All New TMs (and How to Make Them) in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: The Teal Mask

The machines are back in town.

A Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: The Teal Mask screenshot of the player pointing at a Technical Machine Machine.
Screenshot by Prima Games

The Teal Mask adds 30 new TMs to Pokemon Scarlet and Violet that can be found scattered all across Kitakami. Read on for a list of the DLC’s new TMs in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

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Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: The Teal Mask TMs

#172 – Roar 

  • 200 LP
  • 3 Poochyena Fang
  • 3 Houndour Fang 
RoarNormalStatusThe target is scared off, and a different Pokemon is dragged out. In the wild, this ends a battle against a single Pokemon.

#173 – Charge 

  • 400 LP
  • 3 Pichu Fur 
ChargeElectricStatusThe user becomes charged, boosting the power of the next Electric-type move it uses. This also boosts the user’s Sp. Def stat.

#174 Haze 

  • 400 LP
  • 2 Feebas Scales 
HazeIceStatusThe user creates a haze that eliminates every stat change among all the Pokemon engaged in battle.

#175 Toxic 

  • 800 LP
  • 3 Ekans Fang
  • 3 Koffing Gas 
ToxicPoisonStatus90A move that leaves the target badly poisoned. Its poison damage worsens every turn.

#176 Sand Tomb 

  • 400 LP
  • 3 Sandshrew Claw
  • 2 Diglett Dirt 
Sand TombGroundPhysical3585The user traps the target inside a harshly raging sandstorm that inflicts damage for four to five turns.

#177 Spite 

  • 200 LP
  • 2 Duskull Fragment
  • 2 Gastly Gas 
SpiteGhostStatus100The user unleashes its grudge on the move last used by the target by cutting 4 PP from it.

#178 Gravity 

  • 400 LP
  • 2 Cleffa Fur
  • 4 Nosepass Fragment 
GravityPsychicStatusEnables Flying types or Pokemon with the Levitate Ability to be hit by Ground-type moves for five turns. Moves that involve flying can’t be used.

#179 Smack Down 

  • 800 LP
  • 3 Geodude Fragment
  • 3 Carbink Jewel 
Smack DownRockPhysical50100The user throws a stone or similar projectile to attack the target. If the target is in the air, it will be knocked down to the ground.

#180 Gyro Ball 

  • 10,000 LP
  • 4 Nosepass Fragment
  • 2 Bronzor Fragment 
Gyro BallSteelPhysical100The user tackles the target with a high-speed spin. The slower the user is than the target, the greater the move’s power.

#181 Knock Off 

  • 14,000 LP
  • 4 Corphish Shell
  • 4 Seedot Stem 
Knock OffDarkPhysical65100The user slaps down the target’s held item, making it unusable for that battle. This move does more damage if the target has a held item.

#182 Bug Bite 

  • 3,000 LP
  • 2 Yanma Spike 
  • 2 Surskit Syrup
  • 2 Sewaddle Leaf 
Bug BiteBugPhysical60100The user attacks by biting the target. If the target is holding a Berry, the user eats it and gains its effect.

#183 Super Fang 

  • 5,000 LP
  • 3 Sandshrew Claw
  • 3 Tandemaus Fur 
Super FangNormalPhysical90The user chomps hard on the target with its sharp front fangs. This cuts the target’s HP in half.

#184 Vacuum Wave 

  • 3,000 LP
  • 3 Riolu Fur
  • 2 Croagunk Poison 
Vacuum WaveFightingSpecial40100The user whirls its fists to send a wave of pure vacuum at the target. This move always goes first.

#185 Lunge 

  • 5,000 LP
  • 3 Sewaddle Leaf
  • 3 Kricketot Shell 
LungeBugPhysical80100The user makes a lunge at the target, attacking with full force. This also lowers the target’s Attack stat.

#186 High Horsepower 

  • 5,000 LP
  • 2 Swinub Hair
  • 4 Mudbray Mud 
High HorsepowerGroundPhysical9595The user fiercely attacks the target using its entire body.

#187 Icicle Spear 

  • 10,000 LP
  • 3 Swinub Fur
  • 3 Snorunt Fur 
Icicle SpearIcePhysical25100The user attacks by launching sharp icicles at the target. This move hits two to five times in a row.

#188 Scald 

  • 8,000 LP
  • 3 Poltchageist Powder
  • 3 Slowpoke Claw 
ScaldWaterSpecial80100The user attacks by shooting boiling hot water at the target. This may also leave the target with a burn.

#189 Heat Crash 

  • 8,000 LP
  • 4 Slugma Lava
  • 2 Munchlax Fang 
Heat CrashFirePhysical100The user slams into the target with its flame-covered body. The more the user outweighs the target, the greater the move’s power.

