the way he holds his hat during some of the punches he delivers?! In the trailer, it looks like he sports a pair of gauntlets and occasionally switches around his hat placement to not damage it during the ole fisticuffs. 


Surely this doctor cannot be evil or diabolical right? Why would you ever get those sort of vibes? Certainly not from the sinister grin during some of his battle animations. We got another character who knows better and brings a gun to a swordfight. Looking to be some type of researcher or doctor since we still don’t know enough about either of these last two characters other than they will likely be brought to Wuthering Waves once the game is more properly established. 


Screenshot from Youtuber Steparu Wuthering Waves ALL ULTIMATES and CHARACTERS

A peculiar unit that fights with a puppet on the battlefield. This creature is stitched cute like you’d think of Baron Bunny with the finish of Angie from Resident Evil 8 Village. Using a string and her puppet, she attacks in a variety of ways that remind me of Yelan from Genshin Impact although this girl seems much more relaxed in her gameplay allowing for her puppet to do most of the work. It looks as though you can actually leave the puppet on the field and switch to another character and the puppet will continue attacking enemies for you. 

Related: What is Wuthering Waves? – Answered


Screenshot from Youtuber Steparu Wuthering Waves ALL ULTIMATES and CHARACTERS

My man with the rizz! Aalto was actually revealed in one of the many video trailers that Wuthering Waves released on their YouTube and Twitter while also showcasing it in the middle of their stream covering aspects of the game. It looks like when the game is set to be released, we will have the chance to actually pull for him. Similar to how we see in those videos, Aalto has a wind-like element where he summons mini-tornados to the field and also what looks like a vortex that if he goes through, he will whip around the field in windy blur. 


Screenshot from Youtuber Steparu Wuthering Waves ALL ULTIMATES and CHARACTERS

Noelle, is that you?? Although she dyed her hair pink and grew up, this Noelle-like character was also hinted at in the past but seems to have undergone similar changes to Jueyuan where her outfit and overall design have been refined for the Closed Beta Test. There’s a reason why I refer to her as the Favonious Maid since Taoqi also wields a claymore and performs shielding during some of her skills. You can even use her skill to parry enemy attacks and instead of slowing down the time for you to attack, Taoqi will automatically attack after an enemy is successfully parried.

Kuro Game has hinted at other characters that may be important to the narrative but have not yet showcased what their abilities are like in battle. Be sure to check out Kuro Game Teaser Trailer on YouTube and the official Wuthering Waves Twitter to keep up with news on the game. And be sure to check out everything we discovered about the Wuthering Waves Closed Beta.

About the Author

Jordan Lemons

Jordan is a college student jumping into the world of gaming journalism. Some of her favorite games would include but are most certainly not limited to Genshin Impact, Final Fantasy, Ace Attorney, and Danganronpa.