Video Games: The Movie Meets Funding Goal, Offers “Stretch” Goal Bonuses to Make it Even Better

Because we'd love to hear a celebrity narration... like Nolan North.

A while back we reported on Jeremy Snead’s documentary Video Games: The Movie, a film that discusses the finer points of the game industry as well as what makes it so special.  Snead set out to get funding for the film’s post-production (he’s already filmed all the interviews) via KickStarter and we’re happy to report that it has met its goal of $60,000 with several days to spare.

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Snead’s not done yet.  He’s recently added some “stretch” goals to the campaign, in which could make the film better.  If it reaches $80,000, he’ll reach out to a celebrity to narrate the film (might we suggest Nolan North?), if it hits $100,000 he’ll be able to use popular songs in it, and if it goes to $120,000 a composer or well-known band can hop on board to score the entire film.

A variety of subjects were interviewed for the film (including yours truly), so it wouldn’t hurt to add some extra oomph to it in post production.  We certainly can’t wait.

You can check out Video Games’ KickStarter here.  Be sure to contribute!  This is history in the making after all.

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Prima Games Staff

The staff at Prima Games.