#190 Solar Blade 

  • 12,000 League Points
  • 4 Seedot Stem
  • 2 Sewaddle Leaf 
Solar BladeGrassPhysical125100The user gathers light on the first turn, then fills a blade with the light’s energy and attacks on the next turn.

#191 Uproar 

  • 5,000 LP
  • 4 Lotad Leaf
  • 2 Chingling Fragment 
UproarNormalSpecial90100The user attacks in an uproar for three turns. During that time, no Pokemon can fall asleep.

#192 Focus Punch 

  • 8,000 LP
  • 3 Timburr Sweat
  • 3 Jangmo-o Scales 
Focus PunchFightingPhysical150100The user focuses its mind before launching a punch. This move fails if the user is hit before using the move.

#193 Weather Ball 

  • 1,500 LP
  • 3 Vulpix Fur
  • 3 Petilil Leaf 
Weather BallNormalSpecial50100This move’s type and power change depending on the weather at the time the move is used.

#194 Grassy Glide 

  • 10,000 LP
  • 3 Bellsprout Vine 
  • 3 Seedot Stem 
Grassy GlideGrassPhysical55100Gliding on the ground, the user attacks the target. This move always goes first on Grassy Terrain.

#195 Burning Jealousy 

  • 8,000 LP
  • 2 Litwick Soot
  • 2 Vulpix Fur
  • 2 Mimikyu Scrap 
Burning JealousyFireSpecial70100The user attacks with energy from jealousy. This leaves all opposing Pokemon that have had their stats boosted during the turn with a burn.

#196 Flip Turn 

  • 5,000 LP
  • 2 Basculin Fang
  • 2 Veluza Fillet
  • 2 Finizen Mucus 
Flip TurnWaterPhysical60100After making its attack, the user rushes back to switch places with a party Pokemon in waiting.

#197 Dual Wingbeat 

  • 5,000 LP
  • 3 Ducklett Feather 
  • 3 Bombirdier Feather 
Dual WingbeatFlyingPhysical4090The user slams the target with its wings to inflict damage. The target is hit twice in a row.

#198 Poltergeist 

  • 14,000 LP
  • 2 Litwick Soot
  • 2 Phantump Twig
  • 2 Duskull Fragment 
PoltergeistGhostPhysical11090The user attacks by controlling the target’s item. This move fails if the target isn’t holding an item.

#199 Lash Out 

  • 5,000 LP
  • 3 Vullaby Feather
  • 2 Pawniard Blade
  • 2 Poochyena Fang 
Lash OutDarkPhysical75100The user lashes out to vent its frustration toward the target. This move’s power is doubled if the user’s stats were lowered during this turn.

#200 Scale Shot 

  • 10,000 LP
  • 2 Jangmo-o Scales
  • 2 Gible Scales
  • 2 Arrokuda Scales 
Scale ShotDragonPhysical2590The user attacks by shooting scales two to five times in a row. This move boosts the user’s Speed stat but lowers its Defense stat.

#201 Misty Explosion 

  • 14,000 LP
  • 2 Carbink Jewel
  • 3 Cleffa Fur 
Misty ExplosioinFairySpecial100100The user attacks everything around it and faints upon using this move. This move’s power is boosted on Misty Terrain.

Keeping Track of TM Materials in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet 

Missing some materials for a TM you really want to make? While hovering over the TM you want to make in the Technical Machine Machine, press + to “Watch” the TM. A bell icon will appear over that TM’s picture. On the overworld, pressing right on the D-Pad (the same button for checking how long a sandwich meal power will last) will show you how many materials you have and need for the TM you’re tracking.

Essential TMs to Use From the Scarlet and Violet DLC

While S&V players will undoubtedly find use for many of the TMs in the game, some are just plain better than others. Here’s a list of TMs from the Scarlet and Violet DLC that we think are the best.

  • Grassy Slide
  • Dual Wingbeat
  • Scald
  • Icicle Spear
  • Vacuum Wave
  • Flip Turn

Looking to make a TM from the Scarlet and Violet base game? Check out our guide to Scarlet and Violet’s new TMs and moves.

About the Author

Niki Fakhoori

Niki’s love for video games encompasses a wide range of genres, but she is especially fond of RPGs, adventure games, visual novels, simulation games, and fighting games. Her favorite video game-related pastime is asking her unwieldy backlog why she doesn’t have any new games to play. When she isn’t playing or writing about video games, she’s playing with cats, journaling, painting, or obsessing over the latest news in the world of stationery and planners.