Watch Dogs Walkthrough: Act 1 Bottom of the Eighth – Shoot Maurice, Escape May Stadium

How to hack the camera, create a blackout and escape the stadium.

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Mission: Bottom of the Eighth

Objective: Shoot Maurice 

Pull out your gun and aim it at Maurice. Pull the trigger to continue to the next scene. As Maurice charges towards you, perform a takedown to force him back to the ground and proceed to the next objective. 

Objective: Examine Maurice’s phone for information. 

Target the cell phone on the ground just ahead and hack into it. 

Objective: Leave the locker room when ready. 

You can head directly for the door to leave the locker room, or you can look around to find a few items and have some fun before you go. You can hack the pop machine just behind you, or pick up meds on the shelf to the right and a chemical component on the ground. If you head around the corner to the left, you will find a system key that can be hacked just as you round the corner. Continue toward the area to the left to find a paper bag on the shelf containing $230. 

Once you’ve had your fun, head through the door toward the waypoint to initiate another cut-scene. 

Objective: Sneak past the Police. 

Run toward the end of the hallway and take cover just before you turn the corner. Watch the mini-map to determine when the police are not looking your direction (watch the direction the arrows are protruding from the red circles), then take cover behind the pallet of boxes on the left, just before the gate. 

When the coast is clear, move forward again to the large bundle of boxes. At this point, there should be one police officer on either side of the boxes. Look to the left and hack the pitching machine to get one officer’s attention. Look around the corner to the right and highlight the Attract object to get the other officer’s attention, then quickly move up the ramp to the left and toward the waypoint while both officers are distracted.

Continue up the ramp and climb over the dumpster to reach the next waypoint. Activate the Profiler to complete the objective. 

Objective: Hack the camera.

Objective: Follow the data flow line to its source.

Objective: Unlock the door.

Look to the left and just above to find a camera. Hack into the camera to gain control of it. Move the camera up and to the left to see another camera. Hack the new camera, then move it slightly to the left to find another camera. Hack the third camera and move it up to find the next one. On this final camera, move down to see a hacking point. Hack the data point to complete this set of objectives. 

Objective: Reach the upper level.

Objective: Throw lure to the designated area.

Objective: Use the lure to distract the cop.

Exit from the camera and head through the newly opened door. Pick up the electronic parts on the table just above, then open the weapon wheel and craft a lure. Throw the lure at the designated area, then hack the lure to create a diversion.

Remain in the cover stance and move up to the next counter. When the cop is distracted and facing away from you, continue up the escalator and through the door at the top. At this point you can hack the camera above and then hack into the phones of one person below to gain a bit more cash if you wish. 

Head to the left, using the counter as cover. Make your way around the corner and through the glass door ahead while the guards to the right are distracted. Continue down to the end of the hall, then to the right to reach the next waypoint. 

Objective: Find and hack the guard with the access code.

Objective: Hack into the stadium’s network.

Objective: Create a blackout. 

Look through the glass door and hack into the camera mounted in the ceiling of the next room. Once you’ve taken control of the camera, straight ahead and slightly to the right is another camera. Hack into the second camera, then wait for the man in the grey jacket to get off the phone. Once he does, you will be able to hack into the phone to gain the access code.

Move the camera to the left to find a hacking access point. Hack into the system to shift down to the floor below. Move this camera up and to the right to find another hacking point that allows you to get into the stadium’s network. 

Open the weapon wheel and select the blackout option near the bottom. Activate the item to cause a blackout, then move toward the glass door. 

Objective: Escape May Stadium

Wait until the guards move away from the glass door, then make your way through. Take cover behind the counter to the left and continue to make your way to the left as the guards turn away from you. Be careful not to be spotted, and head down the escalator in the far left corner of the room. When you reach the bottom, run to the door ahead. Continue through the next set of doors just ahead and make your way through the crowded bar to the next waypoint.

Objective: Leave the police search area.

Objective: Reach your hideout. 

Head to the right and down the stairs, then turn to the left and continue down the street toward the car locator waypoint. When you reach the small garage, head through the door to your left to find a red car inside. Get into the car then access your map and look in the southwest corner to find your hideout (the Owl Motel). Mark this location as a waypoint. This is where you’ll need to go once you avoid the police, so you may as well head in that direction now. 

Watch the mini-map and wait for the police cars (flashing red and blue diamonds) to pass by. Once they pass, head out and follow the blue line on the ground (activated when you marked a waypoint on the map) as you make your way toward your hideout. As you drive, a large white circle will outline the area. You need to move outside of the circle to escape the police. 

One of the best ways to escape the police is to get on the freeway. If there’s a blockade setup near the freeway, wait in a nearby alley until it’s clear. Hide in your car to make it more difficult for the police to spot you. Even if the police find you, you can still make a beeline to the freeway and lose them quickly as long as you move as soon as you’re spotted and get to the freeway fast.

Once you escape the police, continue toward your hideout. When you reach the Owl Motel, head up the stairs to the second floor. It’s easy to miss the second floor and head straight to the roof. If you do this, turn around and head back down to the second floor. The entrance to your hideout is located on the second floor of the motel. 

When you get inside your hideout, access the skill tree and upgrade the Gates & Garages item. From here, you can use the remaining points any way you’d like. However, it’s recommended to use points in the Hacking category early on.

Hack Chicago with Prima’s free Watch Dogs walkthrough.

About the Author

Bryan Dawson

Bryan Dawson has an extensive background in the gaming industry, having worked as a journalist for various publications for nearly 20 years and participating in a multitude of competitive fighting game events. He has authored over a dozen strategy guides for Prima Games, worked as a consultant on numerous gaming-related TV and web shows and was the Operations Manager for the fighting game division of the IGN Pro League.