The Walking Dead Season 4 Final Episode Releases In March

The Walking Dead's final episode, "Take Us Back," will release alongside a retail boxed version of the fourth season.

Clementine’s story will soon reach its eventual conclusion. Skybound Games announced on Monday that the fourth and final episode of The Walking Dead season 4, titled “Take Us Back,” will release on March 26.

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The date also marks the launch of the retail boxed edition of the game, which includes all four episodes for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch. No price has been set for the boxed edition, but it should be around $20 if the digital season pass is any indication. Season pass owners will automatically receive the final episode from stores when it releases. 

It’s hard to believe Clem’s journey is coming to an end,” said Skybound in a statement. “Just like you, we’re struggling to grasp the fact that the journey is almost over. But we’re so ready and thankful to have all of you alongside us as the story comes to a dramatic close.”

It seems Skybound still has a few surprises in store, with the promise of some juicy news later this month. That the beloved game series is getting an ending at all is a kind of miracle, much less getting a physical retail edition. The game’s original developer Telltale Games closed down last fall. Skybound picked up development for the final episodes and the season became an Epic Store exclusive, giving fans the conclusion they’ve been waiting for.

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