WWE 2K14 Wrestler Profile: Brock Lesnar

Beware the Beast.

Over the years, we’ve seen a lot of powerhouse wrestlers make their way through the business, but one name that continues to stand out is Brock Lesnar. He got his start in the WWE a few years back, dominating and beating a number of worthwhile opponents. Since then, he tried his luck with both the NFL and UFC, even serving as a champion for some time. Eventually, though, he returned to wrestling this past year, taking on the likes of John Cena, Triple H and C.M. Punk in some memorable match-ups.

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That said, here are some tips to help you get the hang of the Beast.

How do I perform Brock Lesnar’s F5 finisher in WWE 2K14?

First, keep in mind there are two versions of Brock Lesnar in the game. The more current one is stronger than the older version, though a bit slower as well. Second, they have somewhat different finishers, though you can still perform quite a number of moves with each one.

To perform the F5 with the retro version of Brock, get to the point where you wear down your opponent and activate the signature/finisher – you’ll see this in text form underneath your wrestler. Once it’s set, hit the Y button with your opponent standing next to you.

If done right, Brock will launch his opponent into the air, catch them, and swivel them around with the devastating F5.

How do I perform the Kimura submission move in WWE 2K14?

It’s a great submissive move, and there have been instances where Brock even “broke” arms (we say that since it’s part of the story) because it’s so devastating. To perform this with the current version of Lesnar, set up your opponent in signature/finisher fashion, and then catch them while they’re in front of you. Target the arm (with the help of the bumper button) and hit the Y or triangle button, depending on your version. He should set up his submission and make his opponent tap out in a hurry, depending on how tired they are. Remember to quickly tap the buttons to keep momentum going.

What else can I do with Brock Lesnar in WWE 2K14?

His triple power bomb, his signature move, is absolutely devastating, and will leave his opponent flat on the mat. He can also grab his opponent and hurl them across the ring with an impressive reverse slam. Although he’s not fast, he is very powerful, especially with his hold/slam moves.

WWE 2K14 is available now for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

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Prima Games Staff

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