Watch Dogs Walkthrough – Act 5 Sometimes You Still Lose – The Chaos of Damien’s ctOS Control

Navigate the chaotic waters of a ctOS run by Damien, with the police intensely in pursuit.

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Mission: Sometimes You Still Lose

Objective: Reach the bunker.

Objective: Locate Damien.

Objective: Gain entry into the central ctOS building

Head into the bunker to watch a cut-scene, then start heading towards the next waypoint to find Damien. Along the way you’re interrupted and get a new destination of the central ctOS building. Be careful as you make your way to the new destination, as Damien now has control over just about everything. Watch for the red marker that indicates Damien is hacking something nearby. Be especially careful around steam pipes and bridges. 

When you reach your destination, head around to the southeast side to find a door right next to the hacking point. Hack into the system to begin another hotspot mini-game. Shortly after you turn the first point, you are locked out. 

While it doesn’t seem like it, you can actually solve this puzzle. You just have to be extremely quick about it. It’s very difficult, but not impossible. Start with the middle (lower left) point and turn it one time. Move to the point in the upper left corner and turn it once, then unlock (one click) the other point in the middle (upper right). Move back to the starting point and turn it once, then move back to the upper left point and turn it one time as well. Now go back to the middle (upper right) point and turn it twice, then move to the point in the lower left corner and turn it once.

Move back to the starting point and turn it one time again, then unlock (one click) the point in the lower right corner. Go back to the starting point again for one last turn, then move to the lower left point and turn it once. Turn the middle point (upper right) three times, then the point in the upper right corner once, and the point in the upper left corner once. Turn the bottom left point twice, then finally turn the upper left point twice to unlock the final point in the middle, near the top. 

Objective: Upload T-Bone’s virus into the ctOS. 

Damien still has control over the ctOS and now it’s interrupting your GPS. There are a dozen waypoints turning on and off all over the map. You only need to access three of them in this mass hysteria. On foot and in vehicles, you’ll notice that all of the points appearing on your main screen (not the main or mini-map) have names. Most of those names are gibberish, but three names will read “Hack.” Those are the three locations you need to reach, which also happen to be ctOS centers that you’ve already been to. 

The problem is that the police are relentlessly chasing you. They send every squad car they have, and a helicopter. Disabling the helicopter and using Blackouts works well here, and you can use Damien’s mischief to your benefit. Drive across bridges and Damien activates them in an attempt to stop you, but in actuality is only really stops the police. The same with steam pipes in the street. 

Do your best to evade the police, as you move from ctOS center to ctOS center hacking three locations to install T-Bone’s virus. Once the third virus is installed, you can go back to the central ctOS building and shut it down. 

Objective: Shut down ctOS. 

With the virus installed, things return to normal. The police are no longer aggressively trying to apprehend you, and Damien no longer has control. Head back to the hacking point at the central ctOS building to begin the hotspot hacking game again.

Start in the lower left corner and turn that point twice. Move to the lower left point in the center and turn it one time. Turn the upper left point once, then go back to the center and unlock the upper right point (in the center), then turn it three times. Unlock the point in the lower right corner (click it one time), then move back to the center area and click the upper right point (in the center) three more times. Turn the upper left point once, then the upper right point once, then head back to the center and turn the lower left point (in the center) once to unlock the final point in the upper right portion of the puzzle. 

Switch to the camera in the upper right corner of the room, then hack the intrude location straight ahead. Click the top point in the hotspot, then shut down the system via the satellite. 

Objective: Use a boat to reach Damien. 

Head outside and down the stairs to the right to reach the boats at the pier below. Take a boat to the next waypoint, which is the lighthouse. When you reach the lighthouse, head up the stairs then climb into the lift at the top and use it to reach the level above. Head through the door and inside the lighthouse. 

Objective: Find Damien. 

Go up the stairs inside, then head up the ladder. Move around to the opposite side to find a ladder, then use it to reach the very top of the lighthouse and watch a cut-scene. When it’s time to hand your phone over, get ready to hack when prompted, then perform a takedown immediately after. Last but not least, put a bullet in Damien. Congratulations, the Watch Dogs single player game is complete.

Objective: Walk away or shoot Maurice.

After the credits roll, you are given the choice of shooting Maurice or walking away. The choice is yours.

Hack Chicago with Prima’s free Watch Dogs walkthrough.

About the Author

Bryan Dawson

Bryan Dawson has an extensive background in the gaming industry, having worked as a journalist for various publications for nearly 20 years and participating in a multitude of competitive fighting game events. He has authored over a dozen strategy guides for Prima Games, worked as a consultant on numerous gaming-related TV and web shows and was the Operations Manager for the fighting game division of the IGN Pro League